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Arc of fire on Skyhammer Missiles


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This came up in my gaming club this afternoon.  The debate was the firing arc of skyhammer missiles.  The argument was made that according to RAW, skymammer missiles can only fire in a straight forward line with a 45deg vertical arc rather than the 45deg vertical and horizontal arc of a hull mounted weapon a la a hull mounted bolter on a chimera.  This was decided because skyhammer missiles specifically don't use the word 'hull mounted'.  


I thought it was a little ridiculous and limiting via very literal interpretation so I thought I would ask others how they would look at this.  This would affect multiple flyers especially such a lascannons on vendettas and the missiles on Storm Ravens to name a couple. 

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This came up in my gaming club this afternoon.  The debate was the firing arc of skyhammer missiles.  The argument was made that according to RAW, skymammer missiles can only fire in a straight forward line with a 45deg vertical arc rather than the 45deg vertical and horizontal arc of a hull mounted weapon a la a hull mounted bolter on a chimera.  This was decided because skyhammer missiles specifically don't use the word 'hull mounted'.  


I thought it was a little ridiculous and limiting via very literal interpretation so I thought I would ask others how they would look at this.  This would affect multiple flyers especially such a lascannons on vendettas and the missiles on Storm Ravens to name a couple. 


Last I checked anything that isn't said to be mounted a certain way is automatically hull mounted based on the model, and that all weapons that at least a 45 degree arc from the mount, except of course things like sponsons, turrets, and pintle mounted stuff which are either full circle or limited based on the design.

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Check "Vehicle Weapons and Line of Sight" on page 74 of the rulebook.


It's up to 45' Vertically on all fixed-position weapons.

It's also up to 45' Horizontally on all Hull Mounted weapons.


Note that, with the exception of Sponsons, very few weapons list their mounting.  You are expected to look at the model and determine what mounting each weapon has.  There are 4 mounting types listed in the rulebook - Turret, Pintle, Sponson (of which there are 2 sub-types) and Hull.  The closest description for the mounting of the Skyhammer pods on a Stormtalon is "Hull Mounted", so that's what they are.


If your opponent wishes to make a case for them being anything else (and thus effectively granting you an increased field of fire) then that's up to them.  ;)

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