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New FAQs - 10/2/15


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Nice, now Shrike cannot join any unit in the SM codex before or during deployment.  Great wording, 'may only'...

Where is the problem? Codex trumps rulebook, even an errataed rulebook. So Shrike joins jump infantry before deployment as per his See, but remain unseen rule and then the whole unit can infiltrate.

Units that contain at least one model with this special rule are deployed last, after all other units (friend and foe) have been deployed.

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It's still the same ol' debate. Nothing changed that. How can he join a unit and give it Infiltrate if that unit has to be deployed before any models with the Infiltrate rule. They could always be deployed together in reserves and thus benefit from Infiltrate by outflanking, same as always. While the the FAQ may have nailed down the general IC and squad debate, the same arguments for both sides remain the same arguments as far as "See, but remain unseen" goes.
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That, and Shrikes rules say 'he may only join squads of Jump Infantry'.  It specifically limits Shrike to only being able to join squads of Jump Infantry that he could otherwise join anyways.   Nothing in that statement can be construed to give him permission to join a unit he cannot join due to base rule book limitations.  With the new FAQ, the unit Shrike joins must also already have Infiltrate (among a host of other things), and due to 'See, but Remain Unseen' also may only be Jump Infantry. 

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ICs with Infiltrate can now no longer join a unit in Reserves (if that Unit doesn't have Infiltrate itself).


So Infiltrate nerfed slightly.


I like how the GK FAQ is the old one, for a Codex that is now obselete.  Unless this is GW subtle acceptance the new Codex is crap and they're letting us use the old one... ;)

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ICs with Infiltrate can now no longer join a unit in Reserves (if that Unit doesn't have Infiltrate itself).

Or vice versa. So, you can't escort an IC through an Outflank with your Scouts.

I like how the GK FAQ is the old one, for a Codex that is now obselete. Unless this is GW subtle acceptance the new Codex is crap and they're letting us use the old one... msn-wink.gif

Necrons, too, but the Grey Knights codex has been out for much longer.

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