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XIth: Wardens of Light - Destined to be forgotten

Go to solution Solved by MikhalLeNoir,

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This Thread is dedicated to the lost XIth Legion, the Wardens of Light, if you are here for the Truscale Tartaros Tutorial, go look on page 15, or follow this direct link http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/303402-xith-wardens-of-light-today-truscale-tartaros-tutorial/?p=4677077



This first post in under construction, and will change as time progresses, and as ideas are set in stone. You're free to suggest any and all to help in the creation of this Legion, but the basis and final integration as solid fluff will be determined by myself.

Let's all have some lengthy and interesting discussion.
Thank you for reading, and enjoy!

Truescale Tartaros Terminator Tutorial on Page 15



Speed & maneuveribilty

"Join us brothers. Join us in the shadows where we stand vigilant. Join us as we carry out the duty that cannot be forsworn. And should you perish, know that your sacrifice will not be forgotten. And that one day, we shall join you."

"All children should be forced to walk on a battlefield and see the broken bodies. That way they would not grow up with thoughts of glory in war"
Gwalchavad after the Battle for Udernus

"No matter where; of comfort no man speak: Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs;
Make dust our paper and with rainy eyes write sorrow on the bosom of the earth"
So here we go.

Legion Name before the Réunion: Apostles of War
Legion Symbol before the Réunion: A Winged Hand, Holding a sword.

Apostels of War

Legion Colors: Unadorned grey with Blue Rims and white shoulderpads, where the Legion Symbol is drawn on.


Legion tactics before the Réunion: Massive heavy weapon support. Advancement with Tanks and lots of Terminator armour. Usage of clublike big swords, who weren't easy to handle. Slow close combat weapon, which were able to kill with one hit. "Smash the Enemy"
Legionmaster before the Réunion: Guaire Amalasan
Duelist: Arngrim Valten the legend aka the Blade Master aka Death Wanderer.

Breathing, spirit, discipline
Focus the mind, cleanse the soul, keep sight of your target
Be prepared for the unexpected
Concentrate, mind and body as one
Achieve tranquility through movement
Integrate spirit and flesh
Channel the powers
Focus the mind
Cleanse the soul
Release that which is negative!

Separate darkness and light
Mind and body as one

Give birth to yourself
Oneness through knowledge

Define your existence
Oneness through emotions

Create your definition
Oneness with the heavens

From strength, learn gentleness
Through gentleness, strength will prevail!

Be prepared for the unexpected

Mind and body as one
Be prepared for the unexpected

What do you see beyond your blade?
Our Fate.

Legion Symbol after the Réunion: A rising sun, which defies the darkness


Legion Banner the Réunion:


Warden of Light Standard Tactical Marine after the Réunion:


Warden of Light Assault Marine after the Réunion:


Gwalchavads personal Symbol


A new project is on the rising. Inspired by Athrawes unbelievable work and after the experiences with my fallen I decided to create the XI Legion. I have an asian especially korean, south east asian and chinese theme in mind. First the primarch which is very early work in progress, but as the primarch defines the entire legion, I thought to start right off with him. Had him in my mind for a decade, but as my modelling skills aren't thst great, I waited for the right ground modell. Thanks to forgeworld. They released an amazing nighthaunter, which is the ideal starting point, but see for yourselves :wink:gallery_78117_10471_46193.jpggallery_78117_10471_42261.jpggallery_78117_10471_18263.jpg

The road so far:

Here I post the actual finished content to keep all information easy accessible.

Gwalchavad - Primarch of the Wardens of Light. The Blank/ Pariah, The Ghost King,, He who is not there, The vagrant. The Avatar of Light
He resembles the compassion aspect of the emperor even towards xenos. Violence is only the last means for him. He struggles eith his nature as weapon and tries to overcome it to seek enlightment and true peace. Dies, when the wolfs are sent by the emperor together with the ultramarines for showing too often compassion for xenos and refuses to fight them off. Together with Malcador the Primarch of the Ultramarines develops a plan to thin the Wardens out and get the main force set up on a remote xenos planet. When the signal occurs, all over the galaxy the wardens of light units get erased by the imperial forces on behalf of the emperor. The wardens on the xenos world get attacked by the main fleet of the ultramarine who destroys the wardens fleet, while the Space Wolf under the lead from Leman Russ himself make planetfall and wipe the Wardens from the world. Although the Wardens fight bravely back, they have no chance of survival. When it comes to the battle between the two brothers, Leman Russ, who underestimated his peace seeking brother, is beaten, but instead of delivering the killing blow, Gwalchavad denies the fatal strike out of compassion and because the day has seen enough blood between brothers.
Guaire Amalasan, a terran born Warden, who was the leader of the Legion in the absence of their Primarch was involved in the plans of Malcador and Guilliman backstabbes bis father and his fellow terran conspirators stab their surprised primarch until Guiare with his fiery blade delivers the last and deadly blow, which ends the life of Gwalchavad, Primarch of the Wardens of Light.

