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Word on the street is CSM in March (we are technically the oldest Codex currently), along with Zerkers on Juggys.

Understanding it is just rumors (just going off of that) the idea of a Zerker on a Juggy gets me a bit excited, that means they are going to mix in a bit of the Warp aspect into the Codex. That is wholely a good thing, especially when it comes to things outside of Dino-Bots (Drake, Mauler, Forgefiend, Defiler), old school Gifts from the Gods that are daemonic themselves etc etc.


Hope it comes to fruition and is on par with the current 7th ed Codexes that have been released. 

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I hope it's true. I know, first step on the road to disappointment, but Berzerkers on Juggers is one of my dream units, and the only thing that's stopped me converting some already is the lack of rules for them.


*crosses fingers*



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There is one caveat though. The Berzerkers on Juggernaut must be better pointwise than Spawn to have a role. Not only they must be resilient but also fast and very deadly in melee to earn a place in our lists. On the other hand do we really need another PA lord? When was the last time we have fielded one on foot?
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Bare in mind too that February has been a 40k month. I though March was Chaos "End Times" for WHFB.




Look, I can be as excited as I want to be and this type of thing makes me excited :P

No negativity here. Just don't like seeing people's dreams shattered ;)

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There is one caveat though. The Berzerkers on Juggernaut must be better pointwise than Spawn to have a role. Not only they must be resilient but also fast and very deadly in melee to earn a place in our lists. On the other hand do we really need another PA lord? When was the last time we have fielded one on foot?

Well Spawn are honestly not very killy, except vs lighter infantry. If this all turns out to be on the up and up they would probably be more akin to Thunder Wolf Calv than anything, that would sort of make sense.

PA Lord?

Bare in mind too that February has been a 40k month. I though March was Chaos "End Times" for WHFB.



Look, I can be as excited as I want to be and this type of thing makes me excited tongue.png

No negativity here. Just don't like seeing people's dreams shattered msn-wink.gif

Don't lie. . . We all know you are waiting in the shadows to consume our tears :P

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I'd be happy to see some form of cavalary type unit, if only for the modelling possibilities. Some kind of Bezerker Knight with chain axe and shield (or let's face it, 2 x Chain axe with a rule letting you get a single S10 AP2 attack) would be pretty damned cool.

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take it with salt. What i heard earlier is just a supplement and a few new items, which makes sense because March is going to be Fantasy- but with any warriors of chaos/daemons update for fantasy they probably have a few good mold ideas and models for 40k.


Don't expect a lot- maybe a box and a set of rules. MAYBE

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I was already planning on waiting to make my Juggerlord and Honor Guard for the fantasy release... figured there would be some cool new Juggernaut models... This would be even better as I run mostly Berserkers already.

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What's a "clampack"? Does "PA" mean power armor? So new Codex, huh? Believe it when I see it, and will reserve judgement for after I've read it. But yeah, would make sense, since we and the DA are the oldest dexes.


"Clampack" refers to the packaging the model comes in - like the plastic Loyalist Librarian, and our Aspiring Champion; yes to the PA = Power Armor. I'm not sure I'd bet on us getting a codex just yet, but I'd be glad to be wrong.


From the rumours I'd seen we were getting a Khorne supplement - which I suppose ties in to the Bloodthirster rumours for End Times.

Would personally also prefer seeing Rubric Marines done justice first, but I wouldn't mind Berzerkers getting redone either!

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I thought the rumours stated End Times Archaon or whatever his name is, plastic multi-blood thrister kit. To allow Khorne players to get in on this in the 40k verse a Mini dex not full CSM dex is being dropped along with Berzerker kit (about time). It sounds more like a testing the water for cult dex's to me.


I imagine all Khorne units chucked into one codex for a quick drop to improve the Thirster kits sales.

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Slayer le Boucher should be kinda happy with this, considering he already built Berzerkers riding juggers.

I was just about to, WHFB juggernauts and FW 'zerks were going to be one of my my next orders because it's my birthday in March and they've been on my project list for ages so I figured I'd finally go for it. I've been planning those kitbashes for such a long time I'm almost annoyed that a rumour of an official kit crops up now right when I was going to get around to them, but with so much salt attached I might very well end up doing it anyway.


Isn't the rumour that there's going to be a Khorne-themed codex supplement, though, not a new CSM codex?

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Slayer le Boucher should be kinda happy with this, considering he already built Berzerkers riding juggers.



Would love to, but i doubt if this unit exist, it would be anything great...


Too acustomed to dissapointement..., would be a sub-par Thunder Cav erzats.


Now if they are WS5, T5, W2, I5 3+, Deamon cavalery with a boosted HoW, and some nices options for lets says 40pts a dude, it would be a start.

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Bare in mind too that February has been a 40k month. I though March was Chaos "End Times" for WHFB.



Look, I can be as excited as I want to be and this type of thing makes me excited :P

No negativity here. Just don't like seeing people's dreams shattered ;)
Personally, as a chaos player my dreams have been shattered over and over again since we lost the 3.5 dex, so nothing new there.
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If I were someone unfamiliar with Fantasy units and looked at the Chaos Warrior Juggernaut riders, I'd say they looked like Khorne Beserkers riding Juggernauts.




It's weird that most rumor mongerers don't seem to know :cuss all about the system they are reporting on...like the guy who plays fantasy but "hears rumors" about 40k all the time.

I'd like to tell GW that they can do whatever they want with fantasy...I'm not going to care about it until I can engage in the One Sided Fist Fight that is Tau vs. Any Fantasy Army.  I will borrow Devilfish and Firewarriors for that Tea Party and get that feeling I used to feel when I played COD and was unleashing the Airshow of Doom.


(I do still very much like Lizardmen and Woodelves, but won't buy any)

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