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Thousand Sons: A discussion and Analysis


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A formation chart would help each god section with benefiting their unique play style (because each cult troop is missing something massive from it- at least it feels like).


And i really think the thousand sons would be fine- and I mean perfect for their niche- if they increased the Wounds on the sorc, gave him options to upgrade levels, and overhauled the Tzeentch sorc powers to include things that have higher s and lower ap to act as the heavy weapons to the squad. Maybe something like;


-Template S5 Ap 4 Warpflame 

-R 36" S8 Ap 3 Warpflame

-R 36" S7 AP 2 Small blast, Warpflame 

-R 42" S9 AP 2 Warpflame


I'd personally overhaul warp flame too, make it something that either benefits a unit ONCE and only ONCE or change how it functions. But if you noticed i just took existing heavy weapons and based a profile on them to give a little more punch to the unit. I would expect GW writers to have a little more flare then that but with the lack of ranged high strength in Chaos Codexes (especially daemons) i think it could fill a needed niche within the codex


  Honestly I would love it if the Tzeentch lore moved away from the whole 'various kinds of fire' motif. Tzeentch is supposed to be the God of Change, Schemes and Psychic power. Sure fire has its place in that but its already well represented in the daemons codex with their units. I'd like the psychic discipline to be more....subtle I guess?

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I just want to throw this opinion into the mix. I think the Tson squads shouldn't need sorcerors since your warlard could, and probably is, psychically powerful enough to control his minions. Maybe Ahriman is unique though. 

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I feel like with some tweaks to the tzeentch discipline and a formation that allows tzeentch marked psykers to choose their powers instead of rolling for them, they might be worthwhile.


I still think they should have 2 wounds rather than an invulnerable save.

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So...it didn't take long until it devolved into a wishlisting thread instead of tactics about trying to use the actual unit... biggrin.png

Probably as the unit has been dissected and put together again a thousand times a thousand times before.

There is little more to say on the issue other than


1) Overcosted

2) N/A


Need to be cheaper, or have their abilities changed to match their cost.

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Ok, well if the idea is to figure out how to use them, I might use 1 or 2 msu squads in rhinos as support and send them veteran/chosen/devastator/havoc hunting. I want to send them against low ap weaponry to make use of their 4++ and I want those weapons carried by 3+ sv units to make the most out of their inferno bolts. Meanwhile, grab Ahriman and then build a psyker heavy daemon list to get the most out of those warp charges. Alternatively, play mech with them that way.

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Ok, well if the idea is to figure out how to use them, I might use 1 or 2 msu squads in rhinos as support and send them veteran/chosen/devastator/havoc hunting. I want to send them against low ap weaponry to make use of their 4++ and I want those weapons carried by 3+ sv units to make the most out of their inferno bolts. Meanwhile, grab Ahriman and then build a psyker heavy daemon list to get the most out of those warp charges. Alternatively, play mech with them that way.


I would say if playing an objective game you could place all your objectives in open cover and have Thousand sons just sitting on the objective the entire game. 


If you play a mech force, bubble-wrap your tanks in the thousand sons.

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Ok, well if the idea is to figure out how to use them, I might use 1 or 2 msu squads in rhinos as support and send them veteran/chosen/devastator/havoc hunting. I want to send them against low ap weaponry to make use of their 4++ and I want those weapons carried by 3+ sv units to make the most out of their inferno bolts. Meanwhile, grab Ahriman and then build a psyker heavy daemon list to get the most out of those warp charges. Alternatively, play mech with them that way.


I would say if playing an objective game you could place all your objectives in open cover and have Thousand sons just sitting on the objective the entire game. 


If you play a mech force, bubble-wrap your tanks in the thousand sons.



That's some expensive bubble-wrap.

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Perhaps sit them in the backfield on objectives, and just use them to generate psychic dice. 150 points is fairly cheap.


I disagree strongly I'm afraid. If you want a psychic dice battery get another sorc if you wanna stay within codex, Or get a daemon Herald and some Horrors. If you want something to sit in the backfield on objectives, well....Anything except Thousand Sons? Even Khorne Berserkes would have the benefit of being cheaper.

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Perhaps sit them in the backfield on objectives, and just use them to generate psychic dice. 150 points is fairly cheap.

I disagree strongly I'm afraid. If you want a psychic dice battery get another sorc if you wanna stay within codex, Or get a daemon Herald and some Horrors. If you want something to sit in the backfield on objectives, well....Anything except Thousand Sons? Even Khorne Berserkes would have the benefit of being cheaper.

Well, I only suggest that if you're determined to use them at all...

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If you're determined to use them, then you have to get them into rapid fire range. The belong on midfield objectives, not backfield. Either take ahriman to infiltrate them (although the faq to infiltrating characters and squads, while not unexpected, does hamper the utility of that option), or put them in rhinos. And take spawn or something to bubble-wrap them with.
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  • 1 month later...

Like Radagast said, they work relatively nicely as a mobile fire support squad. Any infantry bar Terminators is likely to stay in cover or advance much more cautiously until these guys are dealt with. Plus, they have the benefit of not having to keep to cover and the Aspiring Sorcerer can contribute in the Psychic Phase.

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Poor, poor thousand sons, so characterful and cool but so impaired and limited in what they can do. have to agree, they need an overhaul just not sure what.


Yet I am still going to try build a force of them.



go for it, if you like them dont let us stop you :) i wish you luck.

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In my own chaos arny i dont see a role for them i wont be marking units unless they have the daemon rule and as i run crimson slaughter i already have 3 troops choices so for me they are rather pointsless my vanilla marines can do a similar role but have access to special weapons
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