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Space Hulk Diorama 1 Sons of Hythis Termi VS Genestealer


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Finally I finsihed my first out of 10 (planned) dioramas







http://www.lordordsrealm.de/mediac/400_0/media/DIR_33080/DIR_34080/P1050540.JPGWith the glass


http://www.lordordsrealm.de/mediac/400_0/media/DIR_33080/DIR_34080/P1050541.JPGwithout the glasshttp://www.lordordsrealm.de/mediac/400_0/media/DIR_33080/DIR_34080/P1050542.JPG

Very oldschool. I remember the old dioramas that White Dwarf used to publish, and this is a nice hark back to those old days. The effects on that old rusty space hulk are excellent. Certainly looking forward to the next one. Good work.



Thx so much for the encouraging compliment. Maybe it is beacuse it is so oldscholl that I don´t get some replies:-).



Concerning oldschool. Yes that was/is one of my intentions for some of the 10 dioramas planned. The Termi is a good example. It is one of my DIY chapters "Sons of Hythis" and 12 years old:-)  but because of that I wanted this chapter to have the honour of being in the prototype.. following chapters will be Aurora (obviously:-) , Blood Angels, Deathwatch..and the rest is not yet clear for the moment


The opponents will always be something tyranid-based. Genestealers obviously but also Genestelaer-Hybrids/Cult

It really does look like a lot of fun to plan and paint. I can see a lot of potential in the environment and doing some cool OSL. Like I said, very much looking forward to the next installment. And one of the diorama's should totally include an Imperial Fist. ;)



http://www.lordordsrealm.de/mediac/400_0/media/DIR_33080/DIR_34080/P1050546.JPGFor all who whish to see the LED-light operational--> it is tough to get that on camera but it works fine . Maybe I will open another thread in the future with a you-tube video showing you. Until now the hole  for it serves well as another interesting perspective to the diorama (accidentally:-)




++++++++++Important notice++++++++++




I started showing you the work on my next diorama. Feel very invited to see.


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