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Hello guys,


I have few (noob) questions as I have taken a bit of a break from this game, so please be gentle with me :)


1. If I have main force taken from the Baal Strike Force detch, can I take allies with Obj Sec rule?

2. If I have taken relic in main force, moreover I would like to take another with my allies, who is now considered to be keeper of the relics? Regular Chaplain?

3. What are the restrictions for the Cassor ? Can you just simply take him in the force even when you run Baal Strike Force?


Thank you in advance,


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Hello guys,

I have few (noob) questions as I have taken a bit of a break from this game, so please be gentle with me smile.png

Welcome back :)

1. If I have main force taken from the Baal Strike Force detch, can I take allies with Obj Sec rule?

Yup. Either take a BA Combined Arms Detachment (CAD) as well, a suitable Allied Detachment or a Formation that grants it. See diagram:


2. If I have taken relic in main force, moreover I would like to take another with my allies, who is now considered to be keeper of the relics? Regular Chaplain?

First off, we now have relics in our Codex. These are entirely different from Imperial Armour's Relic of the Armoury rule and any restrictions for them are in the Codex. For the case of Relic of the Armoury, a Chaplain will suffice. See link:


3. What are the restrictions for the Cassor ? Can you just simply take him in the force even when you run Baal Strike Force?

Cassor has his own dataslate. Each unit in the Codex is considered to be a dataslate and you fit them into the detachment/formation you have chosen where applicable. Cassor, available in the SoB boxset, is a Troops choice and must be used exactly as he is listed. If you want him to have a Drop Pod, this will need to be purchased separately.

Thank you in advance,


Hope that helps and feel free to ask anymore questions!

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Thank you for a quick reply, while lot has been explained , I am still bit confused on that Cassor dread smile.png

What that means is I take my main detachment (Ball Strike Force), with allies (Red Scorps - obj sec) and separate Cassor dread (him being data-slate) is this correct? Moreover will he be able to get obj sec?

Thank you


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Cassor is not in a separate category. Let me further explain my reply to question three:


In the Troops section of our Codex there are two entries: Tacticals and Scouts. These entries are now known as dataslates. The Cassor dataslate in the SoB box is an additional Troop choice for our Codex. Think of it as the third entry/choice/option in the Troops part of our Codex. In your above example, he is a Troops choice for Faction: Blood Angels and thus is chosen as part of the mandatory Troops allowance in your BSF.


As the BSF formation does not have access to Objective Secured, Cassor does not. Note that Cassor can still score, just like anything else can. He just can't "super score" in a BSF. If you want him to "super score", you need to take him as part as a BA CAD or BA Allied Detachment.


Did that help? Seriously, it's easy once you get your head around it.

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So just to get this straight

Cassor, a DCD from Death storm, may be taken in a codex blood angels Baal strike force as a troops choice?

Where he will gain red thirst?

Yup. You can even take both troop choices from Deathstorm to make up the mandatory troop choices of the Baal Strike Force. Raphen's Death Company also has its own dataslate. You would have to field them exactly as indicated though (5 marines, JP, wargear as listed).
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Thank you very much for clearing it out for me :)


On the other hand, I would like to ask you what you think about following;


(scource: http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Warhammer_40,000/Tactics/Blood_Angels%287E%29 )


  • Important RAW note - Malakim Phoros has "The Red Thirst" special rule, which when taken directly as written from the new Blood Angels codex, simply grants +1 Initiative when charging to each model in his formation, irrespective of if you have used the Baal Strike Force detachment, just by having him in the army. Now your opponent can get picky about the use of the word "Formation" rather than "detachment" or "army" but would also realize that it then shouldn't apply to the BSF in the first place since it actually isn't one according to BRB p121 and would therefore render it entirely void except for Battle Companies.

Is this really the way how to get obj sec and still get the fancy +1 Ini ?



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Its a great way to get objective secured and +1 init on the charge, but its an equilly great way to get excluded from your gaming group for being "that guy".


Yeah I know ...  was just curiouse how legit it is


If you think "this is wrong, but"

This is probably wrong, no buts

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And to add to Jolemai's spot on explanation, if you want to take him in a drop pod, you need to use up a fast attack slot and purchase the drop pod seperatly as Cassor does not have access to a dedicated transport in his dataslate. smile.png

Although he does have access to a Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop Pod as a dedicated transport biggrin.png

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