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Advice for starting a crimson slaughter army


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I've decided to get the Dark vengeance box(mainly for the rule book) and decided to start a crimson slaughter army. I'm thinking I'll get the crimson slaughter box set for the terminators, land raider and void claws. 


I'm an ork player that's only played against chaos back in 5th ed so I'm not very familiar with them now. Any advice on what I should add would be appreciated.

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Using Dark Vengeance is certainly how I got started with my army, making sure to convert the Dark Angels in the box to useful Chaos models. About the only models I didn't use was the Deathwing as I'd converted the Terminators from Space Hulk (though subsequently I have used a couple for a Nurgling Helbrute and a Plague Marine squad leader)

In terms of expansion, I've asked the question recently as frankly, I've been picking models which made cool modelling projects rather than worrying too much about the gaming aspect.

The general advice I've seen has been Nurgle is king on the board at the moment, and the strongest units tend to be Chaos Bikes, Heldrakes, Obliterators and Maulerfiends, so any and all of those represent a good expansion. Personally I've had some success with daemon summoning as a focus in smaller games, taking Prophet of the Voices and a Possessed Bodyguard but struggled against AP2 models.

Oh, and a 6 Man Chosen Squad with Plasmaguns and Draznicht's Ravager in a Rhino is absolutely lethal, get within 12" and using a Combi-plasmagun nets you 12 plasma shots, with only a 1 in 3 chance of a single model taking a Wound from Gets Hot.

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I know it sounds dumb, bu the most important aspect when building an army is asking yourself before you start what you actually want to achieve with it.


For example: is the army being built to play competitively? Is it a display army to push your modelling and painting talents? Are you building an army to represent the fluff or a cool theme you came up with? Etcetera.


This is important because it gives you a foundation with which to work off. Once you decide upon the foundation, the army tends to build itself.


The Crimson Slaughter are very lucky that their fluff is well detailed but still has enough flexibility to throw your own creativity into the mix. Do I think that the crimson slaughter box is a good investment as a starting point with dark vengeance though? It doesn't appeal to me personally because the cultists are the only provided troops choice, but nowadays in 7th that's not a game stopper. The contents of both box sets form Kranon's Helguard formation as well so you atleast get something.


My advice would be to consider getting your hands on a copy of Imperial Armour 13: War Machines of the Lost and the Damned to add to your collection. Again its not a game stopper if you don't have it, but the additional options and alternatives are worth taking a look at.

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....It doesn't appeal to me personally because the cultists are the only provided troops choice, but nowadays in 7th that's not a game stopper. The contents of both box sets form Kranon's Helguard formation as well so you atleast get something.....

As my post above, with a little work none of the miniatures in Dark Vengeance go to waste

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Welcome to the fold brother.


Dark Vengeance is definitely a good place to start but the Crimson Slaughter expansion isn't the greatest.

As Lucio pointed out Obliterators, Nurgle Spawn, Maulerfiends, Heldrakes and Bikers are all good choices to flesh out your warband.

I've found our possessed to be really fun, especially with a Prophet Sorcerer and a load of horrors in your case for those Demonology summons.

Throw in a Helbrute Mayhem Pack for good measure and it usually makes a good mess of something.


At the risk of angering the powers that be, how do you play your Orks?

The reason I ask is that I know someone who started up a Death Guard army but lost interest as he ended up played them just like his Orks.

Now they sit in a case which is a shame.


Chaos can be a chance to try something new but it all comes down to what you like about the Crimson Slaughter and chaos in general though.

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I second Dark Disciple's post.  While my Chaos Army isn't Crimson Slaughter (It's Black Legion-largely because I wanted a Black army, and ADB's Talon of Horus).

My first army (and Largest) is Tau.  I got every unit in the codex (except those derpy looking Tau fliers...not Mutilator bad, but compared to Forge World Tau fliers...it's like somebody's kitbash between a Devilfish and a Piranha).


I can Field Imperial Guard numbers of (hover) tanks and ground pounding Infantry-but I Love Crisis suits.  The only reason I got a Riptide (well two) was they were part of a Army I bought from a guy.  I am The Most Aggressive Tau player in the area-but the one place I always had issues with, was, while they could assault, they suck at it.  And then GeeDub made my Kroot suck at it (but did include their armor 'upgrade' for free, as well as sniper rounds.).


I started out Chaos (at the near-end of 5th edition) and wanted a Khorne Beserker and Raptor heavy army.  I was amazed by how awesome Khorne Beserkers were in combat against Space Wolves.  I ran out of dice for doing my attacks, and just ran them (loyalist Space Marines!) down.


It was awesome.


*sigh* sadly, The straight stat buff that is T5 with the Crutch god's mark is just better than Khorne, LOL, at least I don't like Tzeentch that much, poor bastards (though in the new codex, it did inspire a Halo Spartan army...until someone asked if they were plague marines/death guard which immediately got them stripped)

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