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Has anyone used the IA13 Hell Blades?


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I am considering buying or scratch building 1 or 2 Chaos Hellblades from IA13. I feel like they fill a really good role with the rending upgrade- they would be with my fire raptor and could help clean out Flyrants quickly, and pose a threat even to heavy armor. However, my concern is that they are just too fragile for the points...two glancing hits on an AV 10 vehicle to kill it. Really wish it had been 3 HP.


Anyone used Hellblades in a game? Are they worth the points? Or do they die too fast.

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Yeah, but I am already using a fire raptor. To be honest, running two fire raptors would be awesome. But that runs into all sorts of problems with that stupid infernal relic rule, which is even more cumbersome because it doesn't tell you how to treat non-primary non-allied detachments. The rule is written poorly in at least 2 or 3 different ways. But no matter what, you would have to at least take a specialist to take 2+ fire raptors, assuming you can do so at all.


Also, very importantly, 1) the fire raptor uses a heavy slot, which you usually want for Maulerfiends or something else, and 2) if you don't buy the super-expensive rending upgrade on the fire raptor, you can use the 2 Hellblades to put out a bunch of rending shots.

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I used mine a few times, and it is pretty nice. As said, fragile like you wouldn't believe, but it is pretty quick and helps us out a bit in the anti-air department.

Rending is nice vs Flyrants, but since they tend to jink when the Hell Blade fires at them, the rending hits only reduces the save from 3+ to 4+, and since enemy flyers are AV10 to AV12, the Rend makes no difference there either.

But I still recommend them. I really like the model too so that helps. smile.png

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They're swell, but require some finesse to use against other flyers. Knowing where to hide, or when to fly off the board. Going second, or having some kind of reserve manipulation is pretty essential in keeping them alive, because with only AV10 2HP, they fall like flies as soon as anything with skyfire can draw a bead on them. Nice little fighter that doesn't break the game.


Here's my quick and dirty conversion.


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Oooh I like the conversion, real cool daemon engine look to it. What's it made from?


I have a hell blade and it's done well for me although I think that you need more than one flyer to help it stay alive. I run one with my fire raptor and it does well there as the raptor takes up a lot of attention leaving the blade free to zoom around and whittle down armour.

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