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Red Corsair / Alpha Legion conversion help


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So a good friend of mine is returning from Afghanistan in a few months. He wants to get back into 40K soon after he gets home. He has expressed an interest in either the Red Corsair or Alpha Legion, seems to be leaning more towards Corsairs.

Said he wants to have an army that shows the griffins of the Corsairs, and the combination of different armor types.

So, I have decided to build a basic army for him as a "Welcome home" gift.

I figure an HQ or two and a couple three squads with transports to get him started.

I have an extensive bit box (several actually), but I'm unsure of where to start. I have done a searchfu on google but can't seem to find any really good combinations of loyalist and chaos armor to represent the Corsairs, or the sneaky nature of the Alpha Legion. Can anyone help?

I have tons of Loyalist, CSM, Blood Angel, and Space Wolf bits availible.

Grittiness not griffens. Dan auto correct.

 How about using standard bolter with the aquila shaved off for one, and using the unmodified loyalist backpacks? and also, use some uncommon armour and   he lmets, like the corvus  pattern helmet

some thing like http://tentakel.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/redcorsairtest.png


hope this helps http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/2/2/324548_sm-Red%20Corsairs,%20Wolf%20Guard.jpghttp://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn268/Styrofoam04/P1020807.jpghttp://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/2/2/324546_sm-Red%20Corsairs,%20Wolf%20Guard.jpghttp://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn268/Styrofoam04/IMAG0464.jpg

I'm not sure if there's a best way to mix up loyal and traitor armor pieces to represent any specific faction. The Red Corsairs are corsairs - pirates. They'll scavenge whatever replacement armor parts they can to keep them going, so I would say there's no right or wrong with how you go about it.


I'd think the more important aspect to nail down for their character would likely be that their armor is generally beaten up and some good battle damage and weathering would really shine on these guys.

My favourite look to red Corsairs is to keep some of their original Chapter colours showing through but always with Corsairs shoulder pads.


Especially if you have the units with more Corsair livery the more "Chaos" they are, so the HQ and Elites should be fully red and black, but you could have some more variety in your "Tactical" and "Assault" squads.



Master pendragon, Brother Chaplain Kage, Rik Lightstar, thank you for your input.

So I guess my plan will be to convert about 65% in mostly CSM bitz and full Corsair color scheme, 25% in a 50:50 chaos/loyalist bitz and mixed color scheme, and 10% in loyalist armor and random chaos bitz here and there. Unsure how to make new corsair represent both there old chapters and the Corsairs.

Would help if I could find out when new recruits are made to change the color of their armor and when and how they desecrate the imperial emblems and chapter markings.

Not a big fan of just crossing out the emblems.


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