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Νurgle DP is it worthy?


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Hi guys, i am looking forward to buy a Deamon Prince and i dont know if it is worthy.    


Is the Nurgle DP the best option? of 2+ plus save even in the open? with what gear? Burning brand? or Black mace? i believe Black mace is better as we have a lot of ap3 helldrakes etc... Any help?    some cheap-best builds on Nurgle Dp would be nice thanks!


4wounds with 2+cover 5+ invu, is worthy buy him Power armor? i think not,  any gift of mutation? for lucky rolls ?  just wings and gliding with re-roll charges is cool maybe the best option?

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I am gonna use him in an IW army, but, i believe 4 attacks +1 charge plus deamon ... and rules for remove from play are far more superior than s4 ap 3 brand on him, hm...... I dont like power for Nurgle DP cause i think is waste plus a bad thing maybe what i mean is : 20 cheaper he has 2+cover save if they ignore it still he has 5+invu deamon and with power armor you are gonna get @#!@ against grav guns (bikes or centurions wahtever) harder to get wounded ;)

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It's a +2 to cover saves (5+ in the open) not 2+. Nurgle DPs can't run, can't overwatch (not much of a loss) but if it has wings it can give up any chance of hitting anything with psychic powers or shooting attacks but end up with a 2+ save by jinking. Not much comfort against Tau but it still is a solid DP, the only one I tend to see more often is Tzeentch for mass psychic powers.

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Hi guys, i am looking forward to buy a Deamon Prince and i dont know if it is worthy.    


He's okay, nice to have in any case.



Is the Nurgle DP the best option? of 2+ plus save even in the open? with what gear? Burning brand? or Black mace? i believe Black mace is better as we have a lot of ap3 helldrakes etc... Any help?    some cheap-best builds on Nurgle Dp would be nice thanks!


Yes, he's the best option. Yes, 2+ cover save if you jink in the open. Spell familiar as gear, with lvl 3 psyker mastery. No Burning Brand, you can't use it when you Jink. Black Mace is good if you want to use him as a combat monster, instead of of a psyker.


Best builds:

Nurgle, wings. 200 (cheapest version, not that good imo, take this if you're a greedy person)

Nurgle, wings, armour, black mace 265 (combat version, take this if you care more about fun than winning )

Nurgle, wings, armour, lvl 3 psyker, spell familiar 310 (best version currently, you spawn daemons while still being okay at combat if there is an opportunity, take this if you're somewhat serious)

Nurgle, wings, armour, lvl 3 psyker, spell familiar, black mace, gift 365 (deluxe version, take this if you're the kind of person who constantly buys a newer Iphone, because you just have to have the best and newest)


4wounds with 2+cover 5+ invu, is worthy buy him Power armor? i think not,  any gift of mutation? for lucky rolls ?  just wings and gliding with re-roll charges is cool maybe the best option?


Yes it is worth to buy power armour in most cases, ignore cover exists and cover does not exist in combat. You will get hit by basic attacks and they will kill you. T5 with a 5++ is not survivable in combat. Gift ain't bad, but you shouldn't have points left to buy such luxuries, you're playing chaos after all. No, it's not.

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Thanks zhukov, simple enough and good advices! maybe i will add PA for melee as you said! (forgot it! or i thought with Initiative 9 many attacks and mace there will be nothing left!)  its funny that he doesnt have grenades for charging into cover and lose his Initiative,... or am i missing something? 

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Thanks zhukov, simple enough and good advices! maybe i will add PA for melee as you said! (forgot it! or i thought with Initiative 9 many attacks and mace there will be nothing left!)  its funny that he doesnt have grenades for charging into cover and lose his Initiative,... or am i missing something? 

No you're not. He does not have grenades and is I1 when charging into cover, thus the need for power armour. He needs to survive long enough to hit stuff.

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Toughness 5 and lack of Eternal Warrior sucks! I find it relys on too many things to use effectively, as you shell out for extra mastery levels to try and get the Biomancy buffs like Iron Arm, War Speed and Endurance, then you need to get them off (helped witrh the added cost of a spell familiar). Perils and daemon weapon always plink off a wound or two, add in some massed small arms fire, and you find youself down to a wound or 2. My opponents usually ignore it with the heavy/special weapons, thanks to the 2+ cover save, so it's not like it's a fire magnet anyway


When it works, it's brutal, but too many variables mean it hardly comes off

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i am going to keep him as cheap as possible,... and try to keep him out of LOS, with LR or terrain features, then charge or counter-charge.

I will try Mark of nurgle, PA, Black mace , Wings. any more points on him is a waste, and this build is lethal enough i believe!

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