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There are some hugely suspect rumours floating around out there at present that hint at a campaign involving (of all things!) Thousand Sons and Sisters of Battle. Not so much mountains of salt as continents of it required, methinks, though I'd be in Slaaneshi heights of ecstasies if it turns out to be true:




Not buying this clickbait rumour, but it's obvious that the other plastic Greater Deamons will be inbound soon. You do not need Divination for that. Makes sense that they do Khorne first, being the most powerful and most popular Chaos God.  But I bet all my ELdar Soulstones that we'll have all Plastic Greater Daemons by the end of the year. 




Way too bulky for my taste. A Keeper of Secrets needs to be sexier and more disturbing.

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There are some hugely suspect rumours floating around out there at present that hint at a campaign involving (of all things!) Thousand Sons and Sisters of Battle. Not so much mountains of salt as continents of it required, methinks, though I'd be in Slaaneshi heights of ecstasies if it turns out to be true:




Not buying this clickbait rumour, but it's obvious that the other plastic Greater Deamons will be inbound soon. You do not need Divination for that. Makes sense that they do Khorne first, being the most powerful and most popular Chaos God.  But I bet all my ELdar Soulstones that we'll have all Plastic Greater Daemons by the end of the year. 




Way too bulky for my taste. A Keeper of Secrets needs to be sexier and more disturbing.



They need to be bangable. . . If I do not want to have sex with it, I do not want it!

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They need to be bangable. . . If I do not want to have sex with it, I do not want it!





It's not that.

It's just that Slaanesh Daemons should turn you on and disgust you at the same time. A huge Mintotaurus with Crab Claws does neither. Even if he has PG-13 boobies...

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They need to be bangable. . . If I do not want to have sex with it, I do not want it!





It's not that.

It's just that Slaanesh Daemons should turn you on and disgust you at the same time. A huge Mintotaurus with Crab Claws does neither. Even if he has PG-13 boobies...



Unless that's your thing. . .

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Well kiddies. There is also this too.







But either way, I still can't see GW pushing Sororitas and T-Sons at the same time. And the Great Unclean One is more likely to follow in sales patterns from past history.

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I'm not sure IP is really the driving thing here. The rumored staying factions are: Some brand of Elves, Some Brand of Humans, Chaos more or less as it is now, Skaven more or less as they are now, Orcs & Goblins more or less as they are now, and (vamp-count-leaning) Undead, and none of that is especially 'IP'able. Some of it GW already knows for a fact isn't IPable, as they already lost law suits with Blizzards over using basically the same orcs and goblins, and if the GW version of chaos was protectable then they would have lost the lawsuit from Moorcock. It just doesn't matter what style of armor you dress your humans and elves and skeletons in, they're still humans and elves and skeletons, and people who want to go third party will have plenty of choice when doing so.


And some of the factions dropped were, if anything, more protectable than some of those they're keeping. I mean, how many knock off lizardmen have you really seen, especially compared to third party orcs or elves?



I'm not disputing what's happening in Fantasy, or what might happen in 40k in the future. I just don't see IP being the driving force behind it. Rather, I'd put the blame at market saturation, wanting to hit a reset button so everyone will be pushed into starting their collections over from scratch. That, and aiming at a smaller scale for fantasy, where their preferred MO of producing the best models on the market will actually be a positive thing rather than working against them.

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I'm with Malisteen, I doubt the rumored nuke being dropped on WFB has much to do with IP, precisely for the reasons he stated. It's being done because many WHB armies, and WHB in general, are very barely, if at all, profitable, and it will be cheaper for them to support less armies. Also they will apparently be moving to a system where they drop some new blockbuster unit every few months and then discontinue it once the initial spike of sales has passed. What an unmitigated disaster.
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I expect a Chaos uprising will be the trigger for a shift in focus, as a company GW needs to reverse the declining profit margin and cost cutting only goes so far. I'm expecting a summer event with a limited edition boxed set, maybe even ticking over to the 42nd Millenium to renew the IP rights.


Guesswork suggests that the 13th Blsck Crusade will pick up psce and we'll see a Seige of Terrz again...

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Oh I agree. I think GW is terribly managed, because the corporate officers have no idea why their product sells beyond children liking toy soldiers. Which is why they are trying to market so hard to young, short term customers, when 40k saw its biggest growth when there was a much bigger focus on creating a fluffy and (sort of) balanced game for veterans. Adults tend to have a lot more disposable income than children, and sure you get many Warhammer players as children, but you want to market to the adults.
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I would say nothing to worry about. WFB needed a serious kick since it was stagnating and really needed player made rules to be balanced (EU, Swedish, ETC) and it was way too complex for the beginner player. Said that, WFB suffered from a relatively scarce releases by GW, hence it led to less people spending on ti, creating a massive second hand market and thus not providing an incentive to remake the core armies. End Times had to happen and the result, whatever will be, will bring new life to the Fantasy franchise. 


On the other hand you have 40k. Lots of players, lots of releases, lots of coverage from bitz produces as well as from BL and FW, a competitive scene and a veritable cash cow for GW. I expect some shuffling due to various legal matters and the almost hysterical need to secure an IP nowadays (not just for GW) so yes something will happen but I doubt on the extent of the WFB.


For us in particular, well we can sleep soundly. The major trait of Chaos be it Daemons or Marines it is that is iconic and somehow off the lines with what is general fantasy, on the other hand the depiction of "loyalist marines" is a harder nut to crack since they have a strong competition from various Starcraft, Halo and similar look alike settings and thus a priority IP to secure. What will happen to us will not have the same magnitude as will with the loyalist, indifferent what will be so we can all feel safe, despite the rumors (which are usually over dramatic). 


