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DKoK. Armoured Battlegroup, 143reg

Red Skullz

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I've got a thread going in the hobby forum but this seemed like a fine place also! Oh and I'm on BoLS.


I'm making an armoured battlegroup first as it's the easiest way of getting a painted army on its feet. I will continue and make a siege regiment as well. I've got everything I need for it.


Here's the stuff I've finished so far.







More pics and WiPs here https://bigbossredskullz.wordpress.com/category/dkok/


I'll keep you all posted from this point :)



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Thought I'd join in on the Iron Sleet Invitational. This is the early WiP of my contribution. An ordo Xenos inquisitor protected by his servitors. https://bigbossredskullz.wordpress.com/2015/02/26/uninvitational-a-merciless-wip/



Last minute correction on Peacock, drilling out the barrels ;) Other than that go check out the great find I did when I was back in my hometown this weekend and the rest of the WiPs from everyone else in the Iron Sleet Invitational https://bigbossredskullz.wordpress.com/2015/03/03/uninvitational-a-merciless-wip-3/



@Chefzilla: thank you! Russian ww2 where definitely part of my inspiration when painting these.


@Mehman: thanks, and I agree on Mikko's trio. I really like them myself.

I need to get the painting started asap as I'll have to really push myself on these. So the sooner I can block out the base colours the better :)

Yeah now I just need to figure out what to use it as :D

Had to get started on the painting. This isn't half bad I guess but as I'm a INQ 28 / Blanchitsu noob do give some feedback :) More pics in the blog https://bigbossredskullz.wordpress.com/2015/03/05/uninvitational-a-merciless-pip-mean-machine/



Good Emperor he looks snazzy biggrin.png! What colour will the base be?

My only critique could be the colour of the harpoon. Why is it the same as the fist?

All in all a great looking start!

EDIT: Never mind about the base colour as I just had a read of your blog. Nice.

Have you tried a chipped white? A nod to Moby Dick, perhaps (white harpoon instead of white whale)? Of course, that'd be my humour.


There's always a shiny brass colour to consider. I know you're looking at dark metals but, hey, you already have one hand gold. Or, via the Dusk Raiders, keep the harpoon gold and make him have a red right hand.


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