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Rhino 'Baggage'

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Hi all.

I'm wanting to for a tactical looking rhino for my veteran squad, with extra baggage, antenna, webbing etc on the sides.

Anybody know anywhere that sells this kind of stuff? I can't really think of anywhere, apart from the few bits you get in the Imperial Guard tank kits.

Any help would be appreciated!

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I think in past, I've seen the GW Battlefield Accessories Set used to good effect for extra stowage/equipment as necessary. Webbing could be done quite easily with any form of mesh, or a 'papier-mâché'-esque effect. 


That said, there may well be other companies producing more comprehensive additional bits - but I'm currently unaware of them!

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Do a google search for "model tank stowage" and you'll find literally scores of companies that cast various pieces for use on model tanks. Anything in the 1:35 to 1:48 scale will fit in some capacity on a Rhino.


My thoughts exactly. Also expect it to be much cheaper than buying any GW equivalent kits.

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It also worth checking out the Scout Bikers & Land Speeder storm kit.  I use this for my IW Rhinos for a lot of the extra bags & antenna.


For webbing, it worth checking out historical wargaming & historical display models range.  I seen them from time to time being sold that local wargaming events & model show.  Other wise using bandage soak in water down pva glue? could work out.  There a few way of doing this, but again worth checking with historical side of thing.


Forge World use to sell some really cool part for tanks but seem they've been remove :(

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You can make a whip antenna pretty easily, either with appropriately thin brass rod (it will hold the bend if you choose to stow it in the "folded" position) or with some plastic tubing of the sort you can find in assorted packs in your hobby story.  Forgeworld sells oil drums, although these may be out of place, since they're scaled for a super-heavy.  Tamiya (IIRC; don't have the box handy) has a line of sandbags that might look good in a low stack on the top of a vehicle, a la WW2 practice.  They're in the historical miniature range.

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