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Zone Mortalis ++Bat Rep Up!++


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Hey all - I'm going to be playing in a big space hulk tomorrow to crown my first game since 5th!

It's 500 points with the Zone Mortalis rules found here

The rules for list creation are in the spoiler below!

Your forces for the day should be up to 501 points in total and you can use either the attacker, defender or combatant force org chart in the ZM rules. If you do then your compulsory selections will gain the Objective Secured Special Rule and you will be able to re-roll your warlord trait. Alternatively you may take an unbound force of up to 501 points.

However you decide to build your force it should be created from one Codex (and any sources which provide additional units for that Codex eg supplements, Imperial Armour books etc.) and there are also the following additional restrictions:

1. No unit may take a Dedicated Transport

2. No unit may have a starting strength of more than 15 models before being joined by Independent Characters

3. Vehicles, other than walkers, more than 4 inches wide (including sponsons, weapons etc.) may not be taken

4. Walkers or Monstrous Creatures with a base size or requiring a base size of over 60mm may not be taken.

5. Flyers may not be taken at all unless they can operate in hover mode (count as a Fast Skimmer) and also comply with 3 above.

Why your forces are aboard this Space Hulk you'll have to wait until Saturday to find out but you should build your forces with capturing and holding objectives in mind!

I did want to go with basically a big chunk of death company (probably jump) to storm the place but it looks like this could get ugly with all the dangerous terrain and possibility of full BS over watch mellow.png

What would people recomend for this list?

In terms of infantry, with my models I can field:

Tacs, DC, RAS, Devs, Scouts (melee and sniper), any of the default HQ choices (bar SP).

I also have a few dreads which I may now base this list around I suppose.

What do you think I should do?

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How wide is a drop pod?


Death company in a fast attack pod ;)


The force orgs are much of a muchness, really. 


For funsies:


175 Librarian dread

140? Cassor

130 Fragioso

445 pts


This army can fit any of the force orgs, and you get warlord rerolls and ob sec on the dreads :)

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Hahaha, I do have three dreads.... But I'm missing arms for one :(


But I am Gunna go for a DC dread and a furioso!


Atm I've got:

Chaplain barebone 90

Fuioso with frag cannon 130

DC Dread 125

6 DC with a fist 145


Total is 490, could take a magna on the DC dread to help him out in tight spaces.


If not I'm considering a ML2 librarian instead of the chappy with gallians at 100 pts because I've not tried out psykers since they were changed! Rolling on Sanguinary I think.

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So going with the attacker org chart then?


Dreads should do ok due to the lack of long range stuff. Meltas will kill them, but have to get in close to do it, which is where the dread wants to be.


In that list i'd use the spare 10pts to upgrade the DCD storm bolter to a flamer.

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Going for the Librarian with the Staff!

Wish me luck brothers, Strike force Blood Fury is ready to capture the space hulk:


As the units are sometimes behind hidden doors, I can't wait for a unit to find out that the prize behind door number three is a Death Company Dreadnought devil.gif

Edit: It is a shame I can't get the Baal Strike Force Initiative boost... But needs must!

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Evening brothers!

My return to 40k was somewhat Triumphant! Huzzah!

I got to the shop a little late but they let me join in anyway, the only place to deploy was in a room behind a bunch of Tau Crisis suits - which I soon found out included Farsight himself and a load of other toys including:

  • Shield Generators on everyone
  • A Drone that turns Difficult Terrain into Dangerous - with the whole board being Difficult (sort of? it wasn't fully monitored, we still moved normally) was somewhat annoying
  • Plasma/ Fusion/ Burst woo!
  • Grenades that got rid of all of my charge bonuses - this really sucked as it left me weak with a lot less attacks

For Psychic powers I drew Blood Lance and Unleash Fury and gained Quickening through focus. Warlord trait gave me +1 to my Libby's Initiative.

The board was basically four space hulk kits stuck together with about 20 500 point forces scattered throughout in a free for all.

BA Turn one

In my first turn I moved up the libby with the DC and managed to get off Quickening and Blood Lance, the latter sadly failing to gib any suits.

I survived one difficult terrain failure with feel no pain!

The Dreads stayed put mainly because I couldn't fit them down the confined corridor.

