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Alternative Giant Chaos spawns


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Best I can find quickly would be the Dire Wolf's or Thunderwolf kit for the head, and something like the Thundertusk for the main body, but you'd still be left with a lot of work to complete in greenstuff swapping out feet, handling the differing scales on the miniatures and making a suitable tail.

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A cheap toy dog (or three. Two just for the extra heads) is one suggestion. Just be sure to get ones made of (at least) reasonable plastic rather than the rubbery type which won't take paint. You should be able to get something scarily big, too.

GS and bitz to Chaosify it.

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you could use one of the fantasy WoC kits^^ Scyla or the big slaughterbeast f. e.^^


I use the WoC Vortex beast as a giant spawn, I just didn't put the vortex on the kit (It's going on the end of Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne to help turn it into a Greater Silver Crabthing of Tzeentch) and put it on an oval base. Works well, although I've found the rules to be mediocre (it's very slow compared to a maulerfiend).

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Could look at Mierce Miniatures for things like this



Thought if it's for use in GW tournaments or any that don't allow non-GW models you could use the Slaughterbeast or the huge Ogre beast as a base.

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Aren't giant spawn a daemon unit and not a csm unit anymore, as of imperial armour 13?

Nope, it was a typo. Several people had written in about that and they (FW) admitted it. There is an FAQ in the works, supposedly, for IA:13 soon-ish. Adam from The Dice Abides had an article about questions he asked FW and got responses to a few. Here's the link for that...




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