Scourged Posted February 6, 2015 Share Posted February 6, 2015 (edited) Hiya. So, I had this idea pop in my head a couple days ago, so I wrote it out. What follows is a Slaaneshi warband I thought up, written from the perspective of an Inquisitorial report. Let me know what you think and what-not. Enjoy! + INCOMING TRANSMISSION + ENCRYPTION CODE: 4156d-49e5-11677-e9681-w168d + CODE ACCEPTED + RECIPIENT: Lord Inquisitor Talgor Imminital, Ordo Hereticus + RECIPIENT ACKNOWLEDGED; BEGIN TRANSMISSION + AUTHOR: Inquisitor Jeremiah Escarole, Ordo Hereticus TIME OF TRANSMISSION: 11:14:37 6583936.M41 DESIGNATION: Summary report CLASSIFICATION: Urgent INQUISITORIAL REPORT - ZEJENAL THE INSATIABLE As per the request of Lord Inquisitor Talgor Imminital, the following report details all known information regarding Zejenal the Insatiable. This is in response to the recent loss of Imperial world su214984, known locally as Halcyon, an agri world, fourth planet of the Targris system, Segmentum Ultima. What follows is the summary and analysis of all Inquisitorial records concerning the renegade lord and his warband, the Undying Thirst. KNOWN BACKGROUND INFORMATION The origins of Zejenal the Insatiable prior to turning renegade are unknown. Taking into account his estimated damage to his mental acuities, it is doubtful even he remembers his past. Exact information cannot be extracted, as any sources are heretical in nature and thus unreliable. However it can be established that Zejenal the Insatiable rose to the status of a Chaos lord before the date of 917.M41 and his successful invasion and corruption of Damnos. Through interrogation of incarcerated known assosciates, many varying descriptions have been provided. Like many others who have fallen to Chaos, Zejenal the Insatiable has developed a personal narrative that obscures a valid biography. Thus, the information that follows is an amalgamation of the common or repeated details provided through interrogation. All embellished or fantastical elements have been stripped or reduced. Regardless, know that all sources of information are heretical, and thus require severe scrutiny. Zejenal the Insatiable was found isolated on a derelict frigate caught in the gravitational wake of the Maelstrom. Make note: he did not have this title at the time, but as previously detailed it is impossible to ascertain his original name. As such, his current known title is used for all elements of this report. The Imperial designation of the frigate is unknown, and without accurate data regarding time, it is impossible to determine a chapter of origin. The vessel has probably been lost to the tides of the Maelstrom, though it is equally likely that it has been absorbed into the growing Red Corsairs armada. [For information regarding the growing threat of the Red Corsairs armada, see Inquisitorial report #iujs684-ad68546] The derelict frigate was discovered by scouts of the renegade Red Corsairs chapter. Specifically, it is highly likely that the Black Hands warband, a small splinter of the much larger Red Corsairs, is responsible for the discovery. This connection will be outlined later in the report. From this point forward the majority of the interrogation data becomes skewed and far less reliable, a symptom of the elaborate “legends” and narratives already assosciated with Zejenal the Insatiable. Of all the information obtained, the one shared element is that the frigate was devoid of all power, with no living occupants save for Zejenal. The specifics concerning the recovery of Zejenal the Insatiable are also under question from the discrepancies within various interrogation records. However, when viewed as a whole, certain details appear with a noticeable frequency. Zejenal the Insatiable was found alone in the bridge in full power armor, helmet held in his hands. [One account says Zejenal was staring into the eye lenses, mumbling] The armor was unpowered and in disrepair, assumedly restricting his movement. Zejenal the Insatiable gave no indication he was aware of their presence as the renegade boarding party approached him. For reasons that are not understood by any of the Inquisitorial agents assigned to this case, the renegade boarding party saw fit to take Zejenal the Insatiable with them, rather than slay him and claim the vessel uncontested. Many suspect this was done as there was nothing else of value to take from the vessel. Others speculate that the warband’s leader was amused by the addled Astartes and confiscated him as a novelty. This secondary speculation is supported with the evidence cited below. No further details concerning the transport of Zejenal the Insatiable are known. Information regarding his origin does not resume until after the warband’s return to a Red Corsair bastion within the Maelstrom. His activites aboard the bastion are unknown, again due to wildly conflicting reports. The only factual data is that he remained the property of those that discovered him. RISE TO POWER As mentioned previously in this report, the Black Hands warband, under Red Corsair