I got my charge off after some silly overwatch from crisis suits around the corner (who needs line of sight anyway? Strange rules be afoot) and due to losing all my charge bonuses only managed to take a single wound from Farsight but luckily lost no one in return.

Tau turn one

Straight to combat and I got two more wounds on Farsight but lost another DC. The Power Fist armed one continues to flail madly to no effect.

BA Turn two

I move the dreads up ready to move again and charge in my next turn.

Combat continues again but I aim my attacks at the normal crisis suits, take a wound off one and he kills a DC in return.

Tau Turn two

With some Abysmal rolling from me Librarian only deals out one wound finishing off one of the suits before the DC take a wound off another. Farsight KO's my Librarian and then I fail four armour saves for the DC and then 3 subsequent FNP. Only the Powerfist marine remains. Tau player now realises combat continues and my dreads are free to charge him.

BA Turn three

Not much more to be said than the Dreads charge in and just manage to finish them off (curse you photo grenades!).

After this I managed to head into some other new arrivals - some DA Terminators that the Dreads shot everything at causing not a single wound with any of the Frag Cannon, Heavy Flamer, Storm Bolter or Melta Gun (kid had mad dice skills!) Charged and MINCED, it was very brutal. So much so that I let the guy put them back on the table and charge me in the next turn for a laugh!


It was fun, and considering I was against probably the cheesiest 500pt army Tau can field including a special character I think I did well... Sadly because I appeared behind him (in a VERY casual friendly game remember) and ruined this Tau players plans to run and hide in an enclosed room, he then proceeded to bitch and moan to everyone in the shop one by one - I also witnessed a grown man take his side and get uppity about a friendly game teehee.gif

So in short I got to quench the red thirst with some wonderful blue tears. 10/10 would play again.

Unit Analysis

DC Dread - Can't wait to use one or Cassor in a normal game in a Pod, really fun on the charge with some true destructive power.

Furioso - WS 5 is awesome. I imagine against anything else the Frag Cannon is also awesome.

Librarian - First ever experience of Psychic powers and I'm hooked. I need more boys in blue.

DC - Considering the damage they did do without charge bonuses, can't wait to see what they do with them!

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Heh, blood lance, multiple suits and corridors. Should have been a cake walk.


I had a Tau player drop a farsight bomb on me against my Thousand Sons. He jumped them away into a conga line, forgetting that my Sorcerer had Doombolt (essentially Blood Lance). He lined them up and I knocked them down, 5 (I think) dead suits from a single power. 


Nice report and glad to see it went well!


Ignore the Cheese monger. He has no right to complain if he's going to bring that kind of unit to a friendly game with beginners.

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Oh I didn't don't worry, I just thought he was pathetic and butthurt - especially the moaning to everyone else. I will admit that yes, he didn't really get a turn to react to me - but - if he did I probably would've been wiped out in a turn of shooting and never gotten to charge while being danced around.

Because he moaned so much the GW employee's were just like "well if you were in game from turn one and are wiped out, bring your army on again on the opposite side of the space hulk - go nuts!" and then proceeded to place Typhus + 50 Zombies biggrin.png!

But this was just met with one person moaning that he'd spent three "hard fought" turns avoiding combat (bar using scarab bases he'd just spawned to take out terminators)and that people coming back onto the board ruined the "last man standing" objective of the game. Then again this was the guy who said "I don't like tournament games, I like casual ones but with a strong tactical and competitive focus"... So yeah.

I will say though they were all nice enough chaps, jsut the type to take a 20 man space Hulk game that realistically was never going to end a bit seriously msn-wink.gif I did try to chat to the guy who I rekt but I was just met with a hostile comment about how he had blown up 90% of the zombies in one round of shooting that he was supposed to do to a unit where he originally spawned. The best laid plans eh?


Sadly I only got to hit two crisis with lance and they passed both 4++ :( seriously pumped to get a nice looking army ready though, found out there's a games club just down the road that has a good community too!

Mega props to three of the younger guys there though:

  • The fourteen year old that suggested I deploy in the room next to him... And his four Lascannon devs. Nice try little one!
  • The Dark Angel kid that turned up late, deployed near to me who got his TDA's wiped out in combat and enjoyed himself anyway
  • And finally the kid who collected space wolves for being a cool little dude who kept talking to me about his Thunder wolves and had a SWEET RT era Librarian model for his rune priest.
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