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Tale of 40k Gamers - Blood Angel Plog

Weird Porn Matt

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It has been a long, long, long time since I frequented this forum!
Why am I back, you might (probabaly won't) be asking yourself? Well, I've caught the 40k bug again!
Nowerdays I play warhammer fantasy; a lot. I am one of the hosts over at the The Black Sun podcast and I have been heavily playing 8th edition Warhammer since it was released. Including hitting up the UK tournament scene. Just to make a point of saying it, but I have not rage quit Warhammer. I just fancy something different and after bumping into a local guy who plays 40k I decided to take the plunge. I saw the Deathstorm boxset over at Element Games and just could not resist. I picked it up as an early xmas present; initially I decided to go for Tyranids however after reading the booklet I was instanly hooked on Blood Angels.
Somewhat due to me banging on about 40k a few fellow Fantasy players became interested in getting in 40k. This lead to my good friend (and fellow podcaster) Garry Hennessey decideding to re-lauch 'The Tale of 40k Gamers'; this will be a podcast dedicated to our escalation campaign which will follow our hobbying and gaming:
The first month starts at 750 points which we had 6 weeks to paint. I decided on the following:
Captain Karlean
Raphen's Death Company
Cassor the Damned
5 Terminators
Heavy Flamer, Cyclone Missle Launcher and Chain Fist
I had also decided to dabble in airbrushing for the frst time. I won't bang on about this but I used it to get the red armour base coated and shaded.


These are the results.
Captain Karlean:
Raphen's Death Company:
Cassor the Damned:
Army Shot:
I am intentially trying to steer clear of 'optimal' unit choices / army builds as I am somewhat tired of this in Fantasy. I am just going to paint and use what I like the look of.
I've now played a few games (8 last week!) and am very much enjoying the system; it really does work as a great side game to Fantasy. So far my games have been a mixed bag with only a few wins.
I have tried to keep this post brief so feel free to ask away with the questions! If people want more detail; just ask!

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Hello and welcome !


First of all very nice looking army, I love the details on Karleen, very nice! Would love to see Sang Guard painted :) Would you mind and go trough the painting process ?


Second, good to hear that someone enjoys 40k while comming from WHFB. In my local club people tend to do the right opposite :) Moreover, I hope that you will keep this enthusiasm.


Lastly, not going to go trought how good or bad the list is; but it is illegal . You cannot have more than one heavy weapon per 5 termies, therefore it is either cyclone -OR- heavy flamer. You need 10 to get both weapons.



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Welcome back!

Its great to see people just playing with units they love, its all too easy to fall into the trap of leving your favorite models on the shelf becuase "they arnt optimal".


I love the paint job on these and the bases are remarkable.

Let us know how you get on. :)

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Cheers for the feedback guys.


Thanks for the heads up on the illegal list! I will have to paint another terminator to replace the flamer.


In regards to painting the models this was actually my first use of an airbrush. The Terminators were sprayed grey and were then covered by a zenithal spray with white from a 45 degree angle. The first colour was airbrushed Mephiston Red, followed by army painter black in all the recess and underside of the models. I then finished the airbrushing with a very light top down highlight of Evil Sunz Scarlett.


Then it was a simple case of washing the armour with army painter strong tone ink and the applying the metal chipping effect with pure runefang steel.


The Deathcompany were all aribrushed army painter black, then edged highlighted with Mechanicus Standard Grey and Eshin Grey. The same chipping effect was applied.


I will be starting on next month's models next week, which will be the Space Hulk Librarian and either a Predator or Vindicator.


Gaming wise it has been a mixed bag, I have enjoyed all my games and managed to get roughly 8+ games since starting last month, ranging from 750 points up to 1600. These have all been played with Tactical Objectives which we all love to death. I am more than aware that my list isn't particulary good but I want to streer away from 'net-listing' for the campaign.


My games have gone roughly as follows:


750 vs Typhus / Deathguard List

- This was my first game and a big loss, he was running a trip-lascannon pred which killed Cassor and started picking off the Termies. Typhus cleaned them up.


1000 vs Eldar

- This was designed as an intro game and I took my above list plus the Librarian and a Melta squad in a drop pod. The melta unit was dissapointing and did 1 glancing hit to a fire prism. I was bladestormed early doors leaving me with few DC and the Termies were almost wiped out by the fire prism. Ended up a draw


750 vs Orks

- 6 killer Jan's were virtually impossible to put down and my shooting was shocking, Cassor went down early doors. A unit of burner boys wiped out the DC with shooting & snap fire. Big Loss. A rematched ended up pretty much the same way.


