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From Iron Cometh Strength. Iron Warriors 30k style

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  • 1 month later...

Still ticking along with guys in down time.


Totally forgot to take close ups as I removed iconography of parts. Decided on using the chaos plastics for some variation and the gloved arms look very mk2.


Great stuff, been doing the same with regards the plastic Chaos Marines kit for arms where I've ran out of MkIII (which sucks because they are awesome arms with the plating).  Same goes for trimming up the Chaos shoulder pads for a MkIII look as it looks like you've done - and again with that centre split plastic helm :D  I have used a few of the anvilus backpacks (recommended for boarding actions iirc) from the chaos marines too on a few odd marines.  Looks a tad out of place as currently I've used so few, but saves me a fortune :)

  • 3 weeks later...

Awake after an awesome day in Nottingham. Yes I did get big Pert himself but he will have to wait. My planned shopping list went out of the window and I picked up parts for a command squad and to convert some bikes for the 40k side of the army.


Look forward to your take on the big man himself, the metals you've done have been really nice and should translate well.

Thanks Sheep I'm very nervous about even assembling him!

Great use of the Kromlech parts, these work perfectly! cool.png

Looking great so far, excited to see you make some more progress!

Thanks guys. I need to restock on some Kromlech parts notably the biker legs.

Where did you get those sweet movement trays?

You mean the bases or the big dark grey plastic thing?

The bases are 32mm bases with a piece of cork and some sand. The big grey plastic thing is a GW paint station that I was using that day.

Quick WIP of the 5th and final cataphractii. Trying to take my time with the metals a bit more as a warm up for the big guy.


Really nice work. Are they the maximini heads? They work well with the heresy look.


Love the cataphractiis though...can't wait to get some.

Thanks. Yes they're maxmini. They are clearly based on the artwork from the Heresy ccg which is also the aesthetic I'm going for. You will enjoy the cataphractii which weapon load out will you get?


Some updates for today. Not Big P and not anything I posted above excepting the apothecary.


I have a game in the morning against what is becoming a regular opponent. We wanted to do 2500 so that means today speeding through some reinforcements. Not finished by a long way and I've based them early, far earlier than I would usually and the bases themselves are not finished. But it's late now and they are good enough to game with.



Still experimenting with taking more time on the metal. Base is leadbelcher spray then agrax/strong tone wash all over followed by nuln oil/dark tone all over. Will finish with a drybrush of necron compound later.


Anvil industry sniper recon.



And a havoc squad. Recruited from my chaos Iron Warriors I stripped them and removed all the chaos parts I had added to rescue the original heresy squad. Big decision that but I've decided that the old army wouldn't see battle anymore so might as well use the parts. There will be more added from that source later on.

  • 3 weeks later...

Quick update on these. With the 5th cataphracti down I wanted to make a command squad and an artificer praetor.


So far built the command squad. All forgeworld this time but still couldn't resist head swaps and using different sets.


Quick update. Yet again a slightly different metal recipe. Hope to get these guys table worthy by end of the day.


That's some nice steel right there

Thank you.


Alright I'm calling these ok to throw onto the table tomorrow. Hazard stripes are a little rough and bases are not fully finished but they'll do.


  • 3 weeks later...

The hazards of actually playing games is that I'm not getting a chance to go back and finish up these units. Because making reinforcements is much more important!


Starting a short campaign just for 2 players. A few rules to add flavour but the main part is having a 10k point pool of troops to draw the lists from. When a unit gets wiped out its gone for good. The finale is whatever is left after 4 games. I do not have that much but am relying on repetition and units dying off to sort that out.


I do need some support tacticals so diving into the bitz box and cannabalising my older chaos iron warriors I now have 2 minimum sized squads ready to spray.




  • 2 weeks later...

The campaign kicks off tomorrow and I needed some AA in the army.




Again not 100% happy due to just needing to get it done. I spent some more time on him than the others which was very pleasant to do. Makes me more determined to go back and sort out the other models.


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