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++// 2015 Augustus' Arena \\++ EVENT ENDED

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New BnC event

Augustus' Arena is a Bolter & Chainsword event wherein Frater challenge each other in brotherly fashion. A 'challenge' should be understood as a unit or single miniature you want to finsih to the best of your ability before a self-set deadline, with encouragement and positive feedback from your challenger, and as such a positive experience for both the challenger and the challenged.


The idea is to challenge a fellow Frater to build, paint and base a single unit -be it a single miniature or a group of miniatures that fit together-, that is befitting their army, within a time frame of their choosing, to stimulate and inspire your fellow Frater to build units they want to build. Of course, the challenger can suggest a specific unit within the organizational chart of his choosing, but the challenged ultimately decides what it's going to be.


Challengers then act as sponsors to the Frater they have challenged, offering encouragement, praise and constructive feedback on their progress and completion. To stimulate Frater to really think about what their brother Frater would like to paint, there is no penalty to declining a challenge. In effect, the challenger-challenged relationship is a kind of buddy system. The idea behind this system is that it yields a network of challenges and thus a network of buddy systems, thereby creating and strengthening bonds of friendship between the Frater. 

Basic rules 

Formal rules are as follows:

  • Frater can issue only one challenge to another Frater at any one time.
  • Frater can accept only one challenge from another challenger at any one time.
  • When you accept a challenge, you as the challenged choose a deadline. Possible deadlines are March 15th, April 5th, and April 19th. Deadlines cannot be changed after acceptance.
  • Challenges issued and accepted should be posted in this thread.
  • First Challenges can be issued until March 1st.
  • There is no penalty to declining a challenge.

Formal Challenges
Challenges should be issued in this format:

I, [name challenger], challenge [name challengee] to build, paint, and base [unit]. If s/he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his/hers. If s/he accepts and fails, s/he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.

Challenges should be accepted in this format:
I, [name challenge], accept the challenge set to me by [name challenger], and vow that I will finish building, painting, and basing [unit] before [selected deadline - March 15th, April 5th, or April 19th]. Completion will earn me eternal glory, while failure shall yield me shame until Midsummer.

Challenges shall be declined in whatever fashion the Frater deems fit.


Roles of Challenger and Challenged:

Participants of Augustus' Arena can be both challenger and challenged at the same time, i.e. Frater are working on their unit, while simultaneously supporting one other Frater. 

In effect, the challenger-challenged relationship is a kind of buddy system where the challenger supports the challenged to complete their unit in time, to the best of their ability.

  • The Challenger's task is to provide the challenged with constructive, inspirational en encouraging feedback on their unit. The challenger thus acts as a kind of sponsor to the challenged. 
  • The Challenged's task is to post in this thread a minimum of three updates on their unit (one start, one WIP, and one finished).

The event is designed to be fun for all until the end, as  Of course, no-one is stopping Frater from supporting Frater other than those who they have challenged! 



Frater who wish to participate should challenge another frater who has not been challenged , and post this statement in this thread:

I, [name] step into Augustus' Arena with pride and hereby proclaim my participation. I have issued a challenge and expect to be challenged in return - PM me beforehand so you know what I can accept. 


There is a list of unchallenged frater in the second post - you may also challenge another, but make sure they are willing.



If you have challenged and have not been challenged yet, you should don either the Chaos or the Imperial 'Bring it on' badge in your signature, with the upper row being 40K and the lower row being 30K.

http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_29143.jpg  http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_7888.png       http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_41669.jpg http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_8072.png


http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_181.jpg  http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_4800.jpg      http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_21385.jpg  http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_3425.jpg


If you have been challenged, you should don the 'Challenged' banner in your signature. this signifies to others that you are not open to challenges, with the upper row being 40K and the lower row being 30K.

http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_38246.jpg  http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_880.png      http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_9079.jpg  http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_1175.png


http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_44589.jpg  http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_2182.jpg      http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_10542.jpg   http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10383/gallery_29004_10383_5839.jpg


Completing Challenges

Of course, there are badges to be awarded. These will be awarded on the three deadline dates of the event, namely March 15th, April 5th, or April 19th.