What will happen in March. Little, almost nothing I assume. Maybe some new model kits, I doubt Chaos ones, maybe a Bloodthirster in the last week and some meager dataslate or rushed supplement to ride the sale of the daemon kit. As for the summer, nah no new edition, the 7th needs to be even properly played before they make a similar move, but maybe again one or two kits, some expensive and fluffy dataslate with little to no benefit for our army in general.


Now the question is why Mechanicus, why maybe even Sororitas, why not Chaos as the next book. Well our book will have three years in October and despite being non competitve is still a good enough codex for a few months more. On the other hand the sales need to be ramped before the people go to spend money for the summer holidays. It is a classic, time proven, marketing tactic to unload the goodies in April-May since summer is a relatively low season for sales in general, ramping up maybe around October in the follow up. 


The Mechanicus and the Sororitas are the goodies I speak of. Remember the Imperial Knight was introduced in the April-May bracket (for clear marketing reasons, read above) so money makers, bulk money makers like complete armies or big kits have this small window of release (so does it GW; so do it the others). The new armies, or kits, or supplements, will be strong, nice looking, deadly, hence proper sellers.


The Chaos book comes with a series of problems. Due to our particularities it can either make or break the meta and it is the third major faction by sales so here the GW team is under pressure (and know that they are human too), also this book must have a certain synergy with the Daemons as well as needs to be given the certain open end availability like the SM one for future supplements. The books, the new books have to be the base upon which to build on and it is much easier to make a new army than to fine tune an old one. 


IMO most of the year will be pretty uneventful for Chaos and I like it that way better, our codex should not be rushed and neither are we starved for kits (since we kitbash the most of it anyway) so all that comes should be considered as a bonus and not as a due thing. Hell I would rather see them put their hand on the Eldar and Tau before us just to settle up the meta, we are a patient people, we have been waiting in the Eye of Terror for ten thousand years, we can wait some few months more. 

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IMO most of the year will be pretty uneventful for Chaos and I like it that way better, our codex should not be rushed and neither are we starved for kits (since we kitbash the most of it anyway) so all that comes should be considered as a bonus and not as a due thing. Hell I would rather see them put their hand on the Eldar and Tau before us just to settle up the meta, we are a patient people, we have been waiting in the Eye of Terror for ten thousand years, we can wait some few months more. 

 To go along with this- Eldar and Tau are rather unbalanced force. Chaos isn't competitive- because it is so balanced. When you ask what race is the most OP race- generally you hear eldar in an umcomped tourney. I don't think anyone will say chaos… ok- maybe if they are sarcastic or drunk.

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We are not but neither I want my army to be the OP one and hear people ranting every time I put a model on the table. As it is now the Harlequins look killer but in there some shuffling happened so it is safe to assume that the Eldar will be toned down, the minimum necessary, but they will, same for the Tau. 


Nowadays the books of the 7th are quite streamlined, bland products which rely on things like formations to have flair and to play well so this is indeed our fate sooner or later. The trick is that with the Decurion the following armies will be scary, a formation of formations. I know that Chaos is far too complex to be top tier competitive, that is simply not our fate, but flair, well that we can certainly use. 


Nah, I am content that the other books get released before us, it will put the developers in perspective and it wont be us which will have to adapt to the other armies, but the way around. 

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Did all of my braincells commit suicide from work or am I reading that bass ackwards?

Which part? About people wanting tau and eldar to come before us, that we're too complex to have a good army but we should get some flair, or just all of it in general?
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I'm going to be seriously annoyed if they burn my Tau with some stupid crap.  Like, if they downgrade Crisis suits in ANY WAY, they'd better make all Elites choices proper elites choices by having BS4.  They want to punk the Riptide-meh, be my guest, I like the two I got and they fill in a role within my army, but my Crisis Suits and firewarriors do killing and Camping.


Lizardmen are still my favorite range-but I'm not going to get into fantasy ever.  I watched one game of it, and it was 90% boring as hell, with the magic phase being some crazy ass Dragonball Z type stuff blowing up and all that.  Not my bag-and again the army I'd make with Lizardmen (Saurus and Carnosaur heavy) apparently "isn't good" so I ain't gonna waste my money like I did with Chaos by not Choosing Nurgle or Slaanesh, and how I wasted my money on Destiny and Advanced Warfare.


I'm generally feeling like I "Chose unwisely" by picking up an Xbone, and have been giving strong thoughts to picking up the WiiU, Smash Brothers, the purported new Zelda game and new Starfox game coming out-and being damn happy with myself-but I've been :cussing burned too much this year, so that ain't gonna happen.

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Just as a quick thought, what if they didn't put cult marines in the next codex at all? Instead relying on following god specific mini-dexs to introduce not just the cult marines, but additional themed units. It'd certainly fit their ethos of making money from the rules, forcing Chaos Players to spend out £100+ for our ruleset.

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Sadly it wouldn't shock me if they did.


Book 1: Renegades

Then add suppliments for the eight Legions/ Cults.

Then dataslates for key HQ entries.


I'd honestly hate to see it happen. And to the extreme that I mention here I think would cause more harm than good so maybe it would be more like:


Renegades and Crimson Slaughter (current poster boys)

Legions (IW, AL, NL, and WB)

Cults (WE, EC, TS, and DG)

Then dataslates


But...who can tell. Look at how Harlequins have just been expanded upon.

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