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Evicerator's Blood Angel painting blog


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Hello everyone!

Figured I would start up a painting blog that would capture my journey while rebuilding a new BA army. Hoping to remain steadfast as I stare this daunting task head on and gather encouragement from this to maintain the course.

I've been a BA player/hobbyist since '96 when I first picked up a GW catalog at my local Hobby store. Have been hooked on their fluff and play style since. I had a pretty sizable army that was completely painted to a vary basic and novice tabletop standard. Took me the course of 3-4 years to collect and paint them all. Back in '11 I sold my BA army (along with most of my childhood items >.<) to help purchase my wife's engagement ring. Since then I've remained in the hobby to one extent or another, but I've never fully committed to rebuilding an army of that size and playing like I used to. I've kept myself busy on and off again with projects like a huge modular Cities of Death board, a gaming table for my FLGS, and other odds and ends projects.

Around 5 months back when the BA rumor mill was steam rolling into reality, I was overcome with an insatiable itch to rebuild a BA army and really go all out with it. Along those lines I've been watching shading/highlighting/painting tutorial videos on YouTube in the hopes that I might pick up a few tips and tricks to further my painting skills/techniques. My previous painting experience was very flat with zero shading and drybrushed highlights and this always lead to me being less than proud of my miniatures on the tabletop when compared to other armies I was playing against that were painted to a far superior standard.

3 weeks ago my Series 33 Kolinsky brushes from Rosemary and Company arrived in the mail and I sat down to begin painting my first miniature in almost 6 years. I decided to begin with an Assault Squad due to having so effing many of them from my hoarding during last edition (where they were abundant as a troops choice.)

It's been a 3 week long process that has seen me pick up the brush to batch paint small bits and pieces here and there. I paint very slowly due to a complete lack of depth perception on my behalf. So it's a painstaking process that requires shadow processing to see when I am close with the brush (it's as hilarious as it sounds.) and because of that, painting small details takes a lot longer than usual, but with care and patience it yields a nice result that doesn't let on to my eyesight deficiency. Each miniature has roughly 6-10 hours of painting into it (I know, I know...)

So here's the first ten man Assault Squad.

Built, custom posing, magnetized jump packs and sergeant arms. Primed

IMG 0028


My first miniatures base coated Mephiston Red

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First time shading a mini

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Entire squad based and shaded. Decided to go with the traditional yellow Assault Squad helmets as a small homage back to my first BA army where I did that same.

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Chest Aquila and weapons/accessories painted and shaded

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Shoulder pads completed and a group shot before edge highlighting.

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Edge highlighting completed (hard to see in this pic)

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These were my last miniatures that I'd painted back in 2009


And here's the final result of my first BA Assault Squad. Again the pic does no justice >.< I'm thrilled with the results.

First Assault Squad

I've not yet decided on the basing I will use, but I'm set on basing all of the miniatures together as a single batch once I am finished (will also give me time to make a decision on what to base them with.) Also the two special weapons marines will be getting weapons once I receive some grav guns in the mail.

I'm torn on what to paint next. I'm leaning towards a new BA Tactical Squad, but a part of me wants to try my hand at a DC Squad (but a larger part of me is dreading highlighting black... haha.)

In order to break up the monotony of the task before me - I'll be painting sections of my modular CoD board or a recently converted Furioso Dread (Even if I will likely never play it due to its FoC slot >.< just looks bad @$$)

Cities Of Death Modular Board

DSC 0611

running dread


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Went about assembling a DC 5 man squad. To say the highlighting was daunting would be lying. Due to the intensity of the detail needed for each step I'm sitting down and completing a single DC marine in a sitting rather than batch painting the lot of them.

Kinda happy with the result, but it's stupid hard to see the contrast between the black and grey haha.



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Things slowed down this past week. It was a hellish long work week so when I got home I didn't want to do anything besides play with my kids and watch tv with my wife before going to bed to rinse and repeat for the next work day. Have today off and finished the 5th DC marine in my 1st DC squad.


DC5 1


DC5 2


DC5 3


Here's the squad in all of it's glory. They look really good all together.


1st DC Squad




I think I will put together a 2nd DC squad and finish those off before changing pace a bit and building/painting a Chapterhouse modded Stormraven.

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  • 2 months later...


It's been three months and I've been incredibly busy with working around the house and getting the yard and BBQ ready for spring/summer (plus I also kinda burned out on painting infantry and ordered a chapterhouse Stormraven kit. Upon its arrival I was supremely disappointed in its quality and that sort of turned me off to the hobby as well.)

Decided to sit down today and research fixing fked up resin. Spent the better part of the afternoon heating/bending/cooling/clipping/sanding/gluing this thing together.


Here's what today's efforts have brought forth. Hoping to finish the remainder of this stormraven upon receiving the kneadatite (green stuff) I ordered on ebay today. Just happy to be able to get the chapter house kit squared as much as I was able to.

Stormraven Chapterhouse Build In Progress

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Well some more progress (probably the most tedious this project will see.) Magnetized everything to do with the hull (still deciding on the weapons turret and what I plan on doing with it.)


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now to wait on the GS and JB Weld (used their epoxy putty behind the GS to give it a bit more rigidity.) to dry and the rest of the assembly should breeze by. Then the fun of painting it. Will be my first vehicle that I have painted - pretty stoked to take some paint to this guy.

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