  • When Frater complete their challenge before their self-set deadline, they are awarded the Augustus' Arena VICTOR badge. 
  • When Frater fail to complete their challenge before their self-set deadline, they must wear the MEA CULPA badge until Midsummer, June 21st 2015


Consecutive Challenges

It is possible to both issue and accept multiple challenges during the course of the event.

  • When Challenged Frater complete a challenge, they can accept another challenge.
  • When the Frater you challenged completes a challenge, you as the Challenger may challenge another Frater.
  • Multiple completed challenges will earn extra pips on the VICTOR badge.

End of Event and Awards

The event finishes on the date of the last deadline, namely April 19th 2015. On that date, I shall award special 100x100 pixal badges to 

  • Most Supportive Challenger (for the challenger who is the best buddy to his challengee)
  • Most Impressive Unit (for the most impressive unit(s) finished as part of this event)


Q: Can challenges be to finish already started models? 

A: Yes they can. The intent is for Frater to finish miniatures they want to finish, but which they see as a challenge.


Q: Is there a restriction against reciprocal challenges? So can A challenge B and B Challenge A?

A: No there is not, but the intent of the event is to strengthen the community with an intricate web of interconnected challenges. I encourage you to issue challenges to and accept challenges from different Frater, i.e. A challenges B, B challenges C, C challenges D, and so on.


Q: When I would like to be challenged, would it help if willing prospective challengees posted a list of what minis they have on their 'to do' pile?

A: Better not, as that would probably clot the the thread. Ask yourself "who would I like to challenge" and then contact the Frater beforehand by PM - to make sure they want to embark on the challenge and to see what kind of unit they want to take on. The aim is, after all, also to strengthen bonds between Frater.


Q: I'm a Black Templar/Chaos Space Marine/Space-Marines-with-special-challenge-rules player, can I challenge an entire forum?

A: Nope, that's the staple of the ETL. This event is aimed at challenges between individual Frater. Of course, no-one is stopping you from teaming up with your brothers and each of your team mates challenges a Frater from a rival team. 
Q: Do units in the challenge have to be legal?

A: No! The intent is to finish cool, beautiful, based miniatures. You can accept anything: three plague marines with a heavy bolter, a weird command squad, anything. As long as they look and feel as a 'single unit'.


Q: Why do(es) the miniature(s) have to be based in order to count as completed?

A: Because the age-old hobbyist adage goes "a beautiful base completes a miniature". Also, I like based miniatures :wink:


Q: What happens if I am challenged by multiple Frater?

A: If Frater get two or more challenges, they must first decline the first to accept the second, etc.


Q: Who made those awesome banners and medallions?

A: It was forte. He was very generous with his time and open to several revisions. Thanks forte! :smile.:



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Vows Completed in time 

Andra'Melek by Brother Heinrich. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion

AndrewChristlieb by Lucio. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion

Augustus b'Raass by Atia. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + Completion
Barabbas Sogalon by helterskelter. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + Completion
Biohazard by KrautScientist. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Completion
Black_out by GrandMagnus. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Completion

Bushman101 by Aias. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + Completion

Carlson793 by Andra'Melek. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion

Dolchiate Remembrancer by mactire. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4Completion

Firepower by Acebaur. Issue + Acceptance + Update 12 + Completion

Flint13 by Augustus b'Raass. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Completion
helterskelter by Marqol. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + Completion
Kurama by Rashbold. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6Completion
Lucio by AlexanderChristlieb. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion

Reinhard by Tekman. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + Completion

Tekman by Praefectus Invictus. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + Completion
Vows Completed before a later deadline:
200plus by dantay_xv. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + Completion

kapturowski by Red Skullz. Issue + Acceptance Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + Completion

Kierdale by Mehman. Issue + Acceptance Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + Completion

Red Skullz by kapturowski. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Completion

ShVagYer by Carlson 793. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Completion


