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Forge World Bolt Pistol arms


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Hello Everyone,


I have bought, assembled and painted quite a few tactical troops using FW heresy patterns (mks II, III, IV and VI so far.) I was looking into using heresy era bolt pistols on my sergeants, and looked at the bolt pistol packs that FW sell. They come with all sorts of stuff but they don't seem to have bolt pistol appropriate arms. Is this the case? Do the BP packs have no BP arms? And if that is the case, where do you get FW arms that aren't positioned to hold a Boltgun?


I realize that I could buy despoiler squads but I don't necessarily want to have to buy 5 sergeants at a time, especially for that price.


Thanks for any input you might have.



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Yeah, what Grotsmasha said. That's what you need because they have the arms, the bolt pistols, and extra goodies. The "Phobos Bolt Pistol Pack", for example, just has holstered Phobos bolt pistols and extra Phobos bolter magazines (I need a bunch...). Don't make that mistake, brother. Go with the Mk (whichever) Power Weapons set, as stated earlier.

If you only want non-bolter, pre-Heresy arms that can accept a bolt pistol hand, your best bet is eBay, since there's no way to get just the arms themselves.


Grotsmasha's suggestion is about the best you're going to get outside of buying bits, and it's quite expensive for just 5 pairs of arms. If you resold the extra weapons you would more than make back your money though.

In addition to the Despoiler squads the various FW assault squads come with handless arms and the Destroyers come with pistol arms.

It's been fairly straightforward top find all of the above from ebay bits-sellers. It's quite common to find the Despoiler arm sets sold en masse.


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