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++// 2015 Augustus' Arena \\++ EVENT ENDED

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I, Brother-Captain Arkhan, challenge Brother Chaplain Kage to build and paint Horus Lupercal. If he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his. If he accepts and fails, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.


Good luck and remember - there is no glory but that which is won with oil washes, fine detail brushes and weathering powders. ;)

I, Lucio, challenge Uprising to build, paint, and base a Master of the Hoard, commander of a faction of Renegades and Heretics. If s/he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his/hers. If s/he accepts and fails, s/he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.


  On 2/15/2015 at 11:50 PM, Brother-Captain Arkhan said:

I, Brother-Captain Arkhan, challenge Brother Chaplain Kage to build and paint Horus Lupercal. If he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his. If he accepts and fails, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.


Good luck and remember - there is no glory but that which is won with oil washes, fine detail brushes and weathering powders. :wink:




(I know it's Abaddon, but still.)


I, Brother Chaplain Kage, accept the challenge set to me by Brother-Captain Arkhan, and vow that I will bestow all due glory to the Warmaster, Horus Lupercal on or before April 19th. Completion will earn me eternal glory, while failure shall yield me shame until Midsummer.


In return, I challenge Brother-Captain Arkhan to render Brother-Captain Alaric Tyr, Praetor of the XIX Legion and founder of the Sons of Tyr, with the honor and respect that is his due! If he accepts and completes this challenge, eternal glory shall be his. If he should fail, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.

Having accepted my challenge...


I, Dolchiate Remembrancer, challenge Mactire to build, paint, and base a squad of Dark Vengeance Bikers. If he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his. If he accepts and fails, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.

and my before picture


I, Castiel step into Augustus' Arena with pride and hereby proclaim my participation. Challenge me if you dare - and PM me beforehand so you know what I can accept


Into the fires of battle, unto the Anvil of War. For Nocture, For Vulkan and For the Emperor!



I, [uprising], accept the challenge set to me by [Lucio], and vow that I will finish building, painting, and basing [R&H Master of the Hoarde] before [April 5th]. Completion will earn me eternal glory, while failure shall yield me shame until Midsummer.


Lucio forgets, I am Turok: Bring it.



How to get videos to post again?

  On 2/15/2015 at 10:00 PM, Kurama said:


Asked and answered. Very nice. I like the half-visor heads. May I ask where they come from?

  On 2/15/2015 at 11:12 PM, Firepower said:

Hrng, I was concerned that a brother may waste his challenge on my own works, rather than some deserving heretic. But what's done is done.

Very well. Our Chapter will have its new brothers. Or living shields, whichever they might turn out to be.

I, Firepower, Chaplain of the Black Templars, Bearer of the Paddleum, Bane of Kitten Heresies, accept the challenge set to me by my Marshal, and vow that I will finish building, painting, and basing 10 Neophytes before March 15. Completion will earn me eternal glory. There will be no failure.

It had to be done :devil:

Now that that's out of the way, if anyone would like, here is my gauntlet, it has been thrown down to any and all.


  On 2/16/2015 at 1:09 AM, Rashbold said:


  On 2/15/2015 at 10:00 PM, Kurama said:

Asked and answered. Very nice. I like the half-visor heads. May I ask where they come from?

Iirc it's either maximini or puppets war, I wasn't a fan of the mkii recon helms I thought the rebreather and bald heads under hoods would bring a more spec op feel

I am the Psycho, a lord of the Eighth Legion, and I challenge the son of Vulkan known here as Castiel to build, paint, and base Cassian Dracos of the Eighteenth Legion.  If you deign to accept my challenge, Salamander Lord, you shall gain the respect of the Eighth Legion Astartes. Fail, and wear the badge of shame 'til the first rays of dawn caress the morn of midsummer day.

I, Tekman proud son of Dorn, proudly step into the Augustus' Arena with a roaring sword shaped brush in my hand and hereby proclaim my participation. Challenge me if you care (because you're going to be doing some coaching) - and PM me beforehand so you know what I have and will chain myself to.



  On 2/16/2015 at 4:18 AM, The_Chaplain said:

Those recon marines look good Kurama, I didn't realize the recon heads were separate from the bodies.

Thanks man wanted something a bit more original yet still easily recognizable as recons

  On 2/16/2015 at 2:05 AM, The Psycho said:

I am the Psycho, a lord of the Eighth Legion, and I challenge the son of Vulkan known here as Castiel to build, paint, and base Cassian Dracos of the Eighteenth Legion.  If you deign to accept my challenge, Salamander Lord, you shall gain the respect of the Eighth Legion Astartes. Fail, and wear the badge of shame 'til the first rays of dawn caress the morn of midsummer day.


