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CSM in Zone of Mortalis

Deamon Wolf

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Hi Guys


I am a huge Zone of Mortails Fan and I am going to run a campaign with it in the next couple of months


a couple of my gaming group have switched to CSM recently and I am wondering what you guys think would be a good list for the CQC battle field that is Zone of Mortails


1500 Points for the list and why you would take those units




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I had a similar thread and a lot of folks offered good advice.


The last time I played I used two squads of marines, two hellbrutes with power scourges and plasma cannons, two obliterators, and a termie lord with burning brand and black mace. My favorite unit were the obliterators, they were NASTY! One turned and went down a narrow corridor and lit it on fire...taking out a whole squad of Kabalite Warriors. It was very nice.

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I just finished a cruiser-sized shipboard fighting campaign like two days ago, and I can't second Obliterators enough. The ability to just lock down corridors is marvellous. The other unit that really stood out to me was Spawn, essentially because of the speed. Bear in mind that most units will be infantry, and moving 12" a turn can actually be very nasty to an opponent who isn't prepared to deal with it.


I used World Eaters, and Beserkers aren't half bad when they can reliably get to combat. They're still kind of overshadowed by Khorne marines, but that is only because of the special weapons. 


1500 for ZM is actually quite big. Which can work out great, but the force org at that points level can feel quite restrictive. To me ZM lends itself better to between 750 and 1250, unless you feel like opening up two force org charts. Just my two cents.


Also, will you be using stratagems?

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