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Astral Claws: For Glory and the Tyrant!


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Absolutely Badass!, where by chance did you get the right pauldron for the Corpse taker?


If I'm not mistaken, that is an Emperor's Children one. From the Kakophoni, maybe?


That's a bingo!


Thanks for the positive comments, gang!

Thanks gang! Again, I am very pleased with my corpse-taker and I will be getting him some dissection servitors built primarily from these guys. As I stated in the B2B thread, I will just have to get some bits to make them look more like medics than cybernetic murderers.


At the moment however I have been getting bits ready for my last 2 Retaliators and getting a wee bit sidetracked with some Age of Sigmar things.


Lastly, in Astral Claws news I sold the army. I still have this kill team and Corien but everything else went Asta-La-Bye-Bye. Did a $20 army deal for my bud and handed them over. I am kind of face palming myself over this as I have yet again started and dropped an Astral Claws army it seems but I want to build this force with more purpose. Seeing the detail in my Retaliators compared to my rank and file marines had me bummed out that my army just looked average. I honestly think back to Brother Heinrich's Night Lords and Magicman's Novamarines and too many more to be named armies by fellow users of this site. If you look at their minis each one is loaded with character. With the right bits used and perfect poses achieved each marine has a tangible attitude and that is before you even read fluff about them.


I want that.


So it will be slow going but I will be rebuilding this army in time. I'll be in and out of other projects but my AC will be built piece by piece. A centurion here, a cohort there, and a few other whipper-snappers and I will be bringing the hurt on the table top for Huron again!


In the mean time though I need to get back to work on this kill team. Again, thanks for stopping by and an extra kudos for reading that PDA. 

Mate I thoroughly approve of this decision, I think its exactly the right attitude. Never stop striving for better. You also helped out a mate, so two birds one stone and all that. Much respect. Even more excited about watching this thread develop now. You are already off to a very excellent start bud. Keep it up.

Will still be watching the thread, hushrong! ph34r.png I'm really curious to see how you're gonna bring your Claws to an extra level! But I really have to applaud you for boldly selling off your "average" models and start fresh. I for one couldn't possibly do that :D but still, it makes me think about my own Astral Claws and how to give everyone of them a little bit more personality!

Anyways, make the Tyrant proud! ;)

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the replies! 


So, last night I have finished my primary kill team. I will be making servitors for my corpse taker but in the meantime let me show you what I've got done.




Definitely happy to have him finished but I realized I already have another retaliator with this same pose. I really want to cut this guy up but I decided to leave him alone and move on to something I have been VERY ecstatic about it, my strike leader.


I did get the bits to remake my old strike leader but looking at the following picture made me rethink  how I wanted to represent Perceval, my new Strike Leader.



However, I wanted something a bit more vicious so I put this together:






I think playing The Order and watching Kingsman wanted me to make a more knightly leader. So I wanted a sword, a charging pose, and a leader which even ruthless retaliators could not deny his orders & commands. I think I hit the mark on that.


Next I will be getting some stuff on the bases and will prime these suckers up. Just debating if I should use the army painter platemail I have and have used (shown in an older post) or if I should go get another can of black paint.


Anyways, off to shop for bits for some nasty, medical servitors. Thanks for stopping by!

  • 3 months later...

Everybody! Backstreet's back, alright!




Kind of. A new boss is in town boys and girls. However, my super glue gel-ed up on me so it didn't apply the way I wanted so some areas look like hell. I am also thinking about replacing that blank pauldron. I am torn between choosing something simple or fancy for a Centurion. 


Before the fella above cropped up I had been on hiatus but I am back for gaming and modelling. He is just the beginning as I need to purchase some stuff to build up a new army. I am looking forward to playing some more 40k but in the mean time, thanks to proxying, I tried 30k Zone Mortalis to get the gaming batteries charged.



So stay tuned, folks. Other stuff is on the way.


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