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Stormwing formation & Karlaen list.


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Copied across from army thread for some last minute crtique if poss! :) I've got a local tourney coming up soon and wondered if this would cut the mustard. The Flesh Tearers strike force allows one troops choice and up to 6 fast attack slots. Karl, the termies and Cassor are in the raven. Hopefully Karl will allow me to get my remaining pods and the stormwing formation in on turn 2 for a big beta strike. My concern is that on the initial drop I'll be relying on 15 marines and 3 pods to stay alive until reinforcements arrive... any suggestions welcome!


Flesh Tearers Strike Force


Captain Karlaen (160)


5 Assault Terminators, 3 Thunder Hammers & Storm Shields, 2 Lightning Claws (215)


Cassor the Damned (140)


5 Assault Marines, 2 Flamers, Drop Pod (95)


5 Assault Marines, 2 Flamers, Drop Pod (95)


5 Assault Marines, Combi-Melta, 2 Meltaguns, Drop Pod (115)


5 Assault Marines, Combi-Melta, 2 Meltaguns, Drop Pod (115)


5 Assault Marines, Combi-Melta, 2 Meltaguns, Drop Pod (115)



Stormwing Formation


Stormraven, Multi-melta, Assault Cannon (200)


Stormtalon, Sky-hammer Launcher, Assault Cannon (125)


Stormtalon, Sky-hammer Launcher, Assault Cannon (125)



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well then embark away!


you are correct that your alpha strike is not strong enough to cripple the enemy, and will leave you extremely vulnerable to be tabled turn one. you can augment that by changing cassor to scouts. more bodies on the field. you can then use the extra point and get a positional relay to bring those reserves in round two. if you don't you will be at the cruel mercy of the dice gods.


do you know any mission types you will be playing at the tournament or any major armies you may be playing against. if you do maybe we can start talking tactics

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I know I'll be up against some hard counters inc flyrant spam, tau, space puppies and the new crons.


Good idea about the scouts. Will have to try that. I tested the list a couple of days ago and even though my ground troops survived turn 1 they got wiped out in the first few turns. Turn 2-3 was glorious though with the flyers kicking ass and delivering pain into the enemy ranks. I'm not sure it's extremely competitive but it's definitely fun!

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