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Chaos Solitaire

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So I'm going to run a Solitaire in my CSM army, and while I'm going to do it no matter what because of competitive edge I was wondering if a Chaos Solitaire would be cool. Like, say He gets fed up with Cegorach and makes a bargain with one of the Gods to serve them but be protected from Slaanesh by the God in the afterlife. Is that decent fluff or is it Mat Ward levels of heresy?
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I wouldn't call it a solitaire (as someone who has started up a chaos eldar army project I have been doing some research into the corruption of these pointy eared xenos, although I wouldn't call myself an expert). I would instead just call it a chaos corrupted eldar (god of your choice, although slaanesh is unlikely) and use the rules for the solitaire as a counts as.

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Why not, sounds sweet! To my knowledge though, a Solitaire can't be corrupted... Their soul is already promised to Slaanesh but they belong body and mind to Cegorah. So their mind and body can't be corrupted because Cegorah effectively own them, and since their soul is promised to Slaanesh she can't do anything to it until she actually gets it, neither can the other gods. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Why not, sounds sweet! To my knowledge though, a Solitaire can't be corrupted... Their soul is already promised to Slaanesh but they belong body and mind to Cegorah. So their mind and body can't be corrupted because Cegorah effectively own them, and since their soul is promised to Slaanesh she can't do anything to it until she actually gets it, neither can the other gods. Correct me if I'm wrong.

That sounds about right, hence my suggestion that it just be a counts as Solitaire, since there isn't anything that makes is super super special that couldn't have come from just a skilled corrupt eldar.


Also, what tactical advantage do you foresee for your marines (in perhaps a vain attempt to avoid the melta.)?

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Why not, sounds sweet! To my knowledge though, a Solitaire can't be corrupted... Their soul is already promised to Slaanesh but they belong body and mind to Cegorah. So their mind and body can't be corrupted because Cegorah effectively own them, and since their soul is promised to Slaanesh she can't do anything to it until she actually gets it, neither can the other gods. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I think they are loyal to Cegorach but not directly controlled by him, but I am no Eldar lore master, so I could be wrong.


"Also, what tactical advantage do you foresee for your marines (in perhaps a vain attempt to avoid the melta.)?"


My army is a maximum threat overload army. It relies on multiple, fast units (IE: moving 12" per turn w/ Fleet) descending on my opponent's army before they have a chance to kill them off. The Solitaire fits that bill rather nicely IMO.

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The Masque of Slaanesh has been summoned into the body of a Harlequin before.  I think there's a snippet of fluff about it somewhere.

Yes but then a solitaire danced her down IIRC. The solitaire's are particularly incorruptible, which is why they get the job they have.

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The Masque of Slaanesh has been summoned into the body of a Harlequin before.  I think there's a snippet of fluff about it somewhere.


Yes but then a solitaire danced her down IIRC. The solitaire's are particularly incorruptible, which is why they get the job they have.
Theres also an instance of The Changeling impersonating a Solitaire and killing the Troupe Master and the Masque possessing her dead body.
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The Masque of Slaanesh has been summoned into the body of a Harlequin before.  I think there's a snippet of fluff about it somewhere.

Yes but then a solitaire danced her down IIRC. The solitaire's are particularly incorruptible, which is why they get the job they have.
Theres also an instance of The Changeling impersonating a Solitaire and killing the Troupe Master and the Masque possessing her dead body.

I thought that was the same story.

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The Masque of Slaanesh has been summoned into the body of a Harlequin before.  I think there's a snippet of fluff about it somewhere.

Yes but then a solitaire danced her down IIRC. The solitaire's are particularly incorruptible, which is why they get the job they have.
Theres also an instance of The Changeling impersonating a Solitaire and killing the Troupe Master and the Masque possessing her dead body.

I thought that was the same story.


It might be, I believe in at least in one versions of the fluff the changeling part is skipped though, it has been a while since I read it.

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Yeah, they are corrupted eldar, I just don't think they are any corrupted solitaires.

there aren't any corrupted Solitaires that I've heard of in fluff. But, considering a Phoenix Lord also fell to Chaos I don't think it's super far-fetched that a Solitaire could.
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Yeah, they are corrupted eldar, I just don't think they are any corrupted solitaires.

there aren't any corrupted Solitaires that I've heard of in fluff. But, considering a Phoenix Lord also fell to Chaos I don't think it's super far-fetched that a Solitaire could.

there has never been a corrupted Solitair to my knowledge, and Ahra (sp) the Father of Scorpions didn't fall to Chaos, he fell from the path which at the end of the day is different by a matter what words you use to title it.


As for the Chaos Solitair idea, I like the blatant heresy of it. There was a quote regarding the Eldar way back, I want to say it was by Gav Thorpe but I don't remember exactly now. If someone else wants to correct on who said it, please do so. But the quote was to the effect of "We [the Eldar] will glady see a billion humans burn today, if in 10,000 years such an act would see a single Eldar life saved. What value have a human life when meassured against those that are the Children of Isha?" Eldar play the looong game. I can easily see a Solitair, or even an entire Troupe of Harliquins operating in support of a Chaos force for a variety of reasons. The Chaos Warband in question is in a better possition to oppose a Tyranid hive fleet when it comes to the in 100 years and stopping the fleet will save an Eldar Settlement in a 1000 years. If the warband leader were defeted in his current battle he would retreat and in so doing uncover a lost artifact or secret that would lead him to becoming more powerful and thus a greater threat to an Eldar force. The current Warband has a Lt figure who will work to remove the current leader and if that leader is removed before the Lt can do so himself he will be denieghed his power base and thus be delayed in becoming a lord himself and prevent him from under taking a crusade that would see an Ork Waaagh being raised to threaten an Eldar craft world in 5000 years. Those are just off the top of my head.


