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Overcosted Chaos-Lord can work ?Hammer and anvil.


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Hi guys, i had an idea , i dont know if it is good or bad, but i wanted a Damage dealer Chaos lord, and be a tank at the same time like a Chapter master, So i came up with this build :

*Crimson Slaughter Detachment*

Chaos Lord

Mark of Nurgle


The Slaughterer's Horn

Lighting Claw

Palanquin of Nurgle

Blight grenades

Gift of Mutation

and/or a combi-weapon

so you can remove or add more items, like Blades of the relentless etc... but the overall idea is Palanquin with deamonheard sick?

205 points Chaos Lord :




It Will Not Die

5wounds (palanquin and +1 Attack)

RAGE,Hammer Of Wrath, Furious Charge


And lucky gift..(eternal warrior, FnP, +1Toughness or re-roll armorsaves, OR even +1 wound 6wounds smile.png etc...)

Very bulky,

Is this sick?? 4Attacks base, +2 charge with FC,) if you keep Bolt.pistol and give him something like Power axe-sword he keeps an extra attack,instead of the Lighting claw.

So noone ever said anything about this build....Any opinions? is he good? i made him for my Iron warriors, so any idea for improvement or not to pick him would be nice!

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I normally run my version of Doom Rider using Black Legion and then throw him in a 5 man squad of slaaneshi bikers with an icon of excess.

Chaos Lord
Mark of Slaanesh

Sigil of Corruption
Skull of Ker'gnar
Spineshiver Blade

Hand of Darkness

Comes in at 250 points.

In my local meta, he is so feared, that almost all of my opponents try and focus fire his unit down. He always makes it to CC turn 2 with 1 other biker however, and then they bitch and moan about how OP Chaos is as he single handedly slaughters units.

Tyranaids really fear the Hand of Darkness as it's Instant Death, wounds on a 2+ and only invuln saves vs. it. I've even had marine dreadnaughts run away from him out of fear of the Hand of Darkness...

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Hi Sn4k30r.


Only things I see he'll have problems with is his slow movement, standard initiative, and lack of punch against armour for those Dreadnought moments.


Generally most seem to go for the bike option with its high speed and +1T as a CC Lord delivery option. And with a combo of Power Fist and Lightning Claw which is points heavy but let's you hit more targets and still have +1A.


Personally I like characters to have character which yours does (though I'd drop the Horns myself as they're more suitable with high movement).

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I did this set up alot last year before I went stopped playing for months (More everyone at my club is warmachine fans so barely any 40k games) though I did Sorcerer mastery 3 which was slightly a bit more expensive but dropping claw and combi bolter for a power axe force sword combo. He was a beast carving through anything he faced sometimes summoning daemons if I felt like a jerk. Speed is a big big issue. though I remedied this by shoving him in a Spartan with a squad of guys, even more expensive but totally worth it. The resilience of the Palanquin HQ combined with the almost unstoppable Spartan meant my opponent diverted all his heavy hitters at my HQ trying to stop him which was especially helpful in double battles when I was usually playing with sisters of battle otherwise it tied up my opponents units enabling me to claim objectives or target undefended squads of squishy targets. Slow speed can be a good thing as if put in a large blob of guys means there are bullet shields to soak up damge leaving your HQ to get to his target though make sure you have a mobile unit or two so you can divert or lead enemies away or towards the HQ

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Hm.... yeah sure the T6 biker and the speed is a better option i believe, He needs for sure the Land raider or spartan of any time, What about a dredclaw maybe? i dont know if he is worthy. Forte the horns are for the FC rule and the rage more than the HoW :) its hard to take extra attacks with Nurgle lord without deamon weapon...


Some thought are many bodies CSM into LR or Nurgle for be harder to die inside raider still good amount of attacks but In3... :(      or a Dreadclaw i am thinking, all in the Iron warriors theme siege LRs-Pods, thats i can think about, maybe needs some shave on Points to be more playable still! i was thinking a Deamon prince of  Nurgle but with 4wounds and a 3+save or 2+cover vs wave serpents and so much ignore cover i saw him as more waste of points.....

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I normally run my version of Doom Rider using Black Legion and then throw him in a 5 man squad of slaaneshi bikers with an icon of excess.


Chaos Lord

Mark of Slaanesh


Sigil of Corruption

Skull of Ker'gnar

Spineshiver Blade

Hand of Darkness


Comes in at 250 points.


In my local meta, he is so feared, that almost all of my opponents try and focus fire his unit down. He always makes it to CC turn 2 with 1 other biker however, and then they bitch and moan about how OP Chaos is as he single handedly slaughters units.


Tyranaids really fear the Hand of Darkness as it's Instant Death, wounds on a 2+ and only invuln saves vs. it. I've even had marine dreadnaughts run away from him out of fear of the Hand of Darkness...

Dont forget its only 1 attack the hand....and is so expensive in m opinion, but if it works for you its ok.  why Mark of Slaanesh instead MoN for T6 so you have no need of Skull? you dont fear fear s10 only Instant death attacks which arent many anyway, for +1 initiative? plus +1 from Blade?

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I've been thinking of a Nurgle Lord on a Palanquin as well. Here's how I'd arm him:


Mark of Nurgle

Power Fist

Lightning Claw

Sigil of Corruption

Blight Grenades



Then I'd put him in a squad of 3 Mutilators, 1 lvl3 Biomancy Sorcerer in a Land Raider. Comes out to about 783pts, but a pretty killy and survivable unit.

