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LVO Escalation Advice


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I was not most sure where to put this but I figured that this forum would have the most experts on knights, so here I am. I'm planning on taking the following list to a local LVO (Los Vegas Open) practice tournament:


Adamantine Lance-

Knight Paladin Seneschal

Knight Paladin

Knight Errant


Militarum Tempestus CAD-

Scion Command - Meltagun x4

Scions x5 - Meltagun x2

Scions x10

Knight Castigator


The problem I have with this, in the LVO format, is that the Knight Castigator is consider a Lord of War AND LVO uses the escalation negatives for LoW. For those that don't remember these, they are the following:

  • If I have a LoW and they don't, they get +1 to seize the initiative.
  • They get +1 VP for each 3 HP lost on it.
Naturally, I'd like not to saddle myself with this but LVO also doesn't allow more than 2 detachments, so I can't just move it to its own Knight Detachment.


This leaves me two options:

  • Leave the list as is and just deal with the LoW negatives.
  • Most all four knights to their own detachment but loose the Adlance bonuses.
What do you guys think? Edited by librisrouge
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Maybe you could turn those extra VPs to your advantage. Use the castigator to bait traps, or encourage your opponent to take risky or downright bad decisions because they might score some bonus points.
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