Conversly there is the conversion possibilities that have been mentioned. A Slaaneshi Herald mimicking the form of the Solitair. The Changling impersonating it.


Short version: Go to town man. Just post pics of what you come up.

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Just to be clear, since I am not sure I have been. I think this is a great idea, with tons of different ways to go about it. I just figured I would mention that I am fairly certain solitaires are effectively incorruptible, although that doesn't mean they wouldn't support a chaos warband. (Or it could be any number of different counts as options.) They would probably be most likely to support Khorne or Nurgle, or any force in opposition to Slaanesh or Tzeentch because Slaanesh wants to eat some tasty eldar and Tzeentch wants the black library.

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Yeah, they are corrupted eldar, I just don't think they are any corrupted solitaires.

As a Herald of Nurgle, I would like to address the obvious Xenos lies, propaganda, and aggrandizement.

The lords of chaos are known to enjoy playing with their food. "Near misses" and "Triumphs over dark forces"  are the herbs and spices of our dark lords' diets and we are often tasked with instilling such false hopes in lesser beings. Such long held beliefs as "Grey Knights are Super Incorruptible" as cultivated to better nurture and age the vintage.

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Yeah, they are corrupted eldar, I just don't think they are any corrupted solitaires.

As a Herald of Nurgle, I would like to address the obvious Xenos lies, propaganda, and aggrandizement.

The lords of chaos are known to enjoy playing with their food. "Near misses" and "Triumphs over dark forces"  are the herbs and spices of our dark lords' diets and we are often tasked with instilling such false hopes in lesser beings. Such long held beliefs as "Grey Knights are Super Incorruptible" as cultivated to better nurture and age the vintage.


I guess, I mean I am making a chaos eldar army, so I suppose I shouldn't disagree too vehemently.

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Nowadays Eldar are very, very hard to fall to Chaos corruption, particularly in the 40k setting. In the past editions there were "Chaos Eldar" and I'm not disputing that they're still out there somewhere (though I'm sure the "Chaos Eldar" eventually evolved into what is known today as the Dark Eldar), but the main segments of the surviving Eldar over time have become far more resilient.



The Craftworlders enforce a form of discipline upon their entire population in the form of the paths to prevent themselves from falling to the temptations of Chaos and go the next step by preventing Slaanesh from claiming their souls though spirit stones. Corsairs and Exodites who are free from the paths still protect themselves through their own means from Slaanesh out of fear. The Dark Eldar who still practice the hedonistic and meritocratic lifestyle that led to their race's fall and the birth of Slaanesh in the first place are still utterly terrified of Chaos and go to great lengths to suppress their racial psyker talents. Even the Harlequinns who are the most enigmatic of the species abhor and actively fight Chaos at every turn they get (especially Ahriman), particularly when it comes to the Black Library and entry to the webway.



Because of the above, this is where Solitaires become interesting.



Solitaires as we know are damned by Chaos in some manner or form (generally the saying goes that they "are promised to Slaanesh") which goes against everything I posted above.  I admit that I haven't read the new codex so I don't know if the answer lies there, but until now how or why a Solitaire become what they are seems to be a very secretive individual affair. Was it a willing deal with the dark gods? Was it something forced upon them? Or do they simply just become a Solitaire through over-dedication similar to how an Eldar becomes an Exarch? I imagine it would vary from Solitaire to Solitaire. This results in some extremely individualistic tendencies that make no two Solitaires the same.



An example of this would be to compare Motley from the Dark Eldar series to Lechthenian in the Path of the Eldar. Although being extreme polar opposites, there are a few similarities between them:



Firstly, they seem to be lonely individuals whether by choice or otherwise. Motley had an extrinsic personality and loved meddling in other people's affairs, but the Eldar around him seem to be repulsed utterly by his presence. Lechthenian on the other hand was quite insular, preferring to stay on the move and keep to his own counsel.



The next big similarity is that Solitaires seem to be utterly against Chaos, and in most cases Chaos seems to be utterly against them in return. Motley for example impulsively executed a Succubus unexpectedly at Vect's feet because he detected corruption in her soul. When Lechthenian on the other hand engaged in the eternal dance with a Keeper of Secrets to the bewilderment of Eldar and Daemonette alike, it was like the Keeper of Secrets could sense what he was and felt compelled to try and take his soul from him.



But, are all Solitaires like Motley and Lechthenian? Of course not. They are individuals first and foremost driven by their own goals known only to them. Is it likely that a Solitaire would willingly work alongside Chaos forces, particularly those dedicated to Slaanesh? its highly unlikely... but there are always exceptions. As mentioned earlier a Dark Eldar willingly paired herself with an ex Thousand Sons sorceror for her own reasons in the Talon of Horus so what's to say that a Solitaire would not consider the same? Maybe its all just an act on the Solitaire's behalf to slaughter the warband from within?



As stated several times already, the possibilities are endless. The Eldar fanboy in me cries that this is so horribly wrong... but also so horribly interesting in a perverted way.

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I would say it would be...ok...as long as it wasnt a slaanesh army.


The Eldar could have forseen that your Warlord will eventually rise to power and crush the warband of a Slaanesh lord that would one day kill and eat a craftworld, so the Harlies are...making sure he survives until he can fulfil his destiny.

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