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Advantage to Khorne Bikes Over Khorne Spawn for JL Delivery?


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Are there any advantages to bringing Khorne Bikers over Khorne Spawn as a delivery system for a Juggerlord? It looks good on paper but Spawn are a lot cheaper... have a lot more wounds and can eat a lot more shots considering how many AP3 or better shots they are forced to eat. The only thing I can thing of is the Officer who can accept challenges on the Juggerlord's behalf... but my lord never refuses a challenge on principle anyway...

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Challanges really dont matter in 7th as much as they did b/c wounds carry over. The bikes i feel are used better as a a differnt type of roll, fast mobile shooting with combat potential rather than dedicated. The spawn have a pure combat harrasment role, which overlaps the juggelords purpose. Every turn the juggerlord is not in combat makes him a sad panda....that and with the emerging prevalance of grav guns the spawn now perform operation gibbering shield

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Challanges really dont matter in 7th as much as they did b/c wounds carry over. The bikes i feel are used better as a a differnt type of roll, fast mobile shooting with combat potential rather than dedicated. The spawn have a pure combat harrasment role, which overlaps the juggelords purpose. Every turn the juggerlord is not in combat makes him a sad panda....that and with the emerging prevalance of grav guns the spawn now perform operation gibbering shield


Challenges still matter in more than a few situations. If your opponent's character has a really good invuln (3++ or better) then having a Champion take him on for a round will allow your Khorne Lord to own the squad he is with before he can soak wounds. Still pops up once or so in most games I play.

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As oreaper84 already stated, the spawn synergize well with the Jugger Lord since he wants to be in CC just as bad as those spawn. I think bikers obviously have a place in a list with the JL + Spawn with their mobile shooting, and providing a screen to the J-Lord and his crew.

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