allegiance, are to be believed to have found the derelict frigate and captured Zejenal the Insatiable. These speculations arise from the repeated mention of D’Ashtor Vilgoht when analyzing the origins of Zejenal. D’Ashtor Vilgoht has been identified as the de facto leader of the Black Hands warband. [For detailed files concerning D’Ashtor Vilgoht, consult Inquisition case file, designation a7jdui1237467-9877-s-90707-b] Vilgoht is reported to have used Zejenal the Insatiable for his own amusement, most often employing near-lethal torture techniques and practices. The extent, duration, and manner of torture is unknown. It is believed that during one of these sessions that Zejenal the Insatiable spontaneously regained coherency and turned on Vilgoht, killing him and three subsequent body guards. This fact is substantiated in enough interrogation data to determine it valid. [As such, an ammendment has been added to file a7jdui1237467-9877-s-90707-b, subject: D’Ashtor Vilgoht, labeling him as: DECEASED] Of the reports that provide this evidence, one bears special notice. This particular report offers details that prove important to the growing threat of Zejenal the Insatiable. Below is an excerpt from that report, concerning the interrogation of subject #125641-a198ef2: Transcript begins at moment 07:08:81 of interrogation of subject #125641-a198ef2. ...that’s when L… Lord Vilgoht picked his f...f...favorite toy. <laughter> He always liked… liked calling them toys… + subject loses focus; 7.53 seconds of delta-grade psy-stimulation applied + Gah! Enough with your <expletive> mind games! I’m talking, I’m talking! So Vilgoht grabs some xenos weapon. I don’t know where he got it. But the <expletive> thing is nasty. Some sword/whip thing covered in blades, blades sh… sharper than… sharper than… + subject again loses focus; 4.56 seconds of delta-grade psy-stimulation applied + Stop it! Enough with the <string of expletives> pain! I’m talking! So Valghot takes that messed-up… blade, and is about to cut into Zejenal the Insatiable, so we’re all l.. la… laughing and watching. That’s when… when he looks different. His eyes they shine… shine like… like… like I don’t know what, alright? But Lord Zejenal sees that… blade thing and snaps awake and… smells it, I think? He just sniffs at the air. Then it got blurry… + subject pauses, resuming thoughts before administration of psy-stimulation is necessary + ...not blurry like I don’t remember. I mean blurry ‘cause that <expletive> was just so fast. While we’re all still laughing, Lord Zejenal has th… that blade in his hand, and Vilgoht is in seven <expletive> pieces on the ground. I didn’t hear it, but Haskore [subject #245975-a256f7] swears he spoke, said “thirsty” or something. Lords Pal’shor and Inanda Dispar go runnin’ at him, but he just cuts them up too. We’re not laughing now. And he… uh, I mean, Lord Zejenal… he just starts… starts... drinking all the blood, right off the blade thing. End transcription excerpt. For the relevance of this particular description, and the details in question, see the attached personal notes. It is believed that Zejenal the Insatiable, upon regaining sentience and slaying the leadership of the Black Hands, takes over as their champion. This behavior aligns with the standard autocratic models of Chaos warbands. No further data has been collected concerning the origins of Zejenal the Insatiable. After usurping the leadership of the Black Hands, all interrogation data produced strings of hyperbolic exaggeration and narrative, from which no reliable information could be condensed. However, as all of them transpired within the Maelstrom and not upon Imperial territory they are considered low-priority. This concludes the section of this report dedicated to the origins of Zejenal the Insatiable. DESCRIPTION AND WARGEAR Current descriptions of Zejenal the Insatiable are vague, at best, as eye-witness reports are within the single digits, most of which a result of interrogation of apprehended heretics. As is expected of all Chaos Space Marines, Zejenal the Insatiable wears a collection of power armor from different marks, undoubtedly scavenged from various sources. He and his warband, the Undying Thirst, has been identified by armor painted in a sterling silver color and black trim, with vibrant purple pauldrons and helmet. To differentiate himself as the leader, Zejenal the Insatiable is reported to have a single spiraling horn on his helm, and draped in chains. A rich red it painted on the face of the helm and down the front of the chest piece, made to resemble “drooling blood” as described by multiple witnesses. While seldomly seen in combat, he is known to carry a combi-plasma of unknown design and mark as well as a weapon that matches the description given above of a Dark Eldar razorflail. In one eye witness report the razorflail was replaced with a lightning claw of unknown design or mark. It should be assumed that Zejenal the Insatiable is in possession of both. As with any trained Astartes, standard practice dictates that it is assumed he