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I'm not getting my hopes up for a new Codex any time soon. The last I heard, which admittedly was about 6 months ago, was that nobody wanted to touch Chaos Space Marines. The last two editions haven't been received particularly well and they're loathe to tackle an already spiky issue.

I can see us getting the 'Formation' treatment and maybe a Supplement but I think it will be a while before we see a new Codex.

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I don't think its hard to make CSM a better army, all what needs to happen is light point reductions and minor buffs to certain units (and you know which ones already).


I think the issue is that the army book is decently balanced right now. While its not a competitive army by itself, its decently balanced with other armies in tow. It needs some sort of GW superheavy though (similar to the knight titan), but thats just being nit-picky.

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What happened to army lists and special rules in non codex sources in past editions? They will likely FAQ them for an edition or two, then make a blanket statement saying you can use any old source books you like, it's your hobby, which people will mostly ignore because it's not "official rules."
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We don't need that many chaos codices. Recent, non-warp-borne renegades isnt a codex, its at most a chapter tactic variant of loyalists. And if you were splitting legions over multiple books, why would the four aligned cults go in one book together when they're practically by definition the four csm subfactions with the least overlap? If world eaters and Thousand sons can run out of the same codex, then I don't see why the black legion, night lords, and scourge can't as well.


No, one csm codex is plenty. We just need one that's about twice as flexible and half as frustratingly self defeating as the one we have now.

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GW don't seem to like having people play cross-loyalty armies even if it would make sense to do so, because of the difficulties it creates when combined with the allies matrix. For example, Guard and CSM used to be allies of convenience to represent renegade regiments joining up with CSM warbands, but now Astra and CSM are desperate allies just like say, CSM and loyalists. Plus, even recently turned renegades are generally going to have less abundant tech than a fully functional loyalist chapter, but several chaotic gifts and mutations and whatnot.


In other words, I would think that there would be a lot more differences between a loyalist chapter and a renegade chapter than between say, Ultramarines and Blood Angels, and certainly even more differences between a renegade chapter and a traitor legion. That said, since there is little to no chance of them splitting CSM into Renegades and Traitor Legions, they are just going to continue doing what they have been and squeezing renegade chapters in with traitor legions because they are on the same size.


Funny example of this, at least to me, has been the Crimson Slaughter supplement, specifically the art. The CS have only been renegade for less than 100 years, which is very little time in the 40k universe, and yet they are all covered in protruding bones and tentacles, and all that other jazz to a degree eclipsing most art of 10,000 year old traitor legionnaires. So, logic or no, Chaos is Chaos is Chaos. Once you throw away your Club Aquila membership card, you lose all of your assault cannons and grow an extra arm.

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They've only been Renegade for ten years real-time, however they've experienced over a thousand years within the warp.


And this is versus groups like the Night Lords' 10th Company who have been Traitor for ten thousand years real-time but only four hundred experience-time.

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They've only been Renegade for ten years real-time, however they've experienced over a thousand years within the warp.


And this is versus groups like the Night Lords' 10th Company who have been Traitor for ten thousand years real-time but only four hundred experience-time.

Just as a quick fact check here, the Crimson Slaughter have been in existance since 938.M41, which by current reckoning is 61 years ago in sidereal time. Can't find any mention in their codex which suggests that it's been "1000 years in the warp" at all.

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They've only been Renegade for ten years real-time, however they've experienced over a thousand years within the warp.


And this is versus groups like the Night Lords' 10th Company who have been Traitor for ten thousand years real-time but only four hundred experience-time.

Just as a quick fact check here, the Crimson Slaughter have been in existance since 938.M41, which by current reckoning is 61 years ago in sidereal time. Can't find any mention in their codex which suggests that it's been "1000 years in the warp" at all.

938.M41 is when Kranon disbanded the Crimson Sabres and renamed them the Crimson Slaughter. The Imperium didn't have to deal with them until 988.M41 when Kranon heard of the Hellfire Stone and the Crimson Slaughter began to actually venture forth from the Eye of Terror. Although since they were declared traitor in 927.M41, one could argue they had been renegade for ~72 years.


As for the increased time experience in the warp

“The bulk of the Crimson Slaughter had been gone for less than a Terran year, but decades had passed within the Eye of Terror. The Techmarines had left behind the limiting technology of the Omnissiah and embraced the blending of machine with the energies of the Immaterium. They were Warpsmiths now, and they had laboured long on the Lost Hope.”


Excerpt From: Workshop, Games. “Crimson Slaughter - A Codex: Chaos Space Marines Supplement (eBook Edition).” Games Workshop Ltd, 2014-08-01. iBooks.

This material may be protected by copyright.


Check out this book on the iBooks Store: https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=835976099

So if the Lost Hope is experiencing decades for every Terran year, then since they found the hulk in 939.M41, which is sixty years, with a minimum of two decades per year(since it was plural), that will mean the Lost Hope will have experienced twelve hundred years since they found it.

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Slayer le Boucher should be kinda happy with this, considering he already built Berzerkers riding juggers.



Would love to, but i doubt if this unit exist, it would be anything great...


Too acustomed to dissapointement..., would be a sub-par Thunder Cav erzats.


Now if they are WS5, T5, W2, I5 3+, Deamon cavalery with a boosted HoW, and some nices options for lets says 40pts a dude, it would be a start.




So often I have thought that the space wolf dex is better suited to build a "counts as" khorne army. 

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Slayer le Boucher should be kinda happy with this, considering he already built Berzerkers riding juggers.



Would love to, but i doubt if this unit exist, it would be anything great...


Too acustomed to dissapointement..., would be a sub-par Thunder Cav erzats.


Now if they are WS5, T5, W2, I5 3+, Deamon cavalery with a boosted HoW, and some nices options for lets says 40pts a dude, it would be a start.




So often I have thought that the space wolf dex is better suited to build a "counts as" khorne army. 


As far as I know, such a counts-as principle is fairly common.

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I hope this rumour is just misconstrued supplement info. I'm not too into buying a new codex at the moment. The 6e book has its problems but on the whole I like it. I would much prefer a codex which gives us the few things we (imo) need, namely: cost effective access to Eternal Warrior and 2+ Armour. Hell, if these come with chaosy high reward, high risk drawbacks then cool, all the better.


Aside from that, :cuss errata the book to allow Tzeentch sorcerers access to Divination.


... And let Noise Marines run 2 Blastmasters in 10 man squads while we're at it.

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For some reason they decided to take the beacon functionality away from Chaos Icons when we lost our demon summoning. Can't home in demons, can't home in terminators apparently. What would be a real bucket-o-fun is if we got dreadclaws and they weren't terrible. But it seems like GW hasn't brought anything over from Forgeworld since the various Guard superheavies and gunships.

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And homing beacons.And homing beacons.AND HOMING BEACONS.

Seriously, that's become a make-or-break issue for me.


Would it be ok if we called them Chaos Icons? (As long as they did the same thing...)

Yes, of course it would. The important part is the effect.

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Over on warseer, Hastings has been dropping rumours of the following:


Horus heresy board game limited release, with miniatures that would be compatible with 40k and be released separately after the release run ended.

An assassin board game as above


Harlequin style releases for genestealer cults and deathwatch

Plus new lord of change and tzeentch stuff.


It sounds a bit different to the norm, but Hastings does have a decent rep on these things.


I may also be misremembering stuff.

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