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Hey guys it has been awhile since I posted, but it's that time of year again where I get my tax return and lots of spare income that I can spend on my plastic guilty pleasure. I play blood angels and I was wondering what models would be worth grabbing and some tips in dealing with resin since I have never used it before. I have my eye on the Fire Raptor Gunship, Sicaran Battle Tank, Deredero Dred, spartan assault tank. Since FW stuff is uber costly I was hoping to get some friendly advice and guidance on what to buy. Thanks guys

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I've never assembled any of the models you mentioned, but they're all also on my "to buy" list. From doing some reading around it seems the resin on the larger cast panels (gunship hull, tank side armor) can get pretty warped and out of line. Most seem to be able to get them to within tolerable limits using hot water and some press/vice methods but it's something to keep in mind!


Best of luck with your purchases!

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personally I am going to get a sicarian first, and the imperial armor books.   That is because I could use a good anti-tank option in my list and with it being fast, it fits right in with the blood angel's feel.    


The fire raptor and the deredero dread are also on my list eventually.   If not to use, to at least have because they look cool.    That being said, I personally don't use alot of flyers in most games, and the group I play at my local store doesn't seem to use alot of flyers either, or at least I haven't seen many being used except for larger apoc size games.    That being said, if you are in need of a flyer, the fire raptor is pretty beastly, but if you don't encounter alot of flyers it might be something to hold off on.   As for the dread, that gun dread is still in experimental rules, and its nasty for what it does.  However, for its cost currently, you might be better off with two sicarians. 


The assault tank might not be bad either since Blood Angels are an assault army, but again a normal land raider redeemer and crusader could just as easily fill that role and cheaper to buy.      So yeah, definitely get a sicarian (or two), and then the rest really depends on your local meta and if it really fills something missing in your current list, or just for a cool factor.    As I said, I am definitely thinking of the fire raptor and dread eventually, and the raptor just cause...well being ex airforce I am a bit partial to flyers, especially gun ships and interceptors.  Sadly Blood Angel's got shafted in the cool flyer departments and all we got are the forgeworld ones and then the Raven.   Not keen on the raven's rules, as its not bad, but seems like an awful lot of points for anti air support.  Its not bad for a durable assault transport, its just I was hoping for some cool blood angel fighter akin to what the Dark angels got.   Needless to say I got two dark angel flyers, and since I can't seem to get rid of them, I am leaning on repainting them up in my BA successor colors and using them as allies in larger gamers.  

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Warm to hot water for making Resin parts more flexible (soak it in warm to hot but not boiling water until the parts become soft, set in position and let it cool or hold in cold water), a very easy trick to straighten any warped resin.  Many people swear by elastic bands to hold a large tank like the spartan together whilst being fitted and then glued.  With any vehicles I would always always dry fit multiple times and in full before gluing - often I've started to glue and found that another hull section isn't aligned and I had to start over again.


Superglue is a must as is the use of a good filler (milliput worked for me last time I used it).  Wearing a dust mask with open windows and washing down your worktop and hands afterwards is a must for resin.  It's not a nice substance and should not be inhaled so keep working time to shorter periods - read up on best practices if you are unsure.


If I were to take one of the options, I'd consider the Contemptor for keeping the price to a bare minimum and requiring no need for elastic bands and multiple fitting sessions, but then I'm festooned with dreadnoughts and have no need for more.  Question therefore becomes, what do you need for your force?  What are you missing, what would compliment, where would you like to take the force next?  If you want to become part of the crew and opt into 30k, I'd recommend looking at the Spartan - that will give your modelling skills something to get stuck into for sure, very practical, a great investment for your 30k HQ deathstar, but kinda boring to look at compared to the Contemptors and Sicarans.

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The Sicaran is a truly simple build and comes in such a way that warpage would be unlikely.  That said, the two track units are a single piece, and there was a slight misalignment of the track in one place about which nothing can be done, save maybe some GS sculpting.  That said, it has no bearing on assembly, just aesthetics.


My Fire Raptor also had no warpage, and its parts do have some long flat pieces.


Got two Rapiers on the way, one laser destroyer and one heavy bolter, too.  Brings some nice dakka since you can fit 3 in one HS slot.  I'll probably paint them for my Iron Hands allied force, though.


And a Contemptor is always cool (or Deredeo too), although the BAngles version rules come from IA:Apoc and are not so flexible as the IA:2,2e, in my opinion.  My Contemptor kit came in nice condition.  Only one mold problem on the plasma cannon arm, but a minor one.


Personally, I'd get the Sicaran first, then a Fire Raptor; the tank has bang for its points, I think, and ignoring Jink is great against some armies (and I play against a lot of DEldar)...although that bird can put out huge amounts of mid- high-strength dakka at three different targets.  Mmmm...firepower.

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Try out playtesting a Whirlwind Scorpius with Legacy of Glory Keylek (ignores cover for blast weapons). It has the armour of a Predator but 1+D3 indirect small blast shots at Str 8 AP3 ignores cover. With a precience libby sitting backfield with it and a babysitter tac squad it can reliably wipe out a Squad of MEQ a turn. 

