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I have a mixed reaction to this....


I swore not to play Chaos anymore until something changed ruleswise.... A friend held an 'intervention' and took about 4000 points of my various chaos and left my house with it. (Stored it in his garage)


So on that hand it would amazing to get that stuff back with a new dex, but it also means a VERY short run with my Necrons which just came out of the closet of shame.

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Well I for one have no expectations for CSM in March. If it happens I will buy a kit of each new model, if it does not... well I will buy them next time. In truth ATM I am more worried how to face the Necrons and the BA in the upcoming tournament than to give in to flights of fancy...
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I have a mixed reaction to this....


I swore not to play Chaos anymore until something changed ruleswise.... A friend held an 'intervention' and took about 4000 points of my various chaos and left my house with it. (Stored it in his garage)


So on that hand it would amazing to get that stuff back with a new dex, but it also means a VERY short run with my Necrons which just came out of the closet of shame.

I need the whole story on this

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I have a mixed reaction to this....


I swore not to play Chaos anymore until something changed ruleswise.... A friend held an 'intervention' and took about 4000 points of my various chaos and left my house with it. (Stored it in his garage)


So on that hand it would amazing to get that stuff back with a new dex, but it also means a VERY short run with my Necrons which just came out of the closet of shame.

I need the whole story on this




The person in question who started the 'intervention' is a member of this forum (though not a regular) so I'm a bit hesitant to go into detail, plus I don't want to get too off topic. :)


Short version is a bunch of friends told me they were sick of me rotating armies, even though in the past year I sold 3 fully painted ones! I have an addiction to Chaos. I guess since I sold most of my Iron Warriors (which some dated as far back as the late 90's) I've been a revolving door of chaos.


When Crimson Slaughter came out I felt renewed with it, but I was still buying tons of stuff that doesn't work... Warp Talons, Mutliators, etc. Someone saw a box and a hobby drawer with about 60 DV Chosen in it and about 5 Helbrutes with a box of Warp Talons and other totally unusable stuff and they decided to have an intervention (I had already had my Blood Pact Imperial Guard taken away).


By the end of the night I swore I wouldn't play Chaos again until they got a new Codex or a Supplement or a campaign book (which I truly believe is the only possibility). Boxes of Chaos and one foam case with painted stuff left my house that night, and I hid the rest.

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Heh. But blood pact at least did recently get their own rules in IA War Machines of the Lost and the Damned. Well, not BP per se, but traitor guard, and they can represent BP fairly well if you give them all militia training and khorne marks where appropriate. And helbrutes aren't totally unusable, the cultist formation makes cultists fearless which can make for really annoying tarpits, and the deep striking gang of fun mitigates their slowness and forces the opponent to deal with them.


No argument on warp talons, they are indeed bad, and the models are ugly to boot. Maybe if they were AP2 like Incubi, it would give a risk/reward for them not having grenades or ranged weapons. But even then, there's a reason not many people take Incubi.


Really I don't think that CSM are any worse than loyalist Meq, we are just a lot worse than Eldar, Tau, and Necrons (sigh). But then I don't play much, and only then casually.

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Such a nice model, a shame that his stat anf rules arn't that great in 40k...


Please tell me that is a leaked picture of something being released in March.


I'll take 13.

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Such a nice model, a shame that his stat anf rules arn't that great in 40k...

Please tell me that is a leaked picture of something being released in March.


I'll take 13.

Plastic Bloodthirster to go with the WHFB Chaos End Times releases.

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There are some hugely suspect rumours floating around out there at present that hint at a campaign involving (of all things!) Thousand Sons and Sisters of Battle. Not so much mountains of salt as continents of it required, methinks, though I'd be in Slaaneshi heights of ecstasies if it turns out to be true:



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