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How to kit out rhinos for zerkers


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So I have other projects on the go atm but hopefully will get back to giving my world eaters some love soon. When it comed to transports I have two rhinos and a landraider that need glue, paint and tlc. Bearing in mind if im going pure world eaters my list is the above transports, Khârn and as many zerkers as poss how would you recommend kitting them out....cheap as chips with no upgrades? Dirge casters seem a must. A dozer blade seems useful and ive heard good things about havoc launchers...but is that too much?


I just want to get as many guys into combat as possible. Is that too much to ask?



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How to kit them out depends on the expectation of use. If you're using them to get your squad into melee ASAP fit Dirge Casters and dozer blade if the board has dense terrain midfield.


If you're using them for added protection then fit a Havoc, extra armour and extra Combi bolter, moving forward at a slower pace to thin down the enemy troops. They can also shield a Predator, Vindicator or Forgefiend in this role.

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Havoc launcher and a combi bolter is a waste when you have an assault unit in the rhino, dringe caster is a must of course because it helps assault troops out a lot but besides that just keep them cheap, no need to stack up the upgrades. Only other upgrade I'd consider is dozer blades if you run into lots of terrain often. 

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Try just the dirge caster, and don't actually put the berzerkers in them. Run them behind it and use the rhino to block LoS and provide cover, that way they can charge immediately when within range and the rhino is still good for something. It will also ostensibly make the rhino appear to be less of a threat, which is fantastic if it has OS from the berzerkers being troops.
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I still tend to run them bereft of upgrades - although the idea of multiple Havoc Launchers does have some appeal.

Although, I'm not really looking to utilise multiple transports as mobile gun platforms generally.

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Surely just keep them as cheap as possible? 


9 Berzerkers w/CCWs led by a Berzerker Champ with Melta Bombs in a naked Rhino is 240 points.


Multiply that by 4 and add in a JuggerLord with AoBF and you're looking at 1100 points, plenty of space left for other threats in there (Spawn, Maulers, Daemon allies etc). I'd reckon (or hope) if you throw enough at the enemy then some of those Berzerkers are going to make it into close combat.

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