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Dealing with Wraiths


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Funny that...


I know that they will go on to kill other things but isn't it a bit pricey having to rely on six Centurions and Tigurius?


He said a squad of centurions killed 6 wraiths. It might be three for all we know.



Haha, that's the politest "L2R" that I've ever had :)

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Another option is to take an allied SoB Battle Conclave with 10 DCAs and 2 attached Priests (both with Eviscerators, one with Relic to auto-pass War Hymns). Load them in a Blood Angel SRG or LRC and then charge them into the maxed out Wraith squad:


-DCA have 40 attacks on the charge, with WS5 and Zealot, that's 35-36 hits against the Wraiths... with re-rolls to Wound from War Hymns, S4 vs T5, that's 17-18 wounds.... after the Wraith's 3++, you inflict about 6 unsaved wounds, so 3 dead Wraiths, all before they can strike (DCA re I6, Wraiths with Whip Coils are I5)


-3 remaining Wraiths hit back with 9 attacks, 4-5 hits, about 4 wounds, of which the DCA, with their re-rollable 5++ (from War Hymns) only fail 2, so two dead Assassins.... then the Priests hit at I1 with their 6 x S6 AP2 Eviscerator attacks... with Zealot, they hit have 4-5 hits and then, with S6 vs T5 and War Hymn re-rolls, about 4 wounds, leading 1-2 more unsaved wounds, so likely another dead Wraith. Both sides are Fearless, so combat is locked.


-Next round, 8 remaining DCA have 24 attacks, 16 hits, about 8 wounds after re-rolls, and on average 3 unsaved wounds after Wraiths 3++, so only one Wraith still alive with one wound left.


-Remaining Wraith hits back with 3 attacks, 1-2 hits, 1-2 wounds,  and about 1 unsaved wound saves after DCA 5++ and re-rolls, so another dead DCA... then Priests hit with their 4 Eviscerator attacks, 2 hits, about 2 wounds, and good chance they kill the last wound on the Wraith (if not, the DCA will knock it off next Assault phase).


In total, your slightly over the cost of a Land Raider unit (not counting the Transport) lost 3 DCA (so just about the price of a single Wraith with Whip Coils), in turn knocking out 6 Wraiths, who themselves are quite potent and cost about the price of a Land Raider, all in about 2 rounds of combat (better yet, the Wraiths are preventing from engaging other targets, like your Grav Bikers, or Furioso Dreads, or Dante and his Sanguinary Guard escort).


Aside from the cost of the DCA and Priests, your Sister allied detachment needs at least one SoB squad (which can take double meltas and ride in on a BA Drop Pod as a cheap, deadly scoring unit) and a HQ like St. Celestine, who is a great IC to join any of your Jump Infantry units... throw in a Heavy Support Exorcist if you wish and you have quite a tidy little allied detachment for a reasonable points investment.

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From tournament experience yesterday: Once the spider is dead a squad of prescienced centurions kills 6 wraiths off quite handily 8)


As a Necron player I've been giving some advice to fellow Marine players. Searching the BnC will probably give you some advice that I've repeated a few times, so I apologize if you've read it


I'll just say there is a weird issue with Centurions vs Wraiths. The Centurions can't wound them because Wraiths have no armour save. (their save is invulnerable.)


I'm sure that will get FAQ'd but more importantly I'm not that happy with my Wraiths. Since losing Preferred Enemy conferred from the Destro-Lord who cannot keep up with them now, they must rely on the luck of Rending too much for my liking at their increased cost.


You are correct about the Canoptek Harvest. The SPyder (single spyder, not a squad) is the heart of the formation. It is considered part of a Decurion so it can confer a 4+ Reanimation Protocol roll to the formation as long as it's within 12". Kill the spyder, the formation is dead.


What else can I say? honestly, I would fling poo at the Wraiths. Like I said, they really rely on lucky to clean up stuff with a decent save. I've sighted where I've been held up by a 5 man squad because I just refuse to roll 6's without the help of the Preferred Enemy assistance.


Conversely I really like the Lychguard now which are cheaper and have 2 attacks at AP3. I've pulled the Canoptek Harvest for a larger Lychguard squad and I've been doing quite well with it. I can see the attraction to Wraiths with T5, but Lychguard have that as well. The problem with a Decurion is they can't just take Wraiths but can just take Lychguard. A Decurion MUST take an entire Canoptek Harvest formation to use Wraiths.

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I'll just say there is a weird issue with Centurions vs Wraiths. The Centurions can't wound them because Wraiths have no armour save. (their save is invulnerable.)


Not in my codex. They have a 3+ on their statline, and Wraith Form says they have a 3+ invulnerable, not that their save is invulnerable. That means they're 3+/3++.


Wraith profile, Summary


Wraith Form: Canoptek Wraiths have a 3+ invulnerable save.

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I'll just say there is a weird issue with Centurions vs Wraiths. The Centurions can't wound them because Wraiths have no armour save. (their save is invulnerable.)


Not in my codex. They have a 3+ on their statline, and Wraith Form says they have a 3+ invulnerable, not that their save is invulnerable. That means they're 3+/3++.


Wraith profile, Summary


Wraith Form: Canoptek Wraiths have a 3+ invulnerable save.



Sorry you're right. I don't know why I keep reading this on other forums. I haven't run into it personally. I'm still not a big fan of Grav-Cents vs Wraiths.


Last time I faced an army with Grav Cents I through 6 scarab bases at the squad and he took half the game to chew on them (no overwatch) very difficult to get rid of in assault, etc.

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