The conspirators help then to destroy the remaining wardens and join later the ranks of the Ultramarines. But they were forgotten over the millenia.

All knowledge of the 11th Legion was erased on the behalf of the emperor and any memory forgotten cause this was one of the darkest hours in imperial history.

Mícheál - Prince of the Northern Sky. The Scorpion.
Llwch Llenlleawg - Lord of the Western Sea
Gwalcmai - Son of the Southern Woods
Bedwyr- Head of the Eastern Isles

Guaire Amalasan - The Terran born. Praetor of the Wardens of Light.

Arngrim Valten, the Legend - Blade Master (Terran Born)


Gwalchavad, the forgotten son. Avatar of Light and sire to the XIth Legion "The Wardens of Light"


Gwalchavad 7 5 6 6 6 5 6 10 2+

Unit Composition
  • 1 (Unique)

Unit Type

  • Jump Infantry (Character)


  • Mask "mwgwd ddi-rym"
  • Tonfas/Ellbowblades "Grandfather" & "Peacekeeper"
  • Armor of Light "trealamh gréine"
  • Hidden Blade
  • Jump Pack
  • Frag grenades

Special Rules

  • Primarch (Independent Character, Eternal Warrior, Fear, Adamantium Will, Fleet, Fearless, It Will Not Die, Master of the Legion)
  • Sire of the Wardens of Light
  • Wisdom of Ages
  • Very Bulky
  • Battle Meditation "The Eight Gates" (Na hOcht Gàidhlig )
  • Battle Meditation "Whirlwind from Beyond"(cuaifeach ó thar)
  • Battle Meditation "Dance of Death" (rince na marbh)
  • "Speed of Light"

Sire of the Wardens of Light

  • All models with the Legion Astartes: Wardens of Light (LA:WoL) special rule gain +1 Ld (to a maximum of 10).
  • Any unit with the LA:WoL special rule gain +1 to their Combat resolution results as long as they are within line of sight of Gwalchavad.

Wisdom of Ages
Gwalchavad always allows his foes to strike first, in order to better judge their fighting ability and see their true intent.

Gwalchavad gains +1 I per Round. This effect starts in Round 3. And cannot increase over a max of I 9 in Round 6.
So he has in round 1,2 I5->Round 3 : I6->Round 4: I7 ->in Round 5 I 8 and finally in Round 6 I 9.

Battle Meditation "The Eight Gates" (Na hOcht Gàidhlig)
If Gwalchavad is severely hurt, he performs the Battle Meditation "Eight Gates Form" (Na hOcht Gàidhlig). He focus entirely on the battle and releases the hidden powers which sleep deep within.

Gwalchavad gains additional Statbonusses for every 2 Wounds he receives. So if he gets down to 4 Wounds he gets WS + 1 and if he drops down to 2 Wounds he gets WS + 2 and S +1 If he heals a wound and rises above 2 Or 4 Wounds, then his Stats are reduced in line to his remaining wounds.

Battle Meditation :„ cuaifeach ó thar (Whirlwind from Beyond)“:
Instead of making normal attacks, Gwalchavad can instead choose to whirl himself around in spinning dance of death. If he does so, Gwalchavad inflincts a single automatic hit on all enemy models in base contact. Declare whether or not if Gwalchavad will perform a „Whirlwind from beyond“ before any blows are struck.

Battle Meditation „rince na marbh ("dance of death")“:
Although he hates violence, Gwalchavad is an amazing fighter, trained for centuries in the art of close combat. If Gwalcahvad finds a hole in the defense of an enemy and wounds him, he instantly unleashes follow-up attacks and try to overwhelm his adversary with a barrage of attacks.
For every unsaved wound caused by his ellbowblades „Grandfather“ or „Peacekeeper“ in close combat, Gwalchavad immediately makes an additional attack. These extra attacks can generate further additional attacks in the same way, until no further unsaved wounds are caused, or all of the enemies are slain. Attacks conjured this way ignore any FNP-Special Rule.

