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Meaty's Blood Angels WIP


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Hi all biggrin.png

Getting back into the hobby and getting a Blood Angels project on the go. I got lots of good advice from a few threads and an army list or two and this is the army list I will be painting:


Sanguinary Priest; Jump Pack; Valour's Edge; Bolt Pistol; 96


Furioso Dreadnought; Frag Cannon; Magna Grapple; Meltagun; Drop Pod; 165

Furioso Dreadnought; Frag Cannon; Magna Grapple; Meltagun; Drop Pod; 165

8 Death Company; Powerfist; Jump Packs; 209

7 Vanguard Veterans; Jump Packs; 2x Stormshield; Powerfist; 199


5 Tactical; Heavy Flamer; Drop Pod; 115

6 Scouts; Close Combat Weapons; 66


5 Assault; 2x Plasmagun; Rhino; 115

5 Assault; 2x Plasmagun; Rhino; 115

2x Attack Bike; Multi Melta; 110


Baal Predator; Twin-Linked Assault Cannon; Heavy Bolter Sponsons; 135

Vindicator; Overcharged Engines; 130

Vindicator; Overcharged Engines; 130


And this is what it looks like at the moment:

I have one Furioso finished and that's it - it's finished to an 'acceptable standard' but I could do more with it if I fancied!! The other Furioso only has the Grapple bit to be done. Do have 20 or so jump assault marines painted from when I played around 2 years ago and some DC on foot with bolters about half finished.

They're all laid out on the kitchen table and when not working I'm spend a few hours at the desk painting. Working on the Tactical Squad (a full squad of 10, but only 5 in the army list) and the 2 assault squads just now and I hope to get them finished by this time next week - I am a slow painter smile.png

Will try to update this thread once a week but I can't promise that I will, haha

C&C appreciated biggrin.png

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Nice models however I am pretty sure the fantasy models are not suppose to be posted on these boards, it tends to go against the policy and the fact that this is a 40k specifically board focused towards space marines, chaos space marines, chaos demons for those 40k armies, sisters, and only recently imperial guard. Xenos armies and fantasy stuff is usually not allowed.
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Ah, right! Thanks! 


I apologise for my blatant breach of protocol, I didn't know it would be an issue but ignorance is no excuse! I solemnly promise there'll be no more of that... nonsense!


Did some more work on the Tactical squad and the Assault squads today, not that you can really see what I have done, here some pics nevertheless! 


The Furioso's could be better if I dedicated a bit more time to them, but they're at least to an acceptable table top standard. Just the magna grapple to do for the second one.
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  • 2 weeks later...



Nearly finished these 2 assault squads, still got the heraldry, bases and plasma guns to do, I may attempt to paint the eyes but I'll see how the models looks when I've finished everything else! Did a bit more on the Tactical squad and they will be next to get finished. 

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Thank you all for the comments!

Not sure when I'll get to play test them, hopefully some time in the next few weeks!

And more yellow! I got the plasmaguns finished:

I've changed my camera settings, seem to be taking better pictures now smile.png

Was unsure about painting the eyes but I think they've turned out not bad at all! Think I'll likely start on finishing the Tactical squad before I start doing the bases, means I can do them all at the same time. Then I'll still have transfers and heraldry to apply to finish the models.

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Warning: lots of pictures incoming!


Completed plasma-gunner:



My old Death Company (not part of this project but worth a mention, maybe?). I took the liberty of basing my older models with snow when I basing the new.



The flamer guys - I went the 'cheap' route of using a Dreadnought heavy flamer as a Tactical squad heavy flamer :O



My HQ with some of the Vanguard, 2 of them without arms are the Storm Shield guys, going to paint 'em separately!



The 'new' Death Company - notice the guy with the Fist is half-painted, you know why that is :D



Another plasma-gunner with slightly blurry close-ups of 2 of his mates.



The old assault squads - been thinking of painting them up to the standard of the current guys if and when I get this project finished. 



My Tactical sergeant - I noticed when I started painting him I had previously put the Terminator Honours on the wrong shoulderpad! Curse my past self, argh!!!! 





So, I've had some progress, as you can see. Not finished with the Tactical squad yet, I think the helmets are too dark as I washed them with black but haven't gone back over the raised areas again as I did with the Assault squad, then I would need to highlight them... if I wanted to!


My snow effect bases turned out quite well, it looks fresh! I do have a query though, would they look better on 'pure' white bases (as per the old squads) or might the snow effect it be more noticable if I painted the rim of the base black?


If I do decide to finish up the Tac squad that will probably take me an entire evening. Next on the list is the 2 attack bikes, I reckon I can get both done in an evening, could maybe work a little on the Tacs at the same time :)

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I would defiantly consider doing the base rim a separate colour from your white. I wouldn't go black though heavy uses of solid white and black together could look like they are going to a dinner party.


I would try a cold colour like a shade of blue.


Also might be a good idea to really water down a blue wash to provide some shade to the snow than go back with white.



Looking good! Cheers!

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Another update, but no pics this time! Well I liked the idea of Space marines attending a dinner dance, I went with black rims for the bases. I tried a watered down blue wash on one model and the result was awful, however, when it had dried the result turned out not too shabby at all (but still very blue). I used a similar technique to shade the rest of the models, using more or less water-to-ink to give more variation on each base. They're drying now, just hoping I'll like the results! 


Tactical squad is more or less finished!


Attack Bikes have been started, but christ on a bike, I'm hating painting them already! Also been working on the rhino's, they're much easier to do, once they're done I'll have 2 assault squads and their transports complete!


Lastly, I've been building a bike squad and made up a converted Libby on a bike, pleased with it overall :D

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