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Deathwind launcher drop pods


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If I have the points, I may put one on a Pod. Last time I used it it did OK - record hits was 15 guard and it killed most of them...


As for hitting my own stuff, I wouldn't worry about it too much as the odds are against harming a Dreadnought and 3+ is a decent save all in all.

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I tend to just hope the other side forget they can kill drop pods really really easily.


Last game the other guy disembarked 5 tac marines, 4 bolters in an arc at the front, plasma cannon behind.

My pod that had dropped behind his lines shot the squad in the back and killed the plasma cannon.

It had sad quietly for a couple of turns and been disregarded,

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DMLs allow pods to make a real nuisance of themselves, particularly against gunline armies.


Sure they won't last long if the opponent decides to shut them up but any shots going at the pods are not going at more valuable units. 15 points is worth it for the nuisance factor IMHO.

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Any recommendations on the ratio? I'm thinking 2/5 or 3/7 depending on how many pods you're taking. Also are they more valuable if they have OS or is it wiser to put them on disposable pods that the enemy might ignore otherwise?

OS in a BA army? What heresy is this? Smurf in disguise?

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Any recommendations on the ratio? I'm thinking 2/5 or 3/7 depending on how many pods you're taking. Also are they more valuable if they have OS or is it wiser to put them on disposable pods that the enemy might ignore otherwise?


1/3, 2/5, 3/7, etc seems about right to me, but it also depends on the contents and the accompanying force. If I had an empty Pod, I would probably upgrade it in this manner (or use a FW Deathstorm Pod).


See this awesome tutorial to magnetize weapons:




I just picked up 2 pods (I have one forgeworld one from a while ago) that will be painted up once I have the 50 marines in front of it complete.


First time I've seen that guide and that's exactly how I've done mine. I'm actually looking forward to building my second one.

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Any recommendations on the ratio? I'm thinking 2/5 or 3/7 depending on how many pods you're taking. Also are they more valuable if they have OS or is it wiser to put them on disposable pods that the enemy might ignore otherwise?

If you are short on points, any pods with Dreadnoughts are probably a good bet as scatters are less likely to damage you.


Except the range on the deathwind is pretty crap?

Given that you likely to be dropping within 12" of the enemy, this is less likely to be a hindrance.
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Holy smokes, the deathwind is 15pts now?


No reason not to take one, 15pt large blast? It turns each pod into a better armoured short range whirlwind!


Except the range on the deathwind is pretty crap?



You missed the part where I commented that it was short ranged. All the deathwind needs is some kind of delivery system to put it exactly where the enemy are, or want to be. I'd pay 35pts to put that weapon where I want it.

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So what's everyone's ideas about squads for the pods? I'm thinking flamer assault squads should be good. For 110 points you get 2 templates and a large blast. Although less effective against marines I'm sure its capable of doing reasonable damage.
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So then here is a question, since assault squads can get a pod for free by ditching their jumppacks, do you actually pay for the points still to upgrade the weapons, or is at a free potd with free upgrades. It says free pod or free rhino, either pod is within range of the cost of the rhino anyways. One pod 1/3 the price of the rhino, the other pod with Missiles is only 1/9 more expensive expensive then a rhino. Just curious cause it is something that isn't exaclty clarified and if you still have to pay the points for the upgrade with a free pod, it feels I am getting less in points for dropping the jumppacks even though being able to drop a small melta assault squad behind a tank to pop is still worth doing.
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I've played against a space wolf player who always puts the launcher on his pods. At first I was worried about possible friendly fire too, due to the short range. I have never seen his shots kill his own troops. Instead they did a suprising amount of damage to mine. It also forced me to deal with the pods. He happily deployed the pods in areas where I had two or more units grouped together. His unit would deploy and attack one of mine, while his pod hammered away at another unit. With the 7th edition deployment rules he could place the disembarking unit far enough away from the pod that the chances of scattering the missle shot on his own unit was unlikely.

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I'd consider at least one tri melta assault squad with deathwind. Blod up the transport, then the deathwind can drop a blast marker on whatever falls out.

Agreed, although I am going quad melta with a pair of pistols on the sergeant.


There are plenty of ways of getting infantry killing firepower into Marine armies so flamers on an assault squad is overkill IMHO. On the other hand, melta is the best tank killer by a long way if you can deploy it in numbers near enemy vehicles. RAS pod squads provide volume melta and a turn 1 delivery mechanism for quite a modest points cost. The DWML is just icing on the cake.

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