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Black templars army


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While I'm not a fan of the unit choices (puritan, I be) the painting is delightful.  An odd choice for color arrangement on the Drop Pods though.  At a glance, I wouldn't think they were Templar Pods.


I'm not  a big fan of the sprue debris.  It's a bit too apparent where they came from, and some of the shapes/arrangements don't make a lot of sense.


Nitpicking complete.  On to good things.  The painting in general is wonderful.  Great job on the faces, and the simulated reflection-like highlights on the bike hoods I particularly like.  In fact the black highlights across the board are pretty awesome.  The leather is great too, which is something I always find curiously difficult.



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Have to echo Firepowers sentiment that for fluffy reasons, this is not a very templary setup with not even a single initiate. But then again, there's no commander either, so it looks like this might nicely buff up an existing force.


That out of the way, I must say I very VERY much like what you've done with them. You've even made the scout model look good with their standard heads, something I didn't think possible. The leather is all top notch, and I do actually like the drop pod theme even if it may be a little cream heavy.


Overall it's a gorgeous force.

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