Think you missed this bit! :wink:

  On 2/16/2015 at 12:40 AM, Castiel said:

and PM me beforehand so you know what I can accept

While I'd love to be able to accept that challenge, it is not something I own or have the funds to buy currently.

  On 2/16/2015 at 12:21 AM, Brother Chaplain Kage said:


In return, I challenge Brother-Captain Arkhan to render Brother-Captain Alaric Tyr, Praetor of the XIX Legion and founder of the Sons of Tyr, with the honor and respect that is his due! If he accepts and completes this challenge, eternal glory shall be his. If he should fail, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.



I, Brother-Captain Arkhan of the Sons of Tyr, accept the challenge set to me by Brother Chaplain Kage, and vow with the Primarch as my witness that I will craft a likeness without equal of our founder and paragon, Brother-Captain Alaric Tyr of the XIX Legion Astartes, on or before April 19th. Completion will earn me eternal glory, while failure shall yield me shame until Midsummer. No backwards step.



It's going well, everyone! Many interesting challenges and many interesting units vowed. However:


Point of Order

There are some Frater who take creative liberty in issuing and accepting the challenge. They forget to set a deadline and forget to write down the consequences of failure. And an Arena without consequences for failure is nothing. 

Brother SP, Dolchiate Remembrancer, Mactire, and Firepower, Links to your posts can be found in the updated list of challenges. Please edit your issue and/or acceptance to the official format and/or choose a deadline. 


Format of issues and acceptances 

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  On 2/16/2015 at 12:21 AM, Brother Chaplain Kage said:

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I, Brother Chaplain Kage, accept the challenge set to me by Brother-Captain Arkhan, and vow that I will bestow all due glory to the Warmaster, Horus Lupercal on or before April 19th. Completion will earn me eternal glory, while failure shall yield me shame until Midsummer.

I understand from this acceptance that you formally decline the prior challenge issued by Kurama. Please put this in words in a comment, so it can be recorded. You can find his challenge in the second post, as always.

I, Castiel, accept the challenge set to me by The Psycho, and vow that I will finish painting a Praetor and 4 Pyroclasts of the Salamanders Legion before April 5th. Completion will earn me eternal glory, while failure is not in my vocabulary, but should it occur I shall wear the badge of shame until midsummer.



So now I have accepted, this is WIP1 I guess.... The Praetor in question. Still in the mid-build stage just now.

SAM 2483

He had Moloc's cloak originally, but it stuck out at such a ludicrous angle.... Looked like he was trying to stand up against a hurricane and give directions, so scrapped it and popped it onto my Vykryl model (based on Moloc).
I am trying to make new kneepads from moulds I made out of Dwarf shoulderpads, so I could give him a bit of embellishment, plus I hate the slatted kneepads. It i kinda successful but the shouderpads are slightly large and need afair bit of height trimmed off. It leaves me wih 3 options
1. Persevere with the milliput moulds as I have now already chopped the model
2. Wait, until I get home (next week) and try to locate the mssing shoulderpads and use those as they would be much more consistent
3. Take out the lower V of the kneepads to limit the amount of excess trimming required.
Also I hope I didnt go OTT with the wolf cloak :D
Ah talking of cloaks, since I took off the original, I am goiing to try BCK's method, twie yesterday it shredded when using tissue paper, and standard paper is useless. I now going to trypaper towels, It should give me the thickness not to shred the paper, while still being porous enough to take the water glue mixture.
I am also thinking a Valknut design on the cloak,
Would a paper napkin or handkerchief work better??

I, Castiel, challenge @Acebaur to build, paint, and base a squad of Assault marines, 3 Neophytes and one lascannon marine . If he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his. If he accepts and fails, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.

I, Acebaur, accept the challenge set to me by Catsiel, and vow that I will finish building, painting, and basing my squad of Assault Marines, 3 Neophyes, and my lonely Lascannon marine  before April 5th. Completion will earn me eternal glory, while failure shall yield me shame until Midsummer.  THERE WILL BE NO FAILURE, FOR I AM A TEMPLAR AND MY HONOR IS MY LIFE, AND NONE SHALL DISPUTE IT

  On 2/15/2015 at 12:26 AM, Kastor Krieg said:


  On 2/15/2015 at 12:02 AM, Black_out said:

I, Black_out, challenge Kastor Krieg to build, paint, and base 10 Blood Angels Death Company. If he accepts and completes the challenge, eternal glory will be his. If he accepts and fails, he shall wear the badge of shame until Midsummer.

*revvs chainsword*


I just wanted to note to our OP that this was all it takes from a Templar to accept a challenge. Please track it thus, as + CHAINSWORDS ARE ROARING! +


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