The Mask "mwgwd ddi-rym": Givien to him by the lady of the lake to let him control his pariah powers, this archaic device is capable of focusing Gwalchavad's powers into a coruscating blast of energy which rips apart the target at the atomic level resulting in complete disintegration.

It has the following profile:

Range Strength AP Rules
Mask 12" 1 2 Assault 1, Piercing Gaze, Life Drain, Aetheric Blast

Piercing Gaze: All shots with this weapon are precision shots.
Life Drain: When used against a Psyker this weapon gains the Instant Death special rule.
Aetheric Blast: This weapon has a to wound roll based upon the Mastery Level of the target hit. ML0: 4+ to wound, ML1: 3+ to wound and ML2+: 2+ to wound.

Finally Gwalchavad may unmask himself and let his nature run rampant. He may choose to unmask at the beginning of any of his turns at which point he may no longer make use of his mask as a ranged weapon, but gains the following benefits. These changes last until the end of the game:

  • All fear checks caused by him are at -2 Ld
  • He may re-roll any failed Deny the Witch rolls.
  • Any attacks he makes in close combat cause Instant Death on a 5+ and gain the Soul Blaze special rule.

Ellbowblades "Grandfather and Peacekeeper":
Given to him by his brother primarch Daer'dd, Gwalchavad mastered the use of these in no time.These paired weapons are precisely balanced to enable Gwalchavad to unleash a barrage of strikes on his enemies, whilst protecting him from harm. Built inside is a H'rud entropic field which let Opponents who were hit age in mere seconds and reduce them to atomic dust.

Range Strength AP Rules
Tonfas - User 2 Melee, Rampage, Rending, Counter-attack, Two-handed, Blind, Murderous Strike

"The Armor of Light" (trealamh gréine) : This artificial primarch Armour was given to Gwalchavad by his father to support him in his swift combat style.

The Armor grants Gwalchavad a 2+ save and Hit and Run

Speed of Light: Despite his size, he's too swift for some eyes to track.

Gwalchavad has a 4++ Invulnerable Save that can be re-rolled on a 5+.

Jump Pack: Hammer of Wrath (D3), Turbo-boost (12")

Hidden Blade: A model equipped with a hidden blade may make an additional single attack per turn as well as any they would normally be eligible to make. This is done using the weapon profile shown below:

Range S AP Rules
Hidden Blade - User -1 - Melee, Unexpected Strike

Unexpected Strike: This attack comes from an unexpected angle leaving opponents little chance to defend themselves. When rolling to hit for attacks with this special rule the target counts as having -1WS (to a minimum of 1).

The attack with the hidden blade doesn't count for the "dance of death" special rule.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir

Yep, he is using double sided tonfas, ellbow blades. He is more the agile fighter who sees the fight as some form of art. And there will be a hidden blade too, inspired from indonesian/phillipin and chinese fighting styles.


Well, why the helmet? For somebody who is dashing into the fight at forefront it would be very unlucky to get hit by a bolter and die a miserable death. A helmet can stop a bullet;) It can decide if you life or die. Do you know the beginning scene of saving private ryan? There is a soldier whose helmet dodged a bullet. He yells in excitement for his luck and takes the helmet of....then he gets a headshot....I have this scene always in my mind and can't understand that a beeing such as a space marine, who is trained in all secrets of warfare could be so silly and fight without a helmet..or any other kind of headprotection


and to be honest: it is no helm. It is a mask. And it looks way to cool to give it to an ordinary Marine. And to big as well ;)

Yeah. Me too:) Athrawes work is so brilliant and I hope this will be more than a shadow of his work I bought a lot of FW-Stuff and intended to make Athrawes legion but as the time flew by I decided to follow my own fantasy. So lets see where this will lead to.

A glimpse on the background: here we have the blank, the one who shouldn't exist.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir

That Primach is wonderful, where is that helmet from? I remember us talking briefly about you wanting to start a II legion force modeled after the Lightning Bearers and while that was honor, I'm really glad to see you take the plunge into creating your own mark in the warhammer universe. It's rewarding and exhausting but if you keep at it you will be in for a wild ride. SO many missing legion projects never even post a miniature so you are already ahead of the curve in that respect!


So have you decided if your lost legion is destroyed before the heresy or are you doing an alternate history type force when they take a role in the heresy?


Keep at it, and maybe one day I'll have the honor of facing down your beautiful Primarch conversion with the Second Son himself.

Yep, he is using double sided tonfas, ellbow blades. He is more the agile fighter who sees the fight as some form of art. And there will be a hidden blade too, inspired from indonesian/phillipin and chinese fighting styles.


