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Scion and IG bits mix


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Ive liked the look of the Scions for a while and thought about how I could integrate these into the small IG PDF force Ive been tinkering with.

So as one of the bitz sites had a weekend offer on last week I bought a few bits and enough to make this guy.

To give them some cohesion Im going to try and paint them the same as the guy on the right (but blended better and not looking so surprised!) and see what it looks like

Ive also got one of the spare Scion helmeted heads to try on one of my scouts.


Here we have them assembled with blutac pre undercoat



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Thanks Mehman

Ive cracked on with these two as testers for if I can get them to blend with the other unit i have


First up our little Scion friend. I wasnt sure about all the silver and thought brass may look better but Im fairly happy with it




When compared to one of my other IG guys I dont think they look too different.

What is interesting is there is a slight size difference, particularly the FW heads




Cracked on with the other guy too but hes still well in the WIP stages

Ive gone for the unshaven vet look 



Thanks guys

Last upload tonight as Ive got some work to do 



The Green is pretty simple. I had never painted IG before and picked up one of the pocket paint guides (size of a playing card) and the colours which is a base of catachan gree, a wash with nuln oil and then various blends through loren forest and straken green to a pure straken green out line


Ive about done with these now. Im pretty happy with them as a tester and might invest in a box of scions. 

All thats left is the blacks need highlighting and the backpacks need detailing


I also realise Ive painted the Jason Statham of IG




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