750 vs Iyaden Eldar

- Cassor was the star here as he made it into combat with a unit of Wraithguard with the flamer upgrade and butchered them. I was able to clear the rest of his army fairly easily after - that.


1500 vs Iyaden Eldar

- I learnt how horrid those Wraithguard with the flamers are, they killed the DC and Terminators. Big loss.


1500 vs Iyaden Eldar

- This time he took a Wraith Knight, he stole the first turn and wiped out my combat squadded units of devestators Turn 1. The DC with Astorath charged the Wraith Knight in my Turn 1; killing him. The remaining eldar shooting took me clean off.


1000 vs Typhus / Deathguard List

- This went much more in my favour as his las-pred loved missing, the Melta squad were again dissapointing. I also realised here how much defensive gernades stunt a DC charge. I went for Biomancy on the Librarian for the first time. Endurance on the Terminator squad allowed me to charge Typhus and his retinue of terminators and wipe them out over 2 rounds of combat with the loss of only a few of my terminators.


1600 vs Eldar

- I tried out the tac squad in a rhino with a heavy flamer, flamer and sgt with hand flamer. They wiped out a unit of harlies, dire avengers, and dark reapers. I drew the tactical objective cards giving me loads of VP's for killing his warlord; an Avatar of Khaine. I baited him into a charge with Cassor and the Avatar never went for a smash attack. I killed him over 3 rounds of combat. Another win.

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Off to a pretty good start there man.

I must say, some of the list you are palying against are crazy powerful. Typhus or 6 KillaKanz in a 750 point game? Jeez! o_o


I'm glad to hear that Cassor managed to put down an Avatar of Khaine, thats the one model (aside from Ghazkull) that I absolutly hate playing against. Hooray for Cassor!


Also glad to hear you've had success with a Heavy-Flamer Tac squad in a Rhino. I really dont think I play them agressivly enough and the unit always dies before I can get them to do anything useful.

Any tips for using Tac squads in your experience?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: the tactical squad I held them back in a nice solid bit of cover for the first turn. Being able to rock up behind more terrain the following turn, then move 6", disembark 6" and lay down 3 flamer templates on a squad of Harlies made up for the first few turns of inactivity. I let my opponent concentrate on the assault elements before using them to contest objectives late game.

Month 2
As we have now entered the second month of the campaign I needed to paint up my next 250 points. I have added the following:

Castiel - Librarian
Terminator Armour, Power Axe, Stormshield, Mastery Level 2

Overcharged Engines

I added the Librarian as I really require a bit of psychic might, I have been disappointed with the Blood Angels one so far so will likely be running Biomancy. He will be stomping around with the Terminators and the captain most of the time.

I added a Vindicator as I wanted some long range firepower and something to counter things like Tau battle suits & Plague Marines. A fast moving, Strength 10, AP2 pie plate seemed to fill a niche!


Here are the results of my painting this month



Although I had the full month to paint these I wanted to crack on. Castiel was up first and received the same airbrush basecoat on the armour as the Terminators (obviously swapping red for blue!). I am completely in love with this model and it was a joy to paint, the only conversion work was a slight re-pose of the axe head and adding a stormshield I picked up off eBay.

The Vindicator was again airbrushing using the same technique used for the Terminators. I spend extra time really darkening the underneath this time to create a good strong contrast over the larger surface areas. Suffice to say the chipping took farm far, far longer than I expected!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Been a tad on the quiet side as I finished this months contribution very quickly. Also with a big Warhammer Fantasy tournament coming up this weekend (South Coast Grand Tournament) I have been busy painting some Slaanesh warriors!


We have now entered the 3rd month for paint commitments and I have a Storm Raven and Drop pod to paint up. I am also swapping out the Terminators for Assault Termninators (3 Thunder Hammer and 2 Lightning Claws). Expect updates shortly.


Out of interest, is there any interest in a step-by-step guide on how I paint the armour?


I am also scratch building a lot of scenery if this is something people would be interested in seeing?

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I'm always interested in seeing people scratch build scenery, I like to see what other people use on their boards.


I found my Storm Raven was really dull to paint, so many big flat surfaces. -_-

Assault Terminators are great fun to paint tho. :D

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