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fluff for fallen dark angels ?


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so I was looking at my CSM models last night , and thinking i would try and get this project off the ground . it is not a big army , and will be fluff based as I am basing it around a Xmass sophie model which will be a deamon model . so I have the starter set , and was thinking of adding the dark angels to the army as fallen marines . I am just trying to sort the fluff out . are there any noted instances where dark angels have fallen to chaoss ? 

I don't want to dump a bunch of $$ into this as I already have 3 large 40 k armies , this is a side project . I am thinking of using a bunch of guard models as cultists as well .

i might use the traitor guard info from forgeworld for them though and blend them in that way .

I would like the army to have a back story to explain the dark angels models , I have a total of 9 DA terminators , the limited edition specal charactar priest guy , the command captian and a squad of DA marines .plus 3 DA bikers .

so my army at the moment looks roughly like this :


HQs :

deamon of teziech or slanesh ( the Xmass sophie model from reaper )

Deamon on kohrn / slanesh / teziech ( a pal ral model that can be either )

chaoss lord DV

Aspiring Champion DV

DA limited edition priest guy DV

DA Librarian DV

DA Company Master DV



20 cultists DV

10 DA marines DV

1CSM with HB

30 or so guard infantry models




4 DA Terminators ( metal)

5 DA terminators DV

6 Chosen DV


Fast attack:

3 DA bikers DV




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In short, yes, around half the original legion. However, they often wonder around by themselves or in small groups. That said, you could have a group of CSM who wear DA iconography to discredit them (could be a vendetta, could be they know of The Fallen, could even be led by a Fallen Angel themselves). 

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In short, yes, around half the original legion. However, they often wonder around by themselves or in small groups. That said, you could have a group of CSM who wear DA iconography to discredit them (could be a vendetta, could be they know of The Fallen, could even be led by a Fallen Angel themselves). 

That is perfect , exactly what I needed.


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On a side note. In Talon of Horus, by ADB, the "Fallen" are mentioned. Really there is just a snippet but in a scene the characters observe a 1st Legion warship docked in a port deep in the Eye of Terror and one of them mentions that the ships of the First legion are not as rare as they seem in the Realm of the Eye aka Eye of Terror. 


Hence we speak of ships, so it is not only marines that were scattered across time and space but their wargear too. A ship usually also comes with a minor or major complement of astartes...

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are there any noted instances where dark angels have fallen to chaoss ?


There's maybe one or two.

Yeah after a day of research I see there are a couple . if I had known I would have converted/used the DA models along time ago . I am suprised GW would put DA and chaoss in the same starter set with that much overlap . either way I am happy :)

on another note , I downloaded the cypher data slate last night and converted the DA librarian in to a Cypher model . Is Cypher any good at almost 200 points he is pricy .

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The reason why the Dar Angels are against the Crimson Slaughter (chaos) is actually interesting:

The DA and their successors are known as the Unforgiven and go to extreme lengths to conceal the stain on their Legion's honour - they will abandon Imperial allies and if it means they can capture an illusive Fallen. Any who discover their secret are either sworn to secrecy and have tabs kept on them, or they disappear all together. The Crimson Slaughter captured a Fallen and learnt of the DA's secret. They then used the Fallen as bait to lure the DA out and then caused mass casualties to the DA 5th Company. To add insult, they also killed the Fallen, meaning he could never repent. Dark Vengeance, I believe, is when the Dark Angels made their wrath felt against the renegades after hunting them down in turn. 


As for Cypher I'm not sure on effectiveness. 

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Also, the Crimson Sabres accidentally genocided a world, and got excommincated and called traitor.


Then they found out that half the dark angels (probably 50,000 marines) actually and willfully turned traitor, and yet are still seen as a loyal chapter.


The Sabres (now Slaughter) saw this as slightly unfair, and make it their mission to try and alert the imperium to the nature of the Dark Angels.


Which the Dark Angels, obviously, are not a fan of.

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Anyone even remotely interested in this topic should read Angels of Darkness. The style isn't up to say, ADB standards, and there isn't much bolter porn, but it's a very intriguing look into the Dark Angels.
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