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Hey so a friend of mine gave me a extra Huron model.

Trevak Dal

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I got an extra huron blackheart model, I like my own (which is the Huron Blackheart model with a Iron Warrior helmet) and was wondering what I should make with it.  It's missing the axe, which is on one of my friend's wolflords or some such, and I'm looking for suggestions and even examples of Conversions using the Huron Blackheart model.

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The head alone is awesome, if he's finecast it would be very easy to sever it. If he's metal it would be harder to do but still possible.
The body could be used for a sorceror while the backpack for a dark apostle conversion or something? I have a plan of using the head on the new forge world Alexis Polux model, and changing his shield arm for a lowered axe.
The claw arm is awesome for a lightning claw+doom siren noise marine champion. And his axe is good for a left-handed power weapon, not enough of them.

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I turned him into a dark apostle, I filled in the rents in his power armour, added a plasma pistol and a trimmed down force staff from the terminator sorcerer, some other bits and pieces.

Can we get a pict of that? It sounds good.

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I turned him into a dark apostle, I filled in the rents in his power armour, added a plasma pistol and a trimmed down force staff from the terminator sorcerer, some other bits and pieces.

Can we get a pict of that? It sounds good.

Here you go:http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa103/welshmalign/Word%20Bearers/DSC_0013-2.jpg

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But I already have one Prot (and I gave him a proper Bucket-nobody in any of my armies doesn't have a helmet on).


The extra model is metal, and dosn't have the Power Axe, I got the critter, Huron his backpack and Tyrant Claw.

I don't know about a Dark Apostle.  They cost a lot for what they do.

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Well, I built him before they had rules he's my Word Bearers Lord, but I consider three HQ slots for him each game. He works out cheapest and best ish as a lord, but I consider running him as a sorcerer too, and have run him as an apostle too.
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But I already have one Prot (and I gave him a proper Bucket-nobody in any of my armies doesn't have a helmet on).


The extra model is metal, and dosn't have the Power Axe, I got the critter, Huron his backpack and Tyrant Claw.


I don't know about a Dark Apostle.  They cost a lot for what they do.


I know, it was just a bad joke.... and an opportunity to quote an Arnie movie....


Truthfully I think he could be a sorc model with a head swap, or a possessed champ posslbly? Honestly I'm kinda bummed since the last FAQ came out they crushed his ability. More people take sorcs now since the Crimson Slaughter/Balestar of Manon but most put them on bikes. He'd be okay as a sorc as his outfit kind of works for it.

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I think Sorcerers are just 'better' options than Dark apostles and Warpsmiths because they got access to the entire armory, come with a warp charge and Force weapon and quite cheap.  I wish they did templates like how in the HH books have.

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