is skilled in martial combat and proficient with all weapons. CORRUPTION OF DAMNOS After the death of D’Ashtor Vilgoht and his two lieutenants, it is believed that the Black Hands were dissolved or otherwise restructured into a new warband. This is supported by the lack of any further mention of that name in any Imperial records. This is further supported by the sudden appearance of the warband known as Undying Thirst, who have since been assosciated with Zejenal the Insatiable. On the Imperial world su19646, known locally as Damnos, an agri world, second planet of the Portalis system, Segmentum Ultima, is the next registered appearance of Zejenal the Insatiable. In 917.M41, local arbites forces began recording isolated incidents of Chaos worship. These incidents were handled by the local chapter of the Adeptus Arbites forces. These incidents were not reported to the Ordo Hereticus, in direct violation of protocols established by the Ordo. The leading Arbites official has been sufficiently censured for this error. Reports collected from the Arbites forces on-planet describe the cultist behavior: Beginning from page 3, paragraph 2, line three of the Adeptus Arbites, Damnos chapter report: ...It is the ritualistic behavior of the people that is most alarming. Once a new member joins these groups they immediately remove all body hair, by any means. This has appeared harmless at first, as drastic changes in style are nothing of concern. But the speed of this “fashion” is what drew our attention. Perhaps all at once, across the planet, reports of homicide began to rise, all pointing to the rise of these hairless people. At this point they grew irrational, and often enraged. Arbites forces intervened, but their numbers had grown very large at this point. Many Arbitrators noticed that all those people who had killed smeared the victim’s blood over their mouth and chin, and down their throat. And then came rumors of Arbitrators falling to this new influence... Due to the inferior efforts to subdue the growing Chaos influence, cult worship spread throughout the planet. The nature and purpose of this behavior remained unknown until culminating in the ritualistic sacrifice of 13,397 citizens within the capital city. All citizens sacrificed were those that resisted the temptation to join in heretical worship. This mass killing was a blood sacrifice to the Dark Gods, opening a warp rift within low orbit. It is through this warp rift that a single battle barge translated into real space. Various interrogation records confirm that this ship is known to the members of the Undying Thirst and related cults as Intermanatus Fugentia. After translation of Intermanatus Fugentia, astropathic communications dwindled, with few reports escaping Damnos. Much of what followed is assumed to conform to standards of typical Chaos-incursion corruption - the details of such an incursion shall be omitted from this report - resulting in a majority loss of Damnos territory to the Undying Thirst and Chaos cults. [For further information on the effects of Chaos corruption, consult the databanks of both the Ordo Hereticus and Ordo Malleus] The remaining planetary defense forces called out for reinforcement. Five terran standard weeks after the translation of the Intermanatus Fugentia the 427th Valhallan Regiment replied, enroute to the planet. The Valhallan 427th arrived 43 standard terran days later and made planetfall in the southern hemisphere amidst the strongest concentration of Chaos forces. Joining with the local PDF the Valhallan 427th effectively pushed back the enemy. Within hours of arrival all traces of the Undying Thirst and their battle barge were gone. As the local military and the Valhallan troops were purging the final 10% of the Chaos influence, a small Inquisition contingent investigated the nature of Damnos cults. The details of their findings follow: From basic assessment of the planet’s surface from orbit, it was estimated that approximately 25% of the population remained at the time of the 427th Valhallan Regiment’s arrival. No Imperial Administratum officials have been located. Nor is there any evidence that invading Chaos Marine forces or vessel remain in the sector. It seems as though this planet was left to the bizarre cultists. Outwardly, they corrupted population showed little signs of aggression toward me or my retinue. Though, isolated incidents of aggression would occur, and were easily dealt with. An perculiar observation is that the aggressive cultists were those who did not yet have blood smeared down their mouth and throat. Interestingly, they were pathologically obsessed with consuming every liquid within sight. No reports of this behavior exist in any reports before our landfall. This resulted in the obvious deaths of much of the population from consuming obviously hazardous materials. Further deaths resulted from mass consumption of liquids, rupturing their gastrointestinal system. It was also observed that in situations where no liquids could be obtained, the population would turn to cannibalistic