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Dont forget its only 1 attack the hand....and is so expensive in m opinion, but if it works for you its ok.  why Mark of Slaanesh instead MoN for T6 so you have no need of Skull? you dont fear fear s10 only Instant death attacks which arent many anyway, for +1 initiative? plus +1 from Blade?


I know Nurgle would be better, but I play Slaanesh and Tzeentch exclusively. Plus, because he has the mark of Slaanesh, I can throw him in with a Chaos Biker unit with the Icon of Excess (requires MoS), granting him FnP and allowing him to make it to the enemy.


As to the Hand of Darkness, I know it's 1 attack, but when I read the stats to the oponent, they freak out and then do everything to try and kill him leaving my 20+ daemonetes and seekers alone. Plus he destroys Monstrous Creatures and Walkers. Last game I played against tyranids he killed a Mawloc, Carnifex and a Trigon; one punch each.


Honestly though, the reason I take that wargear is because that is how I modelled him, exactly like Doom Rider. He has a flaming skull head (Skull of Ker'gnar), his right hand is doing the sign of the horns (Hand of Darkness) and his left hand is holding a Daemon Weapon (Spinshiver Blade), all while surfing on his flaming Chaos Bike.

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Honestly though, the reason I take that wargear is because that is how I modelled him, exactly like Doom Rider. He has a flaming skull head (Skull of Ker'gnar), his right hand is doing the sign of the horns (Hand of Darkness) and his left hand is holding a Daemon Weapon (Spinshiver Blade), all while surfing on his flaming Chaos Bike.



And this is why Chaos is awesome.

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Honestly though, the reason I take that wargear is because that is how I modelled him, exactly like Doom Rider. He has a flaming skull head (Skull of Ker'gnar), his right hand is doing the sign of the horns (Hand of Darkness) and his left hand is holding a Daemon Weapon (Spinshiver Blade), all while surfing on his flaming Chaos Bike.



And this is why Chaos is awesome.


Second.    I think modelling Chaos WYSIWYG is one of my favorite things ever. 



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Always a bad idea.


Not true. It's fine on a Sorcerer with Prophet of the Voices. That way you can Summon for longer without dying to Perrils.


But isn't summon bombs run better with demon casters, and the sorc is kept cheap with voices, because there is no points to run upgraded.





Honestly though, the reason I take that wargear is because that is how I modelled him, exactly like Doom Rider. He has a flaming skull head (Skull of Ker'gnar), his right hand is doing the sign of the horns (Hand of Darkness) and his left hand is holding a Daemon Weapon (Spinshiver Blade), all while surfing on his flaming Chaos Bike.


And this somehow stops you from runing the normal lord set up with the same model? Do you run that many power sword armed models in your list ? Same lord same bike +2armor fist/claw counts as looks the same, but works beter.

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But isn't summon bombs run better with demon casters, and the sorc is kept cheap with voices, because there is no points to run upgraded.


No, then don't take a Sorcerer with prophet of the voices at all. What's the point if you don't plan on summoning with him? If you do: Take both Prophet of the Voices ánd a Palaquin of nurgle.

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Insta killed by Str10 stuff which is there is a fair amount of in CC with Thunder Wolf Characters and slow as molasses.

Personally I would prefer a Bike, makes him not just melt to Str10 and gives him tons of speed, I also pile mine up with Daemon Heart/Horns/Blade. I can break him off from his unit and go kill a soft unit early and it really gets him going once he gets 3 kills and becomes AP2 in CC.  

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No, then don't take a Sorcerer with prophet of the voices at all. What's the point if you don't plan on summoning with him? If you do: Take both Prophet of the Voices ánd a Palaquin of nurgle.

Taking the Palaquin requires the Mark of Nurgle, which in turn forces you to give up 2 of your 4 powers to the Nurgle discpline. Cuts down your summoning options to really just being guarenteed the Primas power.



With regards to the OP, personally I don't favour a Palaquin for a Lord, unless you've got Spartan assault tank you struggle to accompany him with a decent bodyguard as he's too slow on foot.


Still prefer the Bike or Juggernaut, though I am curious to try a Chaos Lord on a Disk of Tzeentch with a bodyguard of Spawn or Raptors.

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No, then don't take a Sorcerer with prophet of the voices at all. What's the point if you don't plan on summoning with him? If you do: Take both Prophet of the Voices ánd a Palaquin of nurgle.

Taking the Palaquin requires the Mark of Nurgle, which in turn forces you to give up 2 of your 4 powers to the Nurgle discpline. Cuts down your summoning options to really just being guarenteed the Primas power.


I understand that fully, but what are your options really? You already invest heavily into the model (lvl 3, voices, spell familiar ánd only being able to join possessed). What are you going to do if you lose 1 of your 2 wounds on your first cast due to Perrils? You can't summon with a 2 wound model and expect it to live long, that's for sure. And taking him for a possible cursed earth and trying to roll that with 1 dice ain't exactly a brilliant plan I'd say.

But well, that's my view on the matter.

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Try this out for size:



Sigil of Corruption


Crucible of Lies

Skull of Kerngar


Lightning Claw

Pretty much same as mine except i have the hand of darkness instead of the fist :p

Well. That was stupid of me no to notice your post

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