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Thanx for the tips. here is what I got


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I split a dark vengeance box with a friend for the book and the crimson slaughter models, and am starting down the dark path. I'm getting the codex next month but have the supplement and some models to start with. I want to run krannon and a sorcerer with the balestar with the chosen in a rhino. 6 possessed, and 20 cultists for troop requirements. Then 2 mauler fiends for the first CA detachment.  The 3 helbrute  Mayhem Pack from the data slates. The second CA detachment will have a Daemon prince w/ wings armor and a relic weapon (likly the black mace). a warpsmith to keep my walkers going. and 2 min squads of cultists.

As I mentioned don't yet have the codex so I'm using battle scribe to make it for now but its approximately 2000 points.

I'm new to playing marines yet alone chaos but I think its a solid fun list to play what do you think?

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It is a lot of different force orgs. You could probably simplify. 




DP (nurgle) with whatever upgrades you like

Kranon, warpsmith or sorceror (all of them are optional)

Chosen in rhino (and focus on it being shooting rather than assault - so special weapons)

10 cultists



Helbrute detachment.


It has the making of a decent list - with all the armour saturation. But be warned - vehicles are kinda flimsy with hull points. 


Devil is in the detail - chosen and demon prince can become very pricey with some upgrades. Give them a role and use them accordingly. 


With this list, fast attack choices (pick one, they are all pretty good) would be the next addition - as you have a fast army that can be looking to assault turn 2. Make it hard for the opponent to choose targets. Whichever you choose, it would be a good place for your second hq, with a bike or jump pack. 


My 2c

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Honestly seems all over the place as lists go, my suggestion would be to pick a focus for the army.


For example


Sorcerer with Balestar paired with Draznicht's Ravagers, arm them with Plasma Guns, at least a 6 man squad including Draznicht. Rhino acts as a way to shield one flank. Divination helps you keep the unit alive longer and shooting more effectively.

Krannon, if used on foot, needs a half decent bodyguard so maybe add in the expansion set, give him a Land Raider, Mark of Slaanesh and a Noise Marine bodyguard armed with extra CC weapons.

Cultists field as a blob to provide some "shoot me now" targets, field as a single unit to reduce the chance that they break.

Mayhem Pack is fun but unpredictable, paired up with deep Striking Terminators should cause an enemy to suffer from target fatigue, and split their fire, giving them all longer lifespan. If they do focus on a single unit until destroyed, maximise your firepower by doing the same.

Raptors are take it or leave it, but can work as a mobile shooting base, drop them in close for rapid fire bolters and flamers to weaken a troop unit for a charge from the Terminators.

A pair of Maulerfiends certainly makes for a fine addition, but personally I'd rather a pair of Heldrakes to round out this force, gives you anti-air options, arm with Hades Autocannon for a flexible loadout of anti-infantry / anti-armour.


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Suggestion for using Dark Vengeance models, the chosen equipment is kinda all over the place and not terribly useful to use all together in one squad, so I use my DV chosen as CSM unit champions, works great as they are nice models. 

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I can't take the codex artifacts for the prince so I need the extra formation. I should have mentioned I want to keep it khorn/crimson slaughter based as much as possible.


Right now what I have model wise is:

Dark vengeance kit, 2 more helbrutes, 20 more cultists, 5 possessed, 8 marines, 2 maulerfiends,3 rhinos, warpsmith, daemon prince, and 10 raptors/voidclaws. And I'm getting a juggernaut to put kranon on.

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