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House Cadmus Reinforcements

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Howdy, everyone :smile.:

Some of you might already have seen my House Cadmus Knight project in this forum. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303014-house-cadmus/

Anyway, there is no such thing as "too many knights", so I am building some additions right now:

I found some old action figures at home (in the earliest stage of a conversion). Well...my Forgeworld Magaera and Styrix had some armour plates (back, shoulder, leg, loin) left. Together with some bits, I do try to increase the detail level of the action figures, to turn them into halfway acceptable knights (two rescue/repair machines). Well...not sure wether I will suceed, but I will give those two a try :wink:



Also decided to cancel my "Obsidian Knight" project, and turn him into a "House Cadmus Knight" conversion. As weapons, I went for a missile launcher and battle mace, and the shoulder pad/leg guard having those classic "Space Marine Shoulder Pad Dalek Bumps" :wink:

The other knight is a design I came up with when reading the "Questors Magaera" background: It said a Magaera contains that many ancient technology, that it is mentally rather "unhealthy" for a pilot to log in. Yet, the Magaera still looked too "normal" for me. So, I gave that knight a rather insectoid/mantis arm pose, and the three missile pods breaking the human symmetery. To cut a long story short: A machine body that really SCREAMS it was not really made for human mind-link/control.



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Not really too much update on the repair knights (hope to get the last details done over the week, and prime them over the weekend). But I just wanted to post this pic, showing those Knights with their future background scenery.

(And I also have to admit this is a tad of a show-off pic, patting my own shoulder for having one of those. I know... I am a terrible person who should not be allowed in decent company...)


Got some Maulerfiend tentacles, and decided to add them to a repair knight (which admittedly now sports some sort of Lovecraftean look...well...the Admech was never too keen on exactly following the human shape, so I guess it's okay :smile.: )




@Reinhard>I will actually paint them in Admech colours. (I was thinking of Techmarines, who also abandon their chapter colours for Mars Red)

@Bjorn Firewalker>Tbh, I have no idea. I might occasionally use them as proxies (e.g. the Big Flamethrower should make him eligible as alternate Acheron)

..and I did not even actively search for it. Stumbled in a LGS -a few days after that thing was sold out- and they happened to have one :tongue.:


The Admech Knighs are de facto completed (1-2 Bits on empty spaces, and then they can be painted).




  • 3 weeks later...


Judging from reactions so far (over various forums), this guy here was "the masses favorite conversion" of my Household.


Though - when being completed - I assume the Admech Knights might give him a run for his money.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...


Not too much progress, but I at least finished to of the new Knights (the Warden comes with firmly attached weapons, while the Crusader is magnetized, to also allow a Warden, Gallant or Paladin).




Household in complete strength:




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