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Hey guys it has been awhile since I posted, but it's that time of year again where I get my tax return and lots of spare income that I can spend on my plastic guilty pleasure. I play blood angels and I was wondering what models would be worth grabbing and some tips in dealing with resin since I have never used it before. I have my eye on the Fire Raptor Gunship, Sicaran Battle Tank, Deredero Dred, spartan assault tank. Since FW stuff is uber costly I was hoping to get some friendly advice and guidance on what to buy. Thanks guys

Having assembled 3 of those and with the 4th on its way I can perhaps give a bit of an account of my experience with them.


Generally, all FW vehicles will be subject to warping for most of all but the thickest bits. The thinner the bit more likely to be warped  Hot water is you friend and can typically fix everything, but it does take additional time. You might also need some filler material for certain kits to put between obvious cracks, and superglue is the best glue for resin.


Spartan: Assembled two of these. The first time I thought the tracks were pure hell to get on right and I nearly ruined some track pieces in impatient haste to get them all assembled. Second time was a lot easier, probably due to my having experienced the first. Essentially, you'll find that the tracks are just a tand longer than they need to be, fit snuggly around the entire side assembly, but that's pretty much fine. Give some presedence to making sure the downside is fairly even, so all of the tanks rather massive weight is distributed as evenly as possible, and it should be fine.


Fire Raptor. A really fiddly kit. Getting the main fuselage assembled properly is... a tiring and trying experience. All I can say is preservere and you should eventually be greeted by one sweet looking aircraft. You might need green stuff to fill in some cracks between pieces here and here there.


Sicaran: Also done two of these. And they were by far the easiest forgeworld vehicle kit I've ever put together. Only needed hot water the cannon barrels (surprise surprise) but then the rest just went together easily. The track sections are part the side assemblies of the tank already, so that of course contributes drastically to the reduce workload for this particular kit.


Haven't done a Deredeo yet as it's inbound, but I've done five contemptors and don't expect Eddy to be much different. Guessing hot water will be needed for the cannons and ammo feeds.


Rules-wise the 4 are fairly different, though they all compete for a HS slot.


Spartan is the ultimate Astartes land carrier. It's basicly a normal Land raider on steriods. More than twice the carrying capacity, twice the las shots.


Fire raptor is flying troop destroyer that brings some limited teeth to deal with heavier targets as well. No transport on it, as its a dedicated gunship


Sicaran is a light vehicles worst nightmare, particularly skimmers, as it ignore jink saves, and produces a lot of shots at respectable strength that also has shred. It doesn't have any anti-air rules though, but that's where Eddy comes in.


Eddy got some heavy autocannon fire with a decent rate of fire. He can also brings indirect fire missiles that always hit side armor of vehicles. And if he stands still, he gets sky fire and interceptor

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Can vouch for the Sicaran; definitely fits right in with BA and fills the AA role just enough too. Eldar fear it, that alone speaks volumes. A real pleasure to paint too, with plenty of large flat surfaces to do things with.


Even more commendable is the Caestus Assault Ram. Forget its relatively high points, because you get more than what you pay for. AV 13, 13, 12 with a 5++ on the front, fast skimmer, flyer, tank. Yes, tank! Gives it the ram bonus and its misericorde gives +1 on the damage chart when ramming, but you shouldn't need to do this thanks to its twin-linked S8 AP1 large blast melta, and the one-shot S6 AP4 heavy 4 small blast missiles. Put the Battle of Keylek legacy of glory on it for 7 meltabombs and it becomes an absolute killer. Besides being the most reliable means for assault delivery. If you want those terminators getting into assault, the caestus will do that for you. Also the easiest model to build ever.

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Thank you all brothers

The lengthy replies and details have helped me decide much on this I currently posses no AA what so ever save for my 2 dev squads with MLs. Truly with much debate and through what you all have posted here I'm going with a Sicaran. Since I believe like most of what everyone was saying melds well with BA and is very killy especially against eldar. Also the Deredeo just because it looks like something out of mech warrior and is just a big gun platform. Or maybe should I buy two sicarans instead of the deredeo huh.png thats what I love about this hobby my friends the great community that it builds and the unlimited options and choices you have and just the joy of playing and modeling it brings. Again thank you everyone the help is much appreciated. I have no flyers what so ever in my army I absolutely refuse to have a flying red barn with bolt guns sticking out of it in my beautiful red and gold vampire angels army haha so the fire raptor is a must, but im going to get smaller kits and experiment with the hot water resin till i feel comfortable enough to drop $140-160 on a flyer that might need to have alot of warped bits fixed. Again thank you all for you assistance.

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A great choice!  I say stick with both the Sicaran and Deredeo.  Two different models that can do their jobs well of which will both give you a great introduction into the FW Resin tank arena.  I think you'll appreciate the single Sicaran and know you've got more range of choice models than if you saturated your purchase with repeat models.  GL !

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Ive just finished a FW Landraider Achilles for my Blood Angels force where it will be the transport for my captain and command squad.


I would definately reccommend giving all the bits a good clean first, i use warm water with a lot of fairy power spray in it and leave it to soak for 24-36 hours and it seems to do the trick though be prepared for the possiblity of having to have bits replaced if they were overly covered in releasing agent when then were cast or if the resin begins to sweat. A good super glue and filler is a must as is dry fitting as previously mentioned.


Quality of model is excellent and the Achilles is a real monster. Landraider with thunderfire cannon, twin linked multimeltas on the sponsons, sotrm bolter and hunter killer as well as ability to negate the melta and lance rules has made it a must for my force.

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