activity, draining and drinking the blood of each other. As a final note, I wish to expand on the consultation from officials within the Ordo Xenos. At the source of the greatest concentration of cult activity behavior was drastically different. The obsession to drink was drastically less in this concentrated population, but only because the compulsion to dig appeared more dominant. As I and my retinue investigated the excavation, structures of xenos origin were found. Consultation with the Ordo Xenos confirmed that these structures were Eldar in origin. It is believed that Damnos was previously an Eldar settlement. While this may be coincidental to the Chaos incursion, all parties involved agree that it was an intentional decision of Undying Thirst. ~Inquisitor Pyotor Mussogov Damnos has yet to recover from this assault. The surviving population has been sterilized. Upon the termination of the final generation of inhabitants Damnos will be reclassified as a dead world. It is not known what purpose, if any, the Undying Thirst had on Damnos. For speculation on their motives, see the personal notes at the end of this report. INVASION OF HALCYON After the corruption of Damnos, the Undying Thirst was not sighted in Imperium space until 936.M41. The target was su214984, known locally as Halcyon, an agri world, fourth planet of the Targris system, Segmentum Ultima. According to records and Astropathic communications, isolated pockets of Chaos worship sprouted across the inhabited areas of the Damnos. Unlike Damnos, the local Adeptus Arbites forces reacted far more proactively, contacting the regional Ordo Hereticus liaison and enlisting the help of the local PDF. All traces of cult behavior were eliminated. Elimination of cult behavior was reported to Inquisition officials, and the status of Halcyon was reduced from “urgent” to “low-priority.” After seven standard Terran months, an unregistered Imperial battle barge drifted toward Halcyon. The vessel was without any power signatures or life signs, and was refusing all hails. It is now known that this was the Intermanatus Fugentia, though this was unknown to local officials on the planet. The trajectory of the unknown vessel was mapped to pass out of Halcyon’s orbit without incident, so no further action was taken other than observing the path of the vessel. This, of course, was a mistake. Were the officials responsible still alive, they would be heavily censured for this oversight. Without warning, scores of Chaos cultists employed deep-strike teleportation into the capital city. Reports indicate that cultist activity spread in all directions, all members screaming of “thirst.” While the mechanics are unknown, those citizens not immediately slaughtered in the cultists’ fervor soon developed their compulsion for consuming fluids. The spread of this compulsion resembled an uncontrollable class-epsilon viral outbreak. The ratio of killed-to-converted civilians was estimated at 17-1. No uncompromised civilians remained. In an unexpected show of strategy typically seen for those worshiping Chaos, the Intermanatus Fugentia powered up minutes after the cultist spread throughout the capital city. Due to the panic within the city, planetary defenses were slow to respond. Taking advantage of this hesitation, the Intermanatus Fugentia began an orbital bombardment of the surface, focusing fire on communications relays and automated defense stations, leaving Halcyon blind and helpless to defend itself from the vessel. Planetary defense forces were moving to respond to the surface threats. Against unarmed cultists, a victory would have been assured. However, as the planetary defense forces moved to respond, Undying Thirst forces teleported into the heart of their regiments, led by Zejenal the Insatiable. What followed can only be classified as a slaughter. To their credit, the PDF held strong through the counterattack of the Chaos forces. They were ultimately doomed, however, as cultists performed blood sacrifices - as they did on Damnos - and opened warp portals. The invading daemonic forces heavily influenced the battle. The invasion and siege of Halcyon continued for another five months. As news of the death and corruption spread around the planet, the ratio of killed-to-converted adjusted to 12-1 by month three, and ultimately 8-1 at the end of the fifth month. It is believed that growing fear of the threat led to a wider acceptance of corruption - better to abandon everything and worship chaos than to die from it. It should be noted that the specific means by which the corruption happens is still unknown. Reports continued to escape the surface, messages aimed in all directions hoping for anyone to hear them. This is how we learned of the shifting ratios of dead-to-converted, as well as continued efforts to summon daemonic entities. Contact was finally lost with Halcyon nine standard Terran days ago. At the time of this report, the spread of Chaos corruption grows unhindered. Current estimates place the remaining population and defense forces at 17% and dwindling. Halcyon