March 15th Deadline NOT met:

Marqol by Stoneheart. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion

Noctus Cornix by forte. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion





Vows Completed in time

200plus by Atia. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion

Acebaur by Castiel. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + Completion

Aias by Firepower. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion

Atia by Arkangilos. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + Completion

Arkangilos by Kierdale. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + Completion

Bushman101 by Dolchiate Remembrancer. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + Completion

dantay_xv by Barabbas Sogalon. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + Completion

Firepower by Tekman. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion

KrautScientist by Biohazard. Issue + Acceptance Update 1 + 2 + 3 + Completion
Mehman by Kastor Krieg. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion
Midnight Runner by Grizzly_bear. Issue + Acceptance Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + Completion
Tekman by 200plus. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + Completion
Vows Completed before a later deadline:
Beachymike123 by Iron Skull Mask. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion
Brother-Captain Arkhan by Brother Chaplain Kage. Issue + Acceptance Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + Completion
Tenebris by FortesMastery. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion
Insane Psychopath by dosjetka. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion 
April 5th Deadline NOT met:
Badaab by Reinhard. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion
Black_out by AndrewChristlieb. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Update(s) + Completion
Castiel by The Psycho. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion

GrandMagnus by Black_out. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Update(s) + Completion

Grizzly_bear by Midnight Runner. Issue + Acceptance Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion

Kongue (Formerly known as Master pendragon) by Insane Psychopath. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Completion

Nusquam by Flint13. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +  5 + 6 + 7 + Update(s) + Completion

Praefectus Invictus by brother Excedis. Issue + Acceptance Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion

ShVagYer by Atia. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion

TheHalifax by Bushman101. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion

Uprising by Lucio. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion

Zigmunth by ShVagYer. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion


Vows completed in time

200plus by AndrewChristlieb. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion

Atia by Augustus b'Raass. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + Completion

AndrewChristlieb by 200plus. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2Completion

Augustus b'Raass by ShVagYer. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + Completion

Barabbas Sogalon by Carlston793. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion

Brother SP by Kurama. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion

Carlston793 by Fangbanger. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + Completion

Flint13 by Firepower. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 +  3 + 4 + Completion

Iron Skull Mask by Beachymike123. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 +  Completion

Mactire by Dolchiate Remembrancer. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + Completion

Teetengee by Khârn the Bloody. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + Completion



April 19th deadline NOT met:

Brother Chaplain Kage by Brother-Captain Arkhan. Issue + Acceptance Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion

Brother Excedis by 200plus. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion

Brother Heinrich by Noctus Cornix. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion

Dolchiate Remembrancer by Bushman101. Issue Challenge Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion

Fangbanger by Dantay_XV. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + Completion
Grotsmasha by Brother SP. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + 2 +  Update(s) + Completion

Kastor Krieg by Black_out. Issue + Acceptance Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion

Khârn the Bloody by Teetengee. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Update 2 + Update 3

Rashbold by Grotsmasha. Issue + Acceptance Update 1 + 2 + Update(s) + Completion

Stoneheart by Uprising. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion

The Psycho by Tenebris. Issue + Acceptance + Update 1 + Update(s) + Completion

So I'll start!


I, Augustus b'Raass, challenge Flint13 to build, paint, and base one Konrad Curze, Primarch of the Night Lords. If she accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be hers. If she accepts and fails, she shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.

Here we go :wink: I, Atia, challenge Augustus b'Raass  to build, paint, and base one Sevatar, first Captain of the Nigh Lords. If he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his. If he accepts and fails, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer!



'because of expensive FW stuff an so, i alter the challenge to the following:


I, Atia, challenge Augustus b'Raass  to build, paint, and base the first Claw of the Nigh Lords (Talos, Uzas, Cyrion, Mercutian, Xarl, and Variel), in true scale rendition. If he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his. If he accepts and fails, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer!

