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If you've got a copy of the logos you want, I could probably prep you a decal sheet for printing. Then it'd just be a matter of getting some decal paper appropriate for your needs (white vs. clear, inkjet vs. laser) and printing your own.


(Though if you'd like me to prep them, there's a time factor involved - I've got shoulder surgery late next week, and it'll be a couple weeks after that before I'm cleared for work.) 

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If you have a half decent inkjet you can do your own.


I suck at free hand, but can do photoshop.


Did the side and top for this




Used paper from here




Edit: make sure you spray with varnish and let dry before putting anywhere near water



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I've used Crafty for decal paper as well smile.png And, as Dark_Master said - seal the paper before use. I use PlastiKote Krystal Klear (in the UK Hobbycraft sell it). The printer I used to print them was (at the time I bought it) a bottom end range Canon (got it at ASDA for £20 happy.png )

Whatever you use to seal the paper, some advice:

Multiple light coats is far better than one heavy one (it can saturate the paper and make the ink run, ruining the sheet)

Make sure that each coat is completely dry before applying the next (around 40-mins to an hour, if I recall for the ones I did)

Ensure that the room you spray them in is ventilated - it honks! blink.png

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