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Land Raiding!


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I was looking into getting a land raider for my assault termies and was wondering what's the best for delivering for them to spamsh the enemy ? I want to use a thermy Liberian with them as well and 5 therms. I was thinking Maybe a redeemer, being that they have a 12 slot passenger cargo and 6 therms will fully fill that. Ideas and or thoughts thanks guys.
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5 Termies and an IC don't fit in a Land Raider Phobos, so you have to get the Crusader/Redeemer kit anyways. So just magnetize the sponsons. That way you can decide which of the two variants you want to use each game. If you want all three non-Forgeworld variants, buy the Phobos Land Raider kit and the Crusader/redeemer Upgrade kit and magnetize everything.


What powers do you plan on rolling for with the librarian?

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The crusader is better in my view, too hard to use the flame cannons on the redeemer.

And you get more space

6 hammers, axe (or staff) termie Libby, sang priest termie, or power armour the hqs and add another hammer

Just a little FYI, as of the 7th Ed BA Codex, Sang Priest Termies are no longer a thing.

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The crusader is better in my view, too hard to use the flame cannons on the redeemer.

And you get more space

6 hammers, axe (or staff) termie Libby, sang priest termie, or power armour the hqs and add another hammer

Just a little FYI, as of the 7th Ed BA Codex, Sang Priest Termies are no longer a thing.



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Or get this and never worry about space issues again smile.png

Do this if you have the money and the points. BTW does the Spartan have the Relic of the Armoury rule and what's the BA Keeper of Relics?

Chaplain. You can still take one relic without a Chappy though, and I can't see many people needing the second with a Spartan around!

Also IIRC the Spartan isn't really much more points than a LR. Please note though if you take it your gaming group may hate you... But then again in a world with Necrons, Eldar and Knights ignore them and drink thier BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD tears

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You get more capacity with the Crusader and more continued use of its weapons (the hurricane bolters). The Redeemer has less capacity, and you will get to use the flame cannons less, but when you do !!! you really smoke the enemy!


So its a toss up. I ran the redeemer at first, then stripped the sponsons and replaced them with hurricane bolters and ran the Crusader.


I get more mileage out of my Crusader not to mention more room for terminators.

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The crusader is better in my view, too hard to use the flame cannons on the redeemer.

And you get more space

6 hammers, axe (or staff) termie Libby, sang priest termie, or power armour the hqs and add another hammer

Just a little FYI, as of the 7th Ed BA Codex, Sang Priest Termies are no longer a thing.




But then, as an extra FYI, you could just ask your gaming group if you can bring a Sanguinary Priest with TDA.  That is absolutely my plan, because I frikkin' love the idea of a Sanguinary Priest and a Chaplain or Librarian, wearing TDA and running in a big whopping Terminator Assault Squad.


If your gaming group is any kind of half-decent, I don't see why they'd complain about it.  It's a minor change to the Codex which allows you to use models you (may) already have because of previous editions.  Just bear in mind, if they agree, they may ask you to allow them to do something similar.


Remember: it's a game.  The rules are guidelines, but you shouldn't ever let them stop you having fun!

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Yeah, especially if you run him as a PA priest with a power weapon. I don't think 1 model on a larger than normal base would make much of a difference.


I'll be running him as a Priest in terminator armour and paying 30 points to upgrade him with the armour, storm bolter and power weapon.

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That way he has more weapons than the 5th Ed codex allowed.

Replace bolt pistol with:

- a storm bolter


Replace all wargear with Terminator armour

with Chalice of Blood and power sword weapon (according to the errata)

So either you could not have taken the storm bolter because you didn't have a bolt pistol, or the storm bolter you paid for would be gone with the rest of the wargear, depending on the order of using the options.

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That way he has more weapons than the 5th Ed codex allowed.

Replace bolt pistol with:

- a storm bolter


Replace all wargear with Terminator armour

with Chalice of Blood and power sword weapon (according to the errata)

So either you could not have taken the storm bolter because you didn't have a bolt pistol, or the storm bolter you paid for would be gone with the rest of the wargear, depending on the order of using the options.





I wasn't basing anything on the 5th edition Codex.  I was looking at how much it cost other characters to take terminator armour.


Look, by focusing on how many points or how many weapons or whatever the model has, you're completely missing the point here.  The point is exactly this: if you want to field a Sanguinary Priest in terminator armour, then do it so long as you have the blessings of your gaming group.  The specifics and the details do not matter.


You might find your group is happy for you to do it one way, but not another.  You might find you've just plain forgotten about the Chalice of Blood in your excitement to play the model.  You might find you have to shelf the model for some games against some people.  Point is: if you want to do it, find a way that your gaming group will agree to it and cut loose.

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Definitely need a mixed squad, especially if using the Baal Strike Force formation, so the +1 initiative has value.  +1S for red thirst. +1WS if you have a Sanguinary Priest.  So maybe 3 Therms and 2 Dclaws, put in a Sanguinary (axe), and a 3+/4++ chaplain (crozius and infernous pistol), you get 12 slots filled...Sanguinary at the back, let the sergeant fight most challenges.  Crusader w/ MM.  Reroll misses on the charge.  Ramp down, charge out!  

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Don't get me wrong, by all means have fun every way you like as long as the other guys in your group also have fun. I just wanted to point out that what you got is actually better and cheaper than what the previous codex allowed.

A current example (actually the only one) is that the Deathwing Apothecary replaces his power-fist with a Narthecium, leaving him armed only with a Storm Bolter. Might be worth considering when proposing a build to prospective victims opponents. 

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