is considered lost. All distress calls to neighboring systems have been intercepted and terminated to prevent a waste of Astra Militarum resources. It is highly recommended that an Exterminatus be issued for Halcyon. As an aside, it is worth noting that Halcyon was known to the Ordo Xenos prior to this invasion. During the initial reclamation of Halcyon by the Imperium a tomb was uncovered with a stored cache of weapons and artefacts identified as Eldar in origin. Were it not for the previous invasion and corruption of Damnos, this detail would be inconsequential. However, the presence of Eldar structures and relics on both planet is highly suspect. See the attached personal notes for further speculation. End report. PERSONAL NOTES What follows in this section is all speculative, and thus why none of it is included in the official report. But, I believe many of the details highlighted within the report indicate the potential for a larger problem. For your review, I have attached my analysis and conclusion on these details. In every element of our investigation into Zejenal the Insatiable, we find a connection to the Eldar. It begins with his “awakening” upon seeing what is believed to be a razorflail, a weapon known to originate with Dark Eldar Wych Cults. Yes, these were the words of a Chaos-tainted heretic and thus cannot be trusted. But the presence of Eldar structures and items on both of the attacked worlds substantiates this claim. Every major incident involving Zejenal involves some form of Eldar technology, as corroborated by the interrogation reports. It seems Zejenal the Insatiable possesses an ability to detect the presence of the Eldar, even in trace amounts. It would explain his returned sentience and the two planets chosen for invasion. Consultation with the Ordo Malleus on certain details illustrates the significance of the “thirst” experienced by both Zejenal the Insatiable and the cults that have grown on both Damnos and Halcyon. I, and many others, believe that this new Chaos scourge is an agent of Slaanesh. Reports from the surface of Halcyon did include crude descriptions of the daemonic entities that were summoned. The Ordo Malleus confirms that these descriptions match those entities belonging to Slaanesh, known more commonly as “daemonettes.” This concerns me. While the rise and fall of lords and warbands within the Maelstrom is not new, most are minor sycophants rebelling against the Imperium to serve pointlessly selfish goals. Very few warlords have shown such devotion to the Ruinous Powers. Given the strength and fervor that the presence of Undying Thirst creates, I feel it is clear that Zejenal the Insatiable has the blessing of Slaanesh. I would request that further action be taken against this new threat, and with extreme conviction. It is my belief that if left unchecked, Zejenal the Insatiable will rise to a power that will become a great, ignorable threat. ~Inquisitor Jeremiah Escarole + END TRANSMISSION + ENCRYPTION CODE: 4156d-49e5-11677-e9681-w168d + COMPOSE REPLY? + y/n Edited February 6, 2015 by Scourged Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Apostle Thirst Posted February 6, 2015 Share Posted February 6, 2015 Overall, I quite like this. It's fairly well written, causes no major breaks with fluff, and provides a strong narrative. However, a few nitpicks. First and foremost, this tells little about the warband and I'm not entirely sure if it belongs in the Liber. However, I'm not quite sure where else it would belong either, so for the moment this forum is appropriate Secondly, . An interesting observation is that the aggressive cultists were those who did not yet have blood smeared down their mouth and throat. Interestingly, they were pathologically obsessed with consuming every liquid within sight. The double use of 'interesting' is slightly jarring, considering how well everything else flows. Thirdly, Damnosary defense forces were moving to respond to the surface threats. This is on the section talking about the fall of Halcyon, so why would Damnosary defense forces be present...? And that's really the only problems I can find. Otherwise, well done Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scourged Posted February 6, 2015 Author Share Posted February 6, 2015 Thanks for the feedback! Fixed those two errors, thanks for pointing them out to me. Looking back at it, I can see what you mean on how it tells little about the warband. In my aim to make the description subtlely weaved into the narrative, I may have erred on the side of too subtle. *shrugs* Oh well, live and learn for the next time. ^.^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThroneWarden Posted February 7, 2015 Share Posted February 7, 2015 I liked the story and the format is well done. I would echo the previous point concerning hearing more about the warband. With the last sentence, what word were you going to use in " will become a great, ignorable threat"? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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