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Regiment 225 WIP


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Hello B&C,
                 Some back story, I played 4th ed Eldar a few years ago and never really got into both the hobby side(painting, modelling) or the gaming side. Then dropped 40k not long before 5th edition hit, however I still played the Dawn of War games up until Retribution. 
Then recently, late December of last year my good friend convinced me to pick up the hobby again and now here I am as hooked as can be.

I picked up guardsmen since I fell in love with both tanks and commissars, both unique and familiar especially when compared to the exotic xenos and blasphemous magics of the other races. It also helped my friends picked up SoB and Tau respectively giving my local (friend) scene a very shooty focussed meta.

I since decided to go predominantly mechanised since it allowed me to fulfill my trackhead fantasys and be a joy to make. The magnetising tutorial sticked on this thread is also really good and very useful.

Game tally:
Grey Knights + IG(me) vs Chaos + Dark Eldar 2000 points: Grey Knight + IG win
 Highlights:(Popping raiders, taking the last wound of Abaddon with a plucky lasgun shot)
 Things I learnt: For a first game I was thrown in the deep end, used the wrong rules for ordnance(4th ed rules). Air power is dangerous
IG vs Tau 750 points: Tau wins twice
Highlights: killing everything fire warrior related, Crisis commander popping both russes with fusion blasters. 
Things I learnt: Protecting the heavy guns is important, prioritise the pathfinders early game and prepare for the deepstriking crisis suits
IG vs Space Marines + Chaos 1000 points: IG win
Cover is amazing, battle cannon can do no wrong. The Outflanking warlord trait is amazing
IG vs Space Wolves 1000 points: Space wolf victory
Thunder wolf cavalry are too tanky and too fast (tore through my tanks) but was a lot of fun

This thread will mainly be about my army progress, (possible battle reports and fluff) and questions.
Some things in the near future:
Just finished building a leman russ demolisher(w/ variants)
Gonna play vs guardsmen later today

Some poorly done phone camera pictures incoming:

Commander,regimental advisors, inquisitor (salvaged from a broken metal corteaz, and some special weapons(some of the conversions are iffy.

Chimeras, they were really fun to make (except from the lasgun arrays)


Russes, the one with the tank commander was bought really cheaply and where I tried out as many painting techniques as possible before I made my own. Close up of the other (Happy with the results but any C&C would be greatly appreciated.)

http://i.imgur.com/G6l5Ipf.jpgFootslogging guardsmen, only primed atm


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Welcome to the B&C and back to the hobby Matricia! You've made the right choice with Guard, going up in the world after the folly of collecting Eldars scum ;) You will find mechanised Guard quite fun to play especially with all the tanks, they'll look great in your colour scheme too. What sort of pointers are you looking for? Painting the lenses really helps tanks pop as well as a good weathering method if you fancy branching out a bit :)


I'm looking forward to seeing your army progress :tu:

Not done much hobbying in the past few days, last Thursday I had two games in one day. Also painted my commissar. First was against Grey Knights and the second was a tag team(with the guy I was supposed to fight) against 2 armies of chaos. In terms of canon I like to think the second game happened first.



Commander Renning of the Cadian regiment 225 "Crimean Standard" scanned over the report the grim faced Commissar had handed to him. There was little time for formalities considering how long into the past the Renegade militia revolted against the planets authorities. The sheer strength of character emanating from the looming Commissar was unnerving no matter how many times they met. Not long after reaching the planet did they realise what had actually occurred on the planet. "The rotten taint of Chaos, we will need rid of these abominations" The Commissar Zephidel muttered. Not long after making landfall, a distress signal from the nearby Cadian Regiment forced the men of 225 to arms. The chaos trap had been sprung.

Nurgle is super annoying, I didn't suffer much losses but my guardsmen team mate lost loads of stuff (300 points or so) to this haywire attack from the black legion codex on turn one. In the end we couldn't push forward due to the lack of a psychic phase (couldn't get past all the demons from summoning). Great unclean one was a roadblock, really unfortunate luck on my team mates part. We lost decisively with a 0-9 score.


The 225 fled the battlefield with what few tanks Renning could move. "We have to run with our tails between our legs." Zephidel slamming the nearby metal door with his fist. Renning on the other hand could not hide the sheer unadulterated fear behind his eyes. For a few hours there was silence save for the grinding of the engine, the commissars unrelenting cursing and the tracks of the Chimera barrelling down the plains. Every sound resonating and reverberating in the vehicle hold.
A few hours had past in the wilderness when a contingent of silver space marines teleported into view. What chapter are they? Those are not a normal chapters!? Rennings mind was not at ease and would continue when the marines drew their weapons. "We have come to silence you


This game was really close, at the end of turn 4 it was one squad of vets vs 2-3 terminators. I popped the dreadknight really early but could not stop the grey knights from assaulting my tanks.


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