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New project: Adeptus Ministorum Regiment

Simon Ros

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what diffrent patrs are you using for the minaitures? I´m gussing high elves robes for legs, cadians body and weapons and then some third party for heads? But is this correct? Please enlight me as I like it very much and is thinking to perhaps copy it :)

@Ulfast: Thanks! I use high elf archers legs and banners, cadians for bodies, arms, weapons, grenades, extra ammo and water bottles, and then heroic scale female heads (metal) from Statuesque Miniatures. I also mix in some other parts from catachan sprues to get a greater variety of hands and weapons, but that's not necessary.

I really dislike the way in which female characters are modelled in GW-games, and in my opinion this combination of parts looks much better in terms of body proportions (breasts and waist in particular), as well as in not being overly sexualized. Please copy the idea if you want to. smile.png

Beware that it's not cheap however. Each model probably costs me somewhere around four dollars.

You might also benefit from some research I've made. Here's some alternative female heads:




GW (Wyches)

wow, this is one of the coolest projects I've seen in a long, long time.


the conversions are subtle, characterful and very well done.

you force is inspired, truly. 


this is why I love this hobby. I've been doing it so long that I tend to get a little hard to impress, some would say jaded even.


then, someone like simon ros could by with a project like this and floors me.


oh and the paint is coming along nicely.

  • 5 months later...

(I thought it best to reuse my old thread for this post, but please tell me if I violate a rule against threadnomancy.)

So after a few months of life getting in the way, I just restarted this (extremely slow) project with finishing a first small batch of models:

2015 09 25 16.39.54   2

2015 09 25 16.44.01   1

2015 09 25 16.44.17   3

They will probably be an order of warrior nuns or similar, recruited from monastaries and living on some gritty and dusty hive world governed by the ministorum. I chose roman numerals to distinguish their units from ordinary AM-units, and each unit will be a "parish" or perhaps "congregation". The other shoulder plate has a sacred quote or similar inscribed. Presumably they fulfill more mundane combat roles on their world than the sisters of battle, and would relate to the Adepta Sororitas somewhat like the Astra Militarum relate to Adeptus Astartes.


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