Well, why the helmet? For somebody who is dashing into the fight at forefront it would be very unlucky to get hit by a bolter and die a miserable death. A helmet can stop a bullet;) It can decide if you life or die. Do you know the beginning scene of saving private ryan? There is a soldier whose helmet dodged a bullet. He yells in excitement for his luck and takes the helmet of....then he gets a headshot....I have this scene always in my mind and can't understand that a beeing such as a space marine, who is trained in all secrets of warfare could be so silly and fight without a helmet..or any other kind of headprotection


and to be honest: it is no helm. It is a mask. And it looks way to cool to give it to an ordinary Marine. And to big as well ;)

Ah I remember that scene, unlucky sod. I've always preferred the helmeted route for my armies as well, although Primarchs always felt like an exception due to the whole fact that they're Primarchs and everyone always wants to see their faces.

And a mask huh, is that some kind of cultural thing from his homeworld? Also, you say you were inspired by Athrawes's II Legion, does that mean you're following the Major Tarot Arcana-Primarch system for the XI's theming?

Cool concept and good use of Curze. Though I will say it seems like doing another asian-themed lost legion kind of cheapens what your project could be. Just my 2 cents though.

Edited by Brother Heinrich

I have to agree with Heinrich on this one, on both points. Considering your inspiration from Athrawes(and really, who isn't inspired looking at his work?), wouldn't it seem strange that both of the expunged Legions were Asiatic in origin?

I see how you could come to the conclusion that one of the two missing legions would have that Asian inspired touch considering it's the glaring omission in the usual suspects line up of the legions: Vikings, Greeks, Crusading knights, Egyptians ect. It's a smart choice, but probably best to heed the advice of BCK and Heinrich in light of Athrawes' project.


I do love that primarch model you've started though. Such awesome flow with the ribbon. Getting a huge Shinobi vibe, which is awesome. I can't wait to get my hands on one, convert it, and then wait (forever) until I have the balls to paint it :laugh.:



Just to answer a few questions.


@Athrawes & Mors Vincit: THe helmet comes from the maxmini egyptian mecha range and was altered a bit: The 4. would be the base.

@Athrawes: They exist in the real timeline and actually don't exist. Do you remember when horus is mortally wounded on davin? he has all those visions (or he was actually really there) And he damages the XIth tube. But before that he thinks of all those glories which will never come to pass and there the legion exists. I try to start it as a vision from horus, a warriors dream and maybe someday he will be discovered. The thing is, it gives me creative freedom AND it fits in the storyline. And later I can alter those visions to memories if I want to. What do you think.

@SanguiniusReborn: Yeah, I am a big fan of the persona games and therefore the use of the tarot deck is a must. but which card? wheel of fortune? hmmm....how about the strange circumstance, that you draw a blank card?

And yeah, it is a cult...and a necessity ( does this word exists?). Because he is a blank, without the mask the people would suffer quite a bit.^^

@jimbo13: I will build a scenic base and he lands on some form of enemy. No space marine for sure and chaos....nahhh. maybe some sort of other alien ( but no orc, they are to green). He will get a jump pack and the motion is he lands on the enemy and jumps directly forward. The moment which I try to capture is the start of the leap forward. So the bands and the hair are still in the air. This will help me to show the speed of the primarch.

@Brother Heinrich, KBA and Brother Chaplain Kage: I see your point, and the Idea of two of the asian legions to be purged is really crazy....racism anyone? well, the emperor is a racist... :) The thing is, the fighting style is from south east asia, don't compare them to common japanese style samurai action. we have jungles, and isles, and tonfas. Good, he looks like a bad as ninja, but generally i have in mind, that the fighting style is asian, but the lore is more gaelic. a blend of arturian and asian you could call it. The name of the Primarch will be either Lazarus or Gwalchavad. But in the end, I try something which isn't to common. It is not easy and I may walk the wrong path, but hey, you are here to help me, right? :-)

Edited by MikhalLeNoir

@SanguiniusReborn: Yeah, I am a big fan of the persona games and therefore the use of the tarot deck is a must. but which card? wheel of fortune? hmmm....how about the strange circumstance, that you draw a blank card?

And yeah, it is a cult...and a necessity ( does this word exists?). Because he is a blank, without the mask the people would suffer quite a bit.^^

Well this site: http://menducia.atspace.com/primarchs/X.html is the one Athrawes went by, basing his II Primarch Icarion on the High Priestess card as it was one of only two cards without a Primarch assigned to it. The other card was Fortune (with the Emperor as The Fool card) so maybe you could use that?

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