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new rule book FAQ and master of deception


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Independent Characters without the Infiltrate special rule never could join a unit of Infiltrators, even before the FAQ.  Yes the new wording means that you can't use Master of Deception to give an Independent Character Infiltrate, then have him confer it to a unit he joins during deployment.  But it was always contested that, because of the wording of how Independent Characters join units during deployment, the unit you wished to confer the rule on would have to be deployed before the Infiltrating Character could join them anyway.  Thus rendering his conferring of the rule utterly pointless.


Basically, as far as Chaos is concerned at least, nothing has really changed.  We just have clarification on how the rule works.


So, if you want to Infiltrate an Independent Character with another unit, you'll have to give them both Infiltrate separately.


For me, Master of Deception was dead as a Warlord Trait as soon as 7th edition hit and we saw Master of Ambush, which is just better in every single way.  Though that probably comes as little comfort to those who like to run Huron or Ahriman for the guaranteed Master of Deception trait.

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For me, Master of Deception was dead as a Warlord Trait as soon as 7th edition hit and we saw Master of Ambush, which is just better in every single way.  Though that probably comes as little comfort to those who like to run Huron or Ahriman for the guaranteed Master of Deception trait.


Master of Deception is still a pretty good warlord trait when it are guaranteed to have it (by taking Ahriman or Huron) as opposed to rolling and hoping you get Master of Ambush. MoA is better, but since its random you can't plan your game around having it and select units accordingly that benefit from it the most whereas with MoD you can.


The impact of the ruling is that MoD now works best on Infantry (or Jump Infantry) units without attached independent characters such as Obliderators, Thousand Sons, Chosen with Special Weapons, and Chaos Terminators. At least the Infiltrate conferred applies to both the unit and its Dedicated Transport (which is far more important).

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I'm just wondering since I don't have my rulebook on me but what is master of ambush? Is it similar to master of deception?

It's Infiltrate for your warlord plus three non-vehicle units...so better than MoD in every way!

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