  On 2/14/2015 at 12:01 PM, Atia said:

Here we go :wink: I, Atia, challenge Augustus b'Raass  to build, paint, and base one Sevatar, first Captain of the Nigh Lords. If he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his. If he accepts and fails, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer!

This sounds awesome but unfrotunately I don't have the funds to buy Sev ATM. But in the spirit I will accept the challenge as such:


I, Augustus b'Raass, accept the challenge set to me by Atia, and vow that I will finish building, painting, and basing a truescale rendition of ADB's First Claw before March 15th. Completion will earn me eternal glory, while failure shall yield me shame until Midsummer.

All looking good Augustus but I have one question (and this isn't because I want to do this).


- If a member has a piece that is over the 500 point limit, a Lord of War for example, can another member challenge and coach them to complete it?

  On 2/14/2015 at 12:20 PM, Forté said:

All looking good Augustus but I have one question (and this isn't because I want to do this).


- If a member has a piece that is over the 500 point limit, a Lord of War for example, can another member challenge and coach them to complete it?

You know what? Sure, I'll remove the points limitation. But remember it's about quality, not quantity. If a Frater feels up to painting a huge miniature to the best of their ability before a strict deadline, then who am I to restrict this?!  

And before anyone thinks about it too. I hereby state that I will not accept any challenges due to being busy painting already.


I will however give vocal support to everyone making miniatures, painting, coaching, and generally being a hobbyist :tu:


Good luck everyone.

  On 2/14/2015 at 12:27 PM, Forté said:

And before anyone thinks about it too. I hereby state that I will not accept any challenges due to being busy painting already.


I will however give vocal support to everyone making miniatures, painting, coaching, and generally being a hobbyist :thumbsup:


Good luck everyone.

A shame (but understandable) you can't accept a challenge...  but from the above I gather you could issue one?

That's right, I could. But I'd push who ever took a challenge from me to mix their colours, push their painting, and push their basing too. All the same way I'm trying to push myself.


So if someone is thinking of a centre piece, display piece, or wants someone to be constructively critical, then I may be happy to challenge you. But Slaanesh will be watching too ;) (but don't panic, I won't make you paint pink, turquoise, or something Chaotic).

  On 2/14/2015 at 1:26 PM, Biohazard said:

Haven't decided who to challenge yet but if anyone wishes to challenge me then I'll see what I can do.


Buddy, what say you we challenge each other in order to finally complete our Chaos Lords, i.e. Lorimar and Deimos? It's about damn time, wouldn't you agree? ;)

I come as an Emissary from Escharon to you my lord Khârn the Bloody. I have heard that you desire one of my lords engines of war. He is prepared to treat with you.

I, Teetengee, challenge Khârn the Bloody to build, paint, and base a Daemon Engine. If he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his. If he accepts and fails, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.

I, Arkangilos, challenge Atia to build, paint, and base a Salamander Deredeo. If she accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be hers. If she fails, she will have to wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.


The Emperor Protects... unless you are Chaos.

  On 2/14/2015 at 3:51 PM, Arkangilos said:

I, Arkangilos, challenge Atia to build, paint, and base a Salamander Deredeo. If she accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be hers. If she fails, she will have to wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.


The Emperor Protects... unless you are Chaos.

yeah! a dodo <3


I, Atia, Lady of the Rumour-tower, accept the challenge set to me by Arkangilos, and vow that I will finish building, painting, and basing a Salamanders Legion Deredeo Dreadnought before April 5th. Completion will earn me eternal glory, while failure shall yield me shame until Midsummer.

I, Biohazard challenge Krautscientist to paint, and base Lord Lorimar of Khornes Eternal hunt. If he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his. If he accepts and fails, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.

How's that then?

I, Reclusiarch Kastor Krieg, proudly step into the Augustus' Arena with a roaring chainsword brush in my hand and hereby proclaim my participation. Challenge me if you care (because you're going to be doing some coaching) - and PM me beforehand so you know what I have and will chain myself to.




[thanks Brother Mehman for the format! :smile.:]


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