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I always find that a well painted model in someone else's thread just makes me want to run out and buy one for myself... Is that a bad thing?? sad.png

Elmo, I had to trump your Kasrkins some how. Painting has well begun and they're coming together nicely. I think my only gripe is that the weapons all have stocks and handgrips but the right arm does as well. I've had to snip a whole lot off the weapons to get them to fit. Other than than they're a great looking model. Expect more picture today.

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I take it you went for the universal arms then, Chef? I got a set recently with them and I wasn't as keen on them as the normal ones. Neither is without their problems, but I find the newer ones more difficult to dry-fit and test that the others.

What colour scheme are you going with them? We need more pics!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Been putting the finishing details on Thunderchild the last couple of days and I have just on question. What sadistic bastard thought it would be nice to have all these damned rivets for my to paint?


Spent the last hour hitting them all with wash. I'll be posting some pictures soon. I've got the lenses painted and my loader is having fun with his heavy stubber.

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Out Front!!!!!!!


I like how someone else had the idea to do a real cav unit in 40k. I'm painting 2-17 colors on my StormFang, StormWolf, StormRaven, and Storm Talons. And I'll be doing 160th SOAR colors on my valks. 


I'm not cav, I don't have spurs. But 2-17 was one of my supported units, and I loved working with those guys. I also got to work with the SWO's over at Nightstalker HQ. Got to help a few of the 160th pilots too, great guys.


Coelum ad proelium elige. 



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