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To Astrorath or no to (Help with what to choose 1000pts))


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Im having real Problems with deciding what to take in  1000points game vs Orks (had similar threat earlier)


The Army for now is Build up like this


Chaplain JP BP/CS




5 Tacticals with 1HB sitting in the back on an Objective

5 Tacticals with 1HB sitting in the back on an Objective

5 Tacticals with Flamer in a RB HB


Devastor with 4 ML in a Bastion (incl Objective)where the Sergent take a HB (Sergeant is WL and hopes to get ReRoll 1 for unit)

Sicaran with HB Sposons


But my Eyes fell on Astrotath which is a really good force multiplyer for the DC and with 60 points more i get +1 on WS, A , HP and I ; a better Armor save (2+) , a AP2 weapon with InstantDeath and Reroll to Wounds (incl Reroll to hit (like the Chaplain)).


Now i have found 4 Ways to get the 60 pointa but all have a DrawBack:

- Get rid of the Bastion : I loose a high Armor saveplace for my WL and a HB. Its important since there is an Obj on top

- Get rid of the RB : The Tacticals have to footslog and loose a HB

- Get rid of the third tacticals and let the Dedictated RB go other squad for obj secured and using it for camping: loose a Onj Sec squad

- A bit from evrywhere: Loose HBSposons on Sicaran, Make the BAstion a Bunker and make the RB a Rhino: i loose 4 HB.


Is any of these sacrifices worth the Bonuses Astrorath bring or should i keep the points more spread out?

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Well, considering you will be playing Orks, I would reccomend replacing those Heavy bolters with Flamers.

I really like Asteroth and with the prolification of Ork Nobs with multiple woulds, that instant death weapon will be worth its weight in gold.

I'm not sure the bastion is that important unless you play with a very small amount of scenery, so I would drop that, add Asteroth and add some more flamers.

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If you are going for a Chaplain anyway, I would say the points for Astorath are well worth it.


Quick question, you mention Objsec a couple of times. Does that mean you are taking a CAD rather than a BSF? I guess against Orks you don't really need the +1I.


I would be tempted to ditch the Bastion and make do with normal cover for the Devs. You can always take Astorath as your Warlord. Although Soul Warden is not a very exciting Trait, with 3W and a 2+/4++ save, he should be fairly hard to kill.

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Yes, I would only play BSF when against MEQ. Why pick somthing you have anyway (I mean higher Iniative) and loosing a considerable Buff in a Mealstrom game?

Furthermore i would have to add a FA slot. Sure the RB could take it but im not a fan of that.

And DC >>>>>>>>> Assault Marines.


I Dropped the Bastion for Astorah and a HF on the RB Tactical Squad furthermore the DC got a Powermaul.

I kinda have a hard time to get a HF on the RB since it cant overwatch and RearArmor 10